celticwhisper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've had a Wenger SwissGear backpack for decades - is Wenger woke? If not, check them out.

celticwhisper 1 point ago +1 / -0

So here's how you deal with these. First off, you have to be running Android - this won't work on an iPhone.

Step 1: Root your phone. This whole fix depends on root access. I've read it can be done via USB debugging but I haven't tried - any Android hackers in the house who can confirm or deny, please feel free.

Step 2: Once rooted, you need either a root file browser or a program like Titanium Backup. I prefer to use Titanium Backup or something like it because the change is reversible should you ever need that.

Step 3: Open your browser/backup tool and look through your system. You're looking for a module called com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver. This file is what controls the EAS system. Weather alerts, amber alerts, alert tests, and yes, presidential alerts --ALL-- depend on this module. It's the brain that makes alerts work on Android.

Step 4: Once you find the file, either freeze it (Titanium Backup) or delete it (whatever other method you want). You just lobotomized the phone's emergency alert subsystem.

Step 5: To check that it worked, go into your settings and browse to Safety & Emergency -> Wireless Emergency Alerts. If the settings app suddenly crashes, the fix worked. It crashes because it can't access the part of the system that it needs to manage settings.

This will completely cripple all alerts. No alerts will be able to reach you while the CellBroadcastReceiver module is disabled/frozen/deleted. If you live in an area prone to weather disasters or otherwise find emergency alerts useful, you may want to weigh pros and cons before doing this, but I can confirm this definitely does work to block presidential alerts - I did it 5 years ago when they tested the EAS system and I got no alert. As a test, I left my phone unrooted this time around with all alerts turned off through settings (the normal, non-root way) and I got today's alert.

celticwhisper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guns don't kill people, the Deep State kills people.

celticwhisper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so glad I left Illinois. I still need to get my family and friends out, but bailing on that flaming shitpile of a state in response to Governor Creosote stealing my wedding back in '20 was the best decision I ever made.

I hope some lowlife thug released without bail goes and steals Pritzker's liposuction machine.

celticwhisper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kamala in the Leia slave bikini? There is not enough bleach, alcohol or therapy in the world to erase the horror of that sight from my mind.

You dirty rotten bastard.

celticwhisper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Color of law, but I would advocate for the same thing. IANAL so I don't know exactly how applicable it is in the letter of the law or how realistic it is for a sheriff to arrest a governor, but I would dsmn sure love to see it happen.

That or a mob with torches and pitchforks.

celticwhisper 7 points ago +7 / -0

"Those who test positive for COVID-19 would still have to wear a mask in required settings."

That's the next step - there should be no such thing as a required setting. It hurts to say it, but we need an infringement on the ability of private organizations (collectives) to force these things on private citizens (individuals).

celticwhisper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh please let "Bud Light" become a colloquial verb for enforcing Get Woke Go Broke.

celticwhisper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, and there was no "v" sound as we know it in modern English. It was indistinguishable from "u."

So "veni vidi vici" would have been pronounced "wenny, widdy, weekee."

celticwhisper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, technically it would stop the coof. It would stop everything else too but Schwab is all bathwater, no baby.

celticwhisper 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not about never using profanity. It's about using it sparingly and judiciously so as not to deplete its potency.

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