changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now it's time for that ribeye... : )

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't disagree.

But it's not our strongest argument. A lefty could just say "the cow population is not wild and is under out control, so we can make a difference" .

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

So cool that they took a photo of their sub and shared it on social media.

At this point, I don't believe anything anymore and just assume that all news is bullshit until corroborated by sever different sources trying to discredit it.

changeagent 62 points ago +62 / -0

I was surprised to read 14 comments and none really discussed depression, mental fatigue, stress, etc.

I noticed this about myself and realized that I cannot sustain "high alert" status, and actually I was draining my battery. It's a downward cycle. Even with God, eating right, and all the other good things mentioned, you need to take a step back, cutyourself some slack, rest, nourish yourself, and let go. Let yourself rest. Stop judging yourself. Give yourself time to recuperate and recognize that you're still better mentally prepared than most, you have time, and you have done a good job.

Then smile. And laugh. And love. And pray. And just be. Feel yourself recharge, and when you feel it, you'll be ready to get back at it.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am one of "those" who doesn't think that is Joe. So, that's the difference.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

It poses an ethical question... if he is a WH asset, that means good guys are letting all the bad shit happen so as to wake people up. Ends justifying the means. I'm ok with that, though.

changeagent 10 points ago +10 / -0

Maybe. But your premise is that FJB is actually an instrument of the deep state rather than an actor under WH control who is purposefully flubbing up to create red pill after red pill.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the explanation.

I have a question I have been struggling with. I welcome all responses.

If we have a soul (which I believe), why would god subject the soul He gave each of us to the mortal shortcomings of a human who so easily sins against God?

In other words, does a soul ever think, "Wow, I got screwed... this human/mortal is a dirtbag and now I will have to go to hell.". Obviously the words are not like that, and I am just making the point.

Anyway... thoughts?

changeagent 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Citron abandoned a short position, doesn't that mean they paid out of it rather than continue to suffer? Wouldn't that be a type of win? If all shorts fork over money to get out of their short position, then the goal of saving GME from the "short machine" worked, or am I not understanding? Thanks

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the type od idea-seeding that makes me think that Trump will "lose" and it will be the final wakeup for most people, and then the military steps in.

changeagent 10 points ago +10 / -0

I am not sure if I like either side, here. I mean, protesters seem peaceful (I don't think I align with them, though). And police seem normal... and then... SNATCH! But why? Was it because they feared she would incite a riot?

Edit... it is kinda funny, OP, in a Monty Python kind of way.

changeagent 12 points ago +12 / -0

At the end he says... "Get back on the horse."

To which I say... with a noose around the neck, and hands tied behind the back, Old West style, with a gathering of knowing buzzards nearby.

changeagent 9 points ago +9 / -0

Okay, this is progress.

But financial ruin is NOT enough for pedos or any of the other traitors, satanists human traffickers, etc.

I want to win the vote. And we will. But ffs, if the people who deserve to be jailed (or exterminated) due to their horrific crimes against humanity and especially children are simply penalized financially, then I will be one pissed off Anon and very angry with the Plan.

Now, back to the Plan.

changeagent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sounds like you know what is going on. Would you be willing to share a short summary of what you think this means and where you think things are going?

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

You challenged my claim? No, you said, "So what?" That's not a challenge, as much as it is an opinion that doesn't even address the point I had already made, which was why I made the comment that you don't seem to be able to appreciate the perspectives of other people. And then you added later "I wasn't referring to other people" which demonstrates that either you didn't read carefully to know that's who I was talking about, or that you are trying to spin the words.

And, you're wrong. For many people, expense is a very valid reason. Some adults believe that without having the necessary funds to care for and support a child the way they believe is necessary will choose not to have children yet, perhaps never.

changeagent 1 point ago +2 / -1

Try reading more carefully. My whole series of comments is about representing other people who are not wired like you and me. You didn't see that?

It's like you go around trying to nitpick and find things to twist and demean. Get a life.

I have 4. And I would have more if I were not already too old.

changeagent 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know you have a difficult time thinking about other people and from their perspective. So, let me help.

Not everyone is as faithful and you and me regarding bringing children into the world and seeing such a gift from God as worth it no matter what.

In fact, there are many, many people who would be wonderful parents but who choose not to have children because they see the world through a financial lens. They don't have a "so what" attitude.

And, there are many people who have children and who are horrible parents, regardless of their finances, but that's a different point.

My simple point is that Elon's statement is more complex to implement than his simplicity indicates. I wish everyone could be more like you, though.

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