bootyjuice 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always assumed they were actually mercenaries, acting as their SS detail. If I recall correctly, when Obama first got in, I remember there being this whole dust up with the SS and his entire detail getting replaced.

bootyjuice 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you google "Vril society injection", the second result is:


The 4th result, lol:

"S.Hrg. 107-1050 — HUMAN CLONING"

Just throwing that out there.

bootyjuice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm more interested in what EO15 is referring to. I couldn't find anything on executive order 15. If you drop the O, E15 is blended gasoline. Kind of interesting considering he's holding a torch.

bootyjuice 1 point ago +1 / -0

The federal reserve system still has to collapse. I always thought it would be towards the end of Bidens term, right before the elections. But now it seems like it will be done during Trumps next term. Probably using them to take the blame when it happens.

bootyjuice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its a mix of military and civilian. Already confirmed via drops. You don't have to be military to use the lingo, it's not hard to learn. If you don't know about Barron, do some research. The kid is a genius. Rumored to be autistic, which is why he's almost always with his mom. Rarely leaves her side. But hey, just my opinion.

bootyjuice 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was a rumor going around on the chans after they got the laptop. And apparently all the officers in the room who saw the video from the laptop (I think it was 5 or 6 of them? sry trying to recall) have all died. The video is supposed to be hillary and huma cutting off a little girls face while she is still alive and putting it on like a mask.

bootyjuice 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair, its not like most people go around carrying dead bodies in broad daylight. If I was driving by and glanced over real quick, I would have probably thought it was just a dude messing around with his girlfriend or something.

bootyjuice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, it's prolly cause it's his dad and JA is a fake name.

bootyjuice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see what you are saying, but you are only thinking about it from your point of view. Try to imagine it from his. A psychopath with immense wealth and power to influence and control entire nations. He essentially owns your government. That person is untouchable. Imagine the ego that comes with that. So is it actually stupidity? Or is he simply brazen. For arguments sake, lets say it is real. He's telling you exactly how he plans on fucking you up to destroy you. Now, what are you going to do about it? Nothing. Every time you step into a grocery store, you are surrounded by poison in pretty packaging that you pay for and eat. Those people are Satanists. Apart of their belief system is telling you exactly what they plan on doing to you. That way they avoid negative karma in the afterlife.

bootyjuice 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm only in my 30's and when I was 7, I had the same kind of independence. I rode my bike everywhere around town and came home when it started to get dark. This is crazy to me. Those other adults were probably the kids wearing helmets, leashes, and getting participation trophies.

bootyjuice 2 points ago +2 / -0

The whole interview is over an hour long. Obviously in this small clip, there is a lot left out of the conversation that was already said and/or implied. Some things cannot be outright said, thats why you have to fill in the blanks with what should be obvious given the context of the conversation. Otherwise the video gets taken down and your channel gets attacked and harassed if you start speaking too much truth. Don't you know how social media works yet?

bootyjuice 7 points ago +7 / -0

This county is right next to me about 15 mins away. North Florida really is a great place to live. Because of the multiple military bases next to each other, there are a ton of vets here. Breaking into someone's house is basically a death sentence if you're dumb enough to try it lol.

bootyjuice 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was a long read, but I made it through. Just wow.

bootyjuice 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Their strategy with Vivek changed. Him acting like Obama didn't work. So now he's acting like MAGA to try to split Trumps voters base. Lifting him up would be a dead give away. They are putting on a show with him to convince normies who don't know any better and can't tell he's a snake.

bootyjuice 13 points ago +15 / -2

Vivek is the puppet they control. He tried acting like Obama by copying his mannerisms and speeches word for word. And when that didn't work, now he's trying to act like he's MAGA and pretending to call out the swamp. This guy is so phony it stinks.

bootyjuice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, Katt's insider knowledge is limited to Hollywood. When it comes to politics, everything he has said publicly is pretty normie. Whether he truly believes it or not, I'm still not sure. I like to think it's more of a "picking your battles" type of move because of how much he has exposed about Hollywood over the years. If he starts poking at politics too, he might end up not alive sooner rather than later.

bootyjuice 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hopefully there is an autist out there that can make a compilation video of all the pizza and chomo jokes from these weirdos. That way when the Epstein names finally drop, people finally realize they have been flaunting it in their faces the entire time.

bootyjuice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Option #4 - It was a fake out to get her to expose her exit plan. If you can recall the timeline after that post was made, it was immediately announced HRC was leaving the country. I think they claimed she was going to Ireland or something.

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