He could have been shot from the Mazda or farm equipment dealer across the street from the farm show grounds. I drove out there on my way to Toronto. the grounds are like a big bowl to the east and North. I don't think they could have picked a more ideal place to try.
What about the guy with the billion pixel camera? You know the one that was an extremely rare and exotic type . were all of his pictures examined?
Al I see is stupid crap which is not a crime.
It is a time saver.
Conservative women just look better.
I don't expect you to reveal all about this training exorcise but is there any more you can say about the place or type of business ? Just wondering if they have any business being there.
Hillary is campaigning for Donald Trump.
Looks like Memphis drive off of Saufley field rd.
Is that lisp in your post intentional?
Nauseating .
That is incorrect.
She has become OUR dog. praying for success.
Do one with stars.
This man should be the Pope.
Do you own any DWAC ? thats a win.
If this guy was so important then why have almost everybody never heard of him.
I had to watch it a few times but yeah.
The three lines are three hebrew 6's Just like Monster energy , KFC signage, Adidas and others. It is symbalism. You can't un see it.
Her slogan should read NITT PICKEY
I was in the auto air conditioning business for 28 years and what you say is true accept that you could actually drop in 134-a to replace R-12 and have decent results. What did happen though was the heat exchangers were improved considerably. And some design changes were made to utilize low pressure / low temperature gasses to lower head pressure by running the high pressure liquid gas through the suction lines.
His stuff is on Kuai. windward side near Princeville. He has his own rules about land acquisition and construction. This Island is only one crisis away from cannibalism. Hah-pah,s and Haole's in the pot first..
Its a Haka it's a warning.
You can't believe a fackin thing they say. You should not trust them in any way. They are lying about this too.
Joe Biden in nothing more than a lying piece of sh1t.
Deep Fake?