Personally I think it will be ggod for the USA in the long run. First step in a painful refurb of our currency here. Economics 101
Desired and hard to get products increase in value. Petro dollar is a hedge against a product that is converted into consumables. (Nothing left in the end) zero sum end value.
Is this really a bad thing to kill the petro US Dollar? We did just fine without it before the 70’s. It just replaced bullion since bullion was getting scarce, To me there has been a long term negative effect on our dollar dealing in petro and fiat dollars and being the reserve currency. Its called devaluation.
Using Credit and debt cards cost is 2-4% of the total transaction (fee) for the provider. Which means the buisness is giving up that percentage of the sale to accept your card. These days they are less willing to do that so the customer is now paying for the convenance of using cashless payout rather than the buisness.
The American made helicopters are left overs from before the fall of the Shaw in the 70’s. Parts to maintain them are embargoed by the free world, however they do get the material from foreign buisness friendly to Iran that have no embargo “on the down low”. Greta, poor un researched reporting!
👆 This! We need some one tech savy to teach us how ( primer ) to use this smart equipment in a smart conservative way!