bobbyjoelinneman16 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, crazy to the people who don't live in that world. I'm not even sure i believe the narrative that johnjohn is the ultimate white hat, as i said, no more saviours

bobbyjoelinneman16 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol getting downvotes for discussing y-heads on an ostensible Q-related site...lol.

bobbyjoelinneman16 1 point ago +1 / -0

heh, my comments from my 4th account deleted...nice. and you ppl wonder why those of us who have been aware of and dealing with the cabal long before Q ever showed sometimes have an insulting tone. lol.

bobbyjoelinneman16 1 point ago +2 / -1

no one knows or cares who jfk jr is in 2022. and him faking his own death would just be evidence he's a nutjob, in most people's minds.

no more saviors, no more heroes, no more expectations that someone else is going to bail you out.

by BQnita
deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0
by BQnita
bobbyjoelinneman16 7 points ago +7 / -0

except in this movie, we are the collateral damage, the extras getting killed by the monster, or out if control weather, or zombie disease

bobbyjoelinneman16 3 points ago +4 / -1

didnt work for me during the 6 weeks i was bedridden by "covid" (and yes, i take plenty of every beneficial supplement, zinc vit D etc, in my source of life liquid gold multivitamin, for years) or my immediate family member that died from "covid" ( and no there were no comorbidities)

bobbyjoelinneman16 0 points ago +1 / -1

from personal experience, ivermectin did nothing when i was bedridden for 6 weeks from the bioweapon "covid", ivermectin also did nothing for my family member that died from it.

bobbyjoelinneman16 -16 points ago +6 / -22

i will never understand the post-9/11 bizarre love affair Americans have with the rabid dogs that comprise 'specops', these guys would kill you and your family without blinking an eye if any of their masters told them to do so.

bobbyjoelinneman16 3 points ago +3 / -0

i dont think the objective is to address "overpopulation", thats just another layer of psyop. the post-diluvian atlanteans/nephilim/'Arya' who run the world were the ones who engineered the overpopulation of the 20th century in the first place. cyclically occurring mass death seems to be the goal.

bobbyjoelinneman16 2 points ago +2 / -0

or not, depending on who is signing his paycheck.

bobbyjoelinneman16 2 points ago +2 / -0

both refer to atlanteans/nephilim, "Y" is a representation of their breeding program, also referenced in "two become one" symbolism. "family Y" is post-diluvian atlanteans... they were also known as "Arya"/"Aryans", had red hair and green or blue eyes (blonde blue-eyes are nordic, not "Aryan"), also the same as "nephilim", created and genetically manipulated to manage the planet (in their view)

bobbyjoelinneman16 3 points ago +3 / -0

family Y is a set of post-diluvian atlanteans, AKA "nephilim"

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