Your post is also the 2nd half of the "My fellow Americans" btw.
What if Q makes a return on Feb 9th too and starts posting again.
There's definitely more to Zimbabwe than it first appears. It's slipping my mind because it's been a few years, but I want to say they had some form of digital certificates roll out there or digital money. Something to do with WISeKey. WISeKey is definitely a hole to go down for anyone who has the time as it covers the entire world, not just their little experiment in Zimbabwe.
Some easy (working) WISeKey links I saved to give an idea.
WISeKey’s Digital Health Passport to Include a Trusted Vaccination Digital Certificate :
WISeKey selected by the German health tech company Digital Diagnostics AG to secure its digid cantisense™ SARS-CoV-2 test :
WISekey NFC Android Anti Counterfeiting Tech for Luxury Bags GUCCI demo :
VirusIQ selects the WISeKey Digital Health Passport for COVID-19 to secure digital health screening, telemedicine and diagnostic services :
This is the absolute hard truth for some Christians. It's like the idea that "well I'm a good person so I'm going to heaven". That's not how you get to heaven. It's believing in Jesus that gets you to heaven, not works or being "good". Most of the people who think they are "good" because they didn't murder anyone still have lied, cheated, have anger in their heart, steal...etc. Sin is sin.
It doesn't help that pastors excuse away everything with the rapture. It turns into "well I'm a good person so I'll just get raptured before any of the bad stuff happens". While it is true that Jesus will come for us at some point, it does not mean that we won't see bad and in fact it's mentioned that people will die for not taking the mark of the beast. I don't have all the answers, but we have been told many times in the Bible that being a Christian isn't for the faint of heart and there will be trouble. The apostles even died for it. What makes us better than them that we'd skip that? Jesus died for us, so it is only fair that we should accept the fact that one day we might have to die for Him. I say might because we do not know. It's accepting the ugly truth of reality that it may not be all rainbows in the end. It doesn't mean it will be ugly for us, each of our paths is different. God is going to send Jesus whenever He wants, no one knows when that will be or how it will be. We just have an idea and a worldly one at that which many people have different opinions about. It's a bit of a blackpill for sure, but that blackpill leads to the ultimate redpilling of all which is Jesus.
Remaining in the Word and Bible is the only way. Jesus is the only way.
The internet loves cats. Will not comply. F around and find out.
Protect your pets from useless and cancer causing shots too.
Gates of Hell sculpture :
The Kiss sculpture :
Thank you!
It's like a crying statue of an angel or something crying. Just saw a live close up and you can see it in the linked catbox too that there are arms and hands and something leaning on them as if crying.
Edit: looking at it a little more, it could even be 2 people embracing or hugging.
Interesting little map in this article from September 2023 showing nearly the very areas burning today.
Interesting. Rewatched it and you're right. She picked it up and moved it, but no strike. There's even people telling her she needs to do that last little dissolution part before she can leave the podium.
I can never forget 2020-2022. Never.
They want to blame the "next pandemic" on the anti-vaxxers and the sweeping vaccine changes. They need their scapegoat.
I've seen that happen a lot actually, where they end up patting people down anyway.
Like it or not, alcohol is a poison. Whether you drink a lot or a little, it's still a poison. That's why when people who drink an enormous amount in a certain amount of time, it's called alcohol poisoning.
Not everyone reacts to it the same way and tolerance can be built to a degree, but it is still harming your insides whether you feel it or not. It alters your thinking and actions. You might not make the same decisions sober as you did when you were drunk. Some consider it good, some consider it bad. But most of the time it does not lead to good decisions.
People are free to drink if they want, but there are physical consequences of doing so and also consequences, sometimes deadly, for those unfortunate to have interactions with those who don't make good choices while consuming alcohol.
Alcohol is unfortunately an easy escape mechanism. It's a distraction for most people and promoted as fun, relaxing, and the way to have a good time.
I believe in everything in moderation. I still have a drink maybe at most a handful of times a year. But the truth still remains that when it comes down to it and if you're being honest with yourself, it's still not really good for you.
Love your name. Keep us posted!
At the moment I believe it is falsely optional. Because they are tracking you regardless of a facial scan at airports.
I always opt out of that machine and make them pat me down. They get annoyed they usually have to get someone to do it. Oh well, I'm annoyed too.
Defuse the truth with a joke.
Was just talking about some things from this video the other day! Thank you for bringing it back! Perfect timing!
Who cares about skin color? I care about America First people and immigrants.
I'll bring back my post from back then.
We need to make sure and keep watch illegals do not get a blanket naturalization to be called "American" and then still replace American workers! No loopholes!
It would be a slap in the face to those who actually went through the process and those going through the process who WANT to be American and uphold American values!
As long as there is no plan to blanket naturalize illegals just so corporations can loophole and keep the cheap labor by calling them "Americans".
Sure sounded like it. Even Bondi was like "what?" Either that or they have fake "evidence" they want her to use against Trump or someone else.