citrouille 7 points ago +7 / -0

Probably just because Rittenhouse is currently in the news cycle

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read some of the book but it contains many factual inaccuracies that discredit the point being made. See the review quoted on archive.org: https://www.wayoflife.org/database/newagebibleversions.html

I have no doubt that demonic influence has corrupted many modern Bible versions and that the KJV should be taken as the authoritative version, but the book does a disservice to that argument by lying and misrepresenting basic facts and quotations.

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey, can you tell me what the books are? I'd like to take a look myself.

by BQnita
citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bro honestly I would have no issue with weed smokers if it wasn't for the horrible smell. I can't stand it.

Also I do think moderation is good in all things. Noah famously getting drunk in Genesis shows that people can abuse substances which God has no issue with you consuming ... in moderation.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

They should have done one better by changing his name to Jarnes Corney

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very well said. I am glad that there are people cognizant of this. It is sad but this is the reality of a war, especially one in which civilians are targets.

"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose." - Sun Tzu, Art of War, X.25-26

The situation is dire indeed. Things aren't going to be pretty. The people carrying out the op are only human in the end.

citrouille 10 points ago +10 / -0

Dude, I didn't even look at the specifics of your previous posts, but the way you talk... it makes me cringe to read what you type. Stop glowing so hard, it makes you look stupid.

In Asia we dismiss your kind summarily regardless of what you have to say. Begone, 50cent party member. Your behavior is incredibly rude.

citrouille 9 points ago +9 / -0

Your recent account creation date and one-topic post history show that you are not an organic poster.

Lurk more or shill less.

citrouille 2 points ago +3 / -1

Very well said. I simply do not understand the mental health epidemic because the solution seems obvious.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have a hand in everything lol. You can look up their page on wikipedia but they're the biggest company in China for a reason

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

Software megacorp

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

Zyklon Ben has been thoroughly redpilled

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

Canadians do actually have guns. You just get on a list for having one since you need a license for it.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crushed garlic and sesame oil is a nice dipping sauce. Try it! I usually eat it with hotpot.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't believe that you ever entertained anything on this forum as a legitimate possibility in the first place. The language you use paints you as a leftist, e.g. 'radicalised'. If you were a real human bean you would use your personal judgment to sift the wheat from the tares, the plausible info from the make-believe and fabrications; if you actually wanted to convince people that Q is a LARP, you would do so via more circuitous means. (I suspect this is why you were banned multiple times before, but I digress.)

Posting like the way you're doing in this thread accomplishes nothing except momentary chaos. Why not participate in the reality you are so deeply grounded in instead of spewing vitriol at people you hate, or at the very least, believe to be delusional? If the people here are gullible, why don't you try to trick them into your way of thinking instead of being so openly hostile? Either you are being paid to do this, or worse - you do it for free.

Even if your self-professed intentions are sincere, you act emotionally and with poor judgment. As someone who frequents the Chinese internet, I can say that you are no better than a monkey from Tieba. Whether your cause is righteous or not (and the monkeys from Tieba aren't wrong all the time), you make a fool of yourself by acting in this way. 20% of the shills on the CN internet are actual paid shills, and the remaining 80% are unpaid ones caught up by psychosis.

As an aside, I used to be a liberal - until the things the left believed and the ideals its figureheads championed no longer aligned with my own, and I discovered what liars and hypocrites they really were. It's not shameful to admit your own flaws, but these people never do. They think themselves perfect and above reproach. I'm making a mistake, for example, by wasting my time typing this post in the first place - or reading contentious forums at all on a variety of topics, most of which have nothing to do with politics. Alas, my own monkey brain says conflict and tribalism is fun. Too bad.

citrouille 10 points ago +10 / -0

/qresearch/ is an 8kun board

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL. I can explain, Canadian Tire is kind of just a "we sell some of everything" store. Outdoor and kitchen gear mostly. Some of their inhouse products can be pretty decent and quite affordable on sale, otherwise they are rather overpriced for the most part. I think they are most well known for their funny rewards program, which was that they would issue monopoly money that could be spent at their stores. Too bad the paper form of the rewards program has been discontinued.

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're right, it's actually the third of July today. (I kid, I kid.)

Happy Independence Day, America.

citrouille 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hate the CCP as much as anybody but the divide between Simplified and Traditional is (a) a little bit more complex and (b) not actually much of a divide. I can read both even though I only 'learned' simplified.

Nevertheless, I agree with the spirit of your post and lament the degeneration of a good education. Common core is far inferior to trivium-quadrivium, for example, and they certainly don't teach critical thinking in Mainland China.

citrouille 6 points ago +8 / -2

I mean, I agree that he needs a lot more evidence to be convincing but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a shill. Just say his claims are unfounded and move on. If you look at the rest of his post history it looks fairly innocuous.

You should take everything with a grain of salt, regardless of whether someone posts a lot on a site or not. Use your own judgment. People could just be spouting off things they think are true. I've seen plenty of that with established and new posters alike who say things that are more 'boomer' than 'shill'.

citrouille 15 points ago +18 / -3

Just because he has no history doesn't necessarily mean he's a shill.

I have no history either but I'm just a humble lurker who chimes in from time to time.

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