Amen brother.. Been on low carb for years.. I am 6'3", 230lbs, muscular, works just as you have described..
I knew you were silently stalking my mom.. ok, you've jerked off, now get lost..
By far not.. The most vaxxed place in the world is arguably Gibraltar, with over 99% double-vaxxed and 88% triple-vaxxed.
Israel has ~66% vaccination rate, with almost 56% of the population with three shots.. Four shots are quite rare..
That's Bruce Willis with a fake moustache..
That is not correct.. It was Hungary's Orban who was a member but then he flipped sides..
Not entirely sure, but it kinda starts to make sense after reading this..
Original video starring GS here:
"Just a little critical thinking" vs. the reality
Lots of BS in that post. There are many areas of military where Russia clearly lags behind, especially navy and expeditional warfare, but in terms of strategic weapons, Russia is decades ahead of the US.. While United States Strategic Command are still trying hard to dust off 50-year old LGM-30s getting their launch programs on 5,25" floppies, Russians have fielded five generations of ICBMs (RT-2, UR-100N, RT-2PM2, RS-28, RS-24..) in the meantime and are now getting to the RS-26. US strategic forces are a joke, underfunded, underdeveloped, understaffed, equipped with 70s tech without MIRVs or HGVs.. the only face saving measure are Trident II D5s, while both China and Russia are working on 2nd generation hypersonic gliders.. Nah, I know you never heard of these, nevermind, you can steal blueprints of a DF-ZF or Yu-74 one day and learn a thing or two..
Sputnik has been fielded six months before the rollout of Janssen and is based on two adenoviruses, the Ad.5 and Ad.26. It's apparent that J&J have stolen that technology from Gamaleya, albeit weren't able to copy it in its entirety to come out on time, therefore resorted to adopting only half of that and make it a single-shot with double volume. Clearly an act of desperation under time pressure.. Believe what you want, but the Sputnik thing demonstrates a clearly superior safety profile, with 6-times less infections and more importantly, 32-times less fatalities than Pfizer.
Sometimes you need to take the head out of your ass and look around.. Have a nice day..
I will make it short..
- Sputnik was not stolen.. Quite on the contrary, the Janssen vaccine is a copy of Sputnik, actually a half of Sputnik (only uses Ad.26 vector)
- I don't use data from Russia, I got data from Hungary. Just FYI, Hungary is pretty much the only Euro country using both Pfizer, AZ, Moderna, Janssen, Sputnik and Sinovac where a direct comparison is possible.. Sputnik is MUCH safer than anything else.. I live here, where do you?
- The typical rant about Russian being a 3rd world country leaves me totally unimpressed. You have no idea, buddy..
- I actually work in the defense sector.. those weapons are being taken seriously by anyone who has at least two brain cells left. The typical rant regd. "if US don't have it, then how can Russia have it?" does not apply with people who actually have an idea about how Russians operate.
- My line of work and Russian forums, actually.. I spend a lot of time there..
As I said, you have no idea.
Well.. it is what it is.. if you think the next large-scale war with Russia could remain conventional and as such be limited to Russia's soil with the enemy territory untouched, then think twice.. Putin has been very vocal on this specific issue, not aiming at anyone specifically, but I think it was a clear message to both NATO and China..
They got some 1750 active warheads and few thousands more in the reserve.
Same here.. I have learned Russian for two years but since my mother's tongue is Slavic, it wasn't such a huge leap for me..
How's that different from DJT? Even under Trump, American TV and news outlets were constantly spewing liberal leftist propaganda. Many gubernators are not on Putin's side.. The oligarchy, once having emerged under Jelzin, wilent silent support of the worldwide cabal, are doing everything they can to get him down and sell the country's resorces off for a dutch superyacht and few luxury apartments in London.
The notion that Putin is somehow able to control everything that moves in Rusia is blatantly wrong, he has his own swamp to drain. Especially Moscowites are liberal scum, they hate him with the same passion DC hates Trump.
As for the vax, the situation in Russia is very similar to any other country, you are correct, albeit with one notable exception.. There is no mRNA technology there.. What you can choose from is a vector-based Sputnik V, peptide-based EpiVacCorona (Aurora-CoV) and some Chinese stuff.. We have some very solid data from Hungary regd. this Sputnik V thing - unlike with Pfizer or Moderna, there are practically no deaths due to side effects. There is a widespread theory that Russian vaccines are in fact placebo,a move Putin had to make to satisfy the cabal..
Think of Putin as a man between the rock and a hard place.. Liberals demand he opens up to the west and bows to the US.. hardliners consider him too weak and demand few Tsirkon missiles to be launched against NATO ships in the Black Sea, to exhibit Russia's power.. One thing is certain, he has a mind of a 5D chess player, just like Trump. Does it make him automatically a hero? Hard to say.. But it would require in-depth knowledge of local circumstances to properly judge his actions and with all due respect, that's hard to accomplish without knowledge of Russian.
No chance of knowing this one, unless you saw them everywhere as a child, just like myself.. :) You're welcome, fren!
Drzime liniu, kluku ceskej.. nic se neboj! Yeah, seveal convoys planned, look here for more details..
This is obviously an old Czechoslovak Praga V3S (Military 3-tonne special) in the AD 080 autocrane version.. Basically an indestructible communist machine of doom..
How this precious gem found its way to Canada is beyond my comprehension.. But the condition is splendid, that's for sure!
Kamionaci, na Prahu! Slovak patriots are with you, brothers..
Too bad I am in Europe and don't have a truck.. But I am with you, brothers!
Same in Slovakia.. The government is abandoning compulsory vaccination. Matovic: Omikron "inoculates" everyone.
The story with Nowax Djokovic has a much deeper background.. It is necessary to take into account the thwarted lithium mining project in Serbian Loznica, where the worldwide second largest company for the mining of metals and minerals, the Australian-British Rio Tinto, lost the deal worth $ 2.4 billion. Purely by accident, John Kunkel, former manager of Rio Tinto, is the main advisor of ScoMo (Prime Minister Scott Morrison) and a close friend with Alex Hawke who basically orchestrated the whole affair with Djokovic as a personal vendetta towards Serbians.. Nothing to see here ..
The only link you'll ever need, fren..
I am happily married and we met through a dating app..
I've caught the original Wuhan variant back in Feb 2020. No idea what it was but sure as hell it wasn't a Flu. And vaccines did not exist back then, therefore shedding can be ruled out.
These are the real ghosts of Kiev.. Ukrainian MiG-29s at Ivano-Frankovsk AFB.