detransthrowaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you make this? If you did, kindly explain exactly what the hell I am looking at. There are at the very least 70 symbols in this image along with at least 20 different colors, written in no less than 5 languages. Also near the right one of the bits is just the flag of the Bahamas, and Rick Astley, and Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, and the Nintendo Seal of Approval.

detransthrowaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

"My uncle is so good with computers. One day the police came to our house and they called him a PDF file!"

detransthrowaway 0 points ago +1 / -1

I forgot to say that things that aren't the Minigun are pushing it a little bit but still a bit crazy to have. Well I guess I have to agree with you there, too. But on the other hand do we not have strength in numbers? If we all so desired, we could all join up, every single last user on this website, and overthrow the government, simply through brute force and the fact that there are at the very least a hundred thousand of us, and three million more on Truth Social.

detransthrowaway 0 points ago +1 / -1

The closest thing I can see to a "reasonable" gun ownership restriction is maybe criminals who have used them to commit crimes in the past (so no restrictions if you for example went in on selling marijuana) and maybe guns with really high rates of fire, like Miniguns, PPSh-41s, MG42s, and the American 180.

detransthrowaway 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's also missing an S too, in the word "insists" right after "media"

detransthrowaway 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nothing. Kids are still dying and that's the main problem. They use our children as pawns for their anti-ANYTHING political agenda, and if you don't believe them then boom, kids have exploded. Then they, using this tragedy, tell you, "Don't you feel sad? Don't you want to ban these horrible, harmful _____?" You (Not you specifically but ykwim), still stricken from the tragedy and the grief, say yes. Then, that thing is banned. Next thing you know, they're on to the next thing to ban. Eventually we as a society will be desensitized to these acts and then they truly have freedom to do WHATEVER they want to our children.

detransthrowaway 4 points ago +4 / -0

As an autist, I get this too. It's so weird.

detransthrowaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

I once got a McDonald's ad in Korean. Weirdly enough I don't know a single fucking human being that speaks it. Literally the entirety of the place I live in is Italian to the bone. Exclusions are like 5 families including mine.

detransthrowaway 12 points ago +12 / -0

This image is actually super detailed. In the background there's burning buildings, likely Antifa. The handcuffed idiot is clearly a tranny, and the BBB looks like a 666. Props to the artist.

detransthrowaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

honestly the 6s especially the first one are stretching it a bit but the triangle was 100% intentional.

detransthrowaway 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nice you were able to describe literally everyone here. I got fren, it's perfect. I post an actual post once in a blue moon, I own MyPillows, and there's a local frog population I can't get my hands off of.

detransthrowaway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why so many faggots here decide "hehe jew bad" or "hehe muslim bad" and ruthlessly promote it. Even 50 years ago saying that to normal people would make people think you were crazy.

detransthrowaway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Terroristic, but ok. Go forth, soldiers.

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