chumz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally don't feel like any of this lol

Things people that aren't awake say to me, or laugh about, or think I'm nuts about, crack me up. At the end of the day, they are the ignorant ones.

chumz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for the reply, but I was referring to the vit k info, she’s already born so that is a little late and my wife wouldn’t go for a home birth anyway since our first daughter had an issue at birth.

As far as the vaccines and school, I’m going to home school my kids, no indoctrination is happening in our house ;)

chumz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where can I find this info? We had a baby girl last Friday turned down the hep b, but did the vit k and eye stuff. We have a pediatrician that doesn’t care if you do vax or not, so she won’t get any other shots. Thanks

chumz 7 points ago +7 / -0

did that with Icy Hot when I was like 12(not on purpose, groin pull) at a soccer tournament. I was mighty fast that game, like my sack was on fire!

chumz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Link to poll results


I like how it totals to 41% Dem to 38% Rep and 12% Independent.... favored to dem polls as usual. I wonder what the national % is minus all the fraud?

chumz 3 points ago +3 / -0

So forgive me for my ignorance.

I bought through etrade, should I sell and get them through continentalstock? Or can I transfer them? I dont want my shares being whored out with out my knowledge!

Thanks for the knowledge!

chumz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would say that if 60% of hospitalizations are fully vaccinated individuals it shows the vaccine is completely INEFFECTIVE

chumz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look into a direct primary care physicians office, similar to what Josh Umbehr created in KS.

You pay a monthly fee and your basically a member of the practice, its more lucrative for the Dr and they spend more time with you and do a better job. There is one near us, but we are healthy and don't visit the Drs. We did find one that was acceptable for our 2 year old since hers was pro vaccine. When our daughter had eczema, we were told its not caused by the vaccines, and the logical response was, then what causes it? Her reply, we don't know. -_-.... so we switched through some word of mouth referrals.

Best of luck to you!

chumz 2 points ago +2 / -0

A welcome clarification, apologies for being vague.

My meaning by "in the vaccine" is basically anything to do with the vaccine, whether in creation or in the vials themselves. I don't think people seeking religious exemptions are worried about the specifics, besides the we wouldn't have this vaccine with out fetal tissue part of it.

chumz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well the new Project Veritas video with the higher ups in the company discussing how to hide that there is fetal tissue in the vaccine should help with the religious exemption.

chumz 0 points ago +1 / -1

LOL !!

I get my cast iron pan over 500 when im cooking steaks!!! I better watch out if I pick it up the handle might bend and drop my steak on the floor!!

by PepeSee
chumz 2 points ago +2 / -0

He likes to see homos naked?

chumz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am south of dfw in Ellis County, so downtown Dallas is about a 40min drive. There is anything and everything as far as I know in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the city of Dallas is the main Democrat area, but I think they are limited to the policies they would like to enact because of their neighbors.

But honestly there are great places on the outskirts of the cities, usually within a 45min drive of the center of the democrat run cities ;)

chumz 20 points ago +20 / -0

My wife is from there, her parents just moved here to Texas at the beginning of the year ;)

They love the fact they can actually create wealth here, it took her mom a little time to get used to not wearing a mask though. When I picked her up from the airport, she had a face shield and a mask on!? LOL! I told her, take that shit off, we don't wear that crap!

After visiting many times, I have convinced most of her family that Hawaii is a great place to vacation, and a crappy place to live. Like Cali, its beautiful, weather is great, but the politics, people, and traffic make it intolerable

edit: Her brother is moving here next year as well, he is unvaccinated as well, and works with the department of corrections. He tells us everyone is brain washed.

chumz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give credit where credit is due.

I have a subscription so I get daily emails with news. A few days ago the headlining story was about how good remdesivir was... I started reading the comments and almost everyone was complaining that they would even publish such a story and were cancelling subscriptions....


I am still going to cancel, they may not all be bad stories, but some of the writers are.

chumz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a subscription(soon to be cancelled) so I get daily emails with news. A few days ago the headlining story was about how good remdesivir was... I started reading the comments and almost everyone was complaining that they would even publish such a story....


And I can't confirm, but one of the commenters stated that a couple days prior, they started calling illegals, immigrants.

I would have cancelled already but I need to call them to do so... but that's fine I will be happy to let them know why ;)

chumz 7 points ago +7 / -0

I find it strange that on this site, that appears to be a .gov https://electionresults.sos.ca.gov/returns/maps/governor

The Yes/No for recall is 3,297,145 for Yes, 5,840,283 for No

Yet, when you add the total votes for Recall Replacement, it totals to 4,439,265. That is a difference of 1,142,120 from the Yes/No result.


chumz 15 points ago +15 / -0

I don't have a way to look in the future to guess about what could happen, but I think the best advice would be to prepare the best you can with what money you have to spare. I choose not to speculate based on what I have learned since finding this site around September of last year, you think you have an idea of how bad something is, just to find out its unimaginably worse. So I would say it could get unimaginably worse ;) and choose to work on what I can with what I have.

In my household, we recently purchased a 3 month supply of emergency food. And just purchased 10+ acres in the country 15 minutes from our main residence(on the outskirts but still city limits). Will need to fence it in, but will put some head of cattle out there, goats, chickens(meat and eggs), a green house or 2. If we have the time, a small place to call home if we need to get away from civilization, with rain water harvesting, and solar for power.

Wish I had started sooner, but will do the best I can with the time and hope its enough!!

chumz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technically, subsidies are this in a different manner.

If someone is paid a certain amount from the government for the crops they produce. They are essentially making the same amount of money for producing less crops.

chumz 3 points ago +4 / -1

I personally don't think they should be paid anything.... If you weren't a successful enough individual on your own outside of congress to support yourself while representing the people you serve. Then you have no business representing anyone if you can't take care of yourself...

AOC instantly comes to mind, and Bernie, and Biden, and all these parasites that have never done anything else besides government.

I don't like being told what I should do by people less successful than myself... Trump on the other hand, I always wished he would do like a 30 minute weekly fireside chat type of business education/life lesson mentorship for the country.

chumz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey Cyberhawk or whoever else is suffering from pain, check out kneesovertoesguy on youtube. All of his content is ad free, he is truly trying to help people. His business is named the Athletic Truth Group, guy is full of knowledge. Your situation may be specific to injury, but a lot are just bodies that haven't properly been cared for. He does have a few videos on back pain specifically, and with you mentioning your sciatic nerve, I bet what he preaches would help. Best of luck to you!!

And to the OP, I would have found another place personally, but I can only make that observation from my shoes, not yours. I'm sure you made the best decision for yourself in that moment. I am sorry that it turned out this way, and as another said, live your life to the fullest. It's not over until it is.

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