in the very beginning when i first saw the video i thought the the slow reaction time from the police was slow. i expected them to react a lot differently to some one that just killed someone. you can even see Kyle visibly get confused for a second as to why the cops are not responding quickly to him. he just awkwardly strolls by the first cop car
ill give some context. im in nyc. you already know how nyc is with guns. in nyc. if you try to help with ANYTHING it always goes south. its sad but sometimes when you end up helping in this city you end up getting dragged down with them. everyone here knows to stay away from big crowds like that. everyone in the city rioting were not the everyday working stiffs. they were hooligans, thieves, you name it. i feel bad for the store owners but there was nothing you can do. a lot of us in the city are better off staying out of the psychical stuff and fight with words from afar because going out and trying to be a hero will only end up in suffering
HOWEVER if i see an opportunity to be a hero where it matters i will do it. i do not cower. i do speak up when i can but i cant go running into every burning building if you get what i mean
yes i saw the video. im not saying its fake. if anything im alluding to it being much worse than that. a planned scare event
but my primary point is that everything isnt black and white and that we must question everything. at the very least the interviews raise some eyebrows
heres my thing. pretty much every single person that supported kyle believes in some sort of election fraud or Q. idk about kyle but if i were in his shoes i would be looking at what people say about me and what they support. that fact that he said that about Q and election fraud is weird because he HAS to know that most of use support that right? at the very least the election fraud stuff. imagine turning your back on the crowd that supported you
it really seems like they are trying to split us apart within our own community by having him say stuff like that
triggered over what ? asking questions? i didn't build up anyone. in fact this is my only post about this. i never trusted lin wood to begin with either so what do you mean uno reverse card?
we all agree its self defense. in opinion he shouldn't have been there.
my answer to that is. do we know everything about satanic rituals and what they might require?
do we have video of the dead body INSIDE the ambulance when it was carried away?
i agree on the surface. why would people agree to be shot? but then i think if i was the deep state how far would i go to make something believable? blackmail?
maybe the criminals really were criminals BUT klye being there in the fiirst place IS the "honey pot" and an event was suppose to take place regardless of who was in kyles way.
my point is everything seems to coincidental and too perfect and with the new info coming out the story just gets weirder
sincerely. fuck this guy. dude went on to take anxiety meds knowing full well that shit dont work and then complained about it affecting him. he also got the vaccine. he is not one of us. just an idiot who told you to clean your room. with all the info out there he still takes the vax. thats how you know
its 2021. file sharing is instant. you tube doesn't have to be a hosting site for it but a gateway where it takes in the content and it allows criminals to download files from the videos. remember inaction can also be a way of letting crime happen. i believe you tube is fully aware of this.
i guarantee you if you put two men in the same conditions for a day the non-c guy will have more dick cheese than the other. no matter how many times you wash it at some point dick cheese is going to be rubbing against your skin while your moving. that's how infections start.
the less aggressive thing doesn't really carry over to humans. the mind is a powerful thing. there can be less aggressive men regardless whether or not they are circumcised.
i do however believe they don't throw them away.
aright lets lay out the facts before we even get into any judgement call.
first of all a circumcision done later on in life could lead to complications. it may be a hard decision for a parent but if they do it at birth the chances of complications can be less.
two. some people need circumcision down the line because of medical issues
three. a myth went around saying you loose pleasure. you don't. what you do loose is the skin. think of a burn on your arm. you may not feel the skin because of the burn but underneath the skin you feel everything else. pleasure comes from within inside the penis.
with all this said i am circumcised. i personally think its easier to deal with. i don't have to pull back anything. and in my experience all girls ive been with like it that way.
i don't doubt that the elites are using the skin for evil purposes and maybe we are conditioned to think its ok. all i know is that you are not hindered as much as you think you are BUT the act of doing it and storing the skin is a concern. yes you don't have choice when its done but im not upset about it either.
not that im trying to hit on you or anything but its getting really frustrating that i cant find a women who is awake at my age in my late 20s. the most ive seen so far is women who just know whats going on but they dont fight back.
welcome to my world, im in my late 20s and im experiencing the same thing. however i bmx and im around the action sports crowd. skaters. bikers. dirt bike riders. anyone whos out and about doing something physical are actually awake. they know whats going on. the difference between me and them tho is that i take my time to research and collect data and numbers. i will say that yes a lot of young people especially early 20s are just worried about having fun but honestly i don't blame them. they deserve to live out their youth the way they want but at the same time we are not in normal times and i do expect everyone to fight back. tbh i even get mad at some people who preach god but still wear a mask or take the vax. im honestly getting tired of seeing all these "Jesus got you. hes here for you" type stuff. im like yeah that great and all but wheres the data? that's the only thing that wakes people up right now is hard data. ive gotten through many people so far because of data and i think people of god outside of politics need to jump on this because we need everyone in this fight
He has an amazing track record but i analyze everything and every word. In one of his insta gram stories he says "i cant even remeber the last time i cried." But not to long ago almost a month he released a song with him crying in it.
Look i know im picking on the smallest detail here but hear me out. If you Relisten to his recent songs he does speak about everything we talk about here but if you notice every one of his points stop just short of getting into the details. Even so reactors to his songs have said "i dont really know his true stance on this subject" when referring to part of his lyrics.
I say this because in my opinoin he hasn't truly begun to fight the real fight yet. He showed his first inconsistency with what i wrote above in the first paragraph so i will stay looking for more. I think he has a hand in whats about to happen in the future and the whole 2022 bit he has going in the video looks like foreshadowing.
i think the best way i describe my theory is an artificial win. this was all drummed up just for the right to have a song and dance. a movie