I watched a little of the Farmer's Insurance golf tournament yesterday and threw up in my mouth a little when they aired a few minutes with the Farmer's Insurance DEI head. (the guy was actually pretty pleasant; he's just doing a job the woke company hired him to do)
I just can't believe that it is NEVER mentioned by ANY of the talking heads! It's like they have all been warned (threatened), so they all stay clear. Maybe I should get on the phone with one of them when they are live and ask them why THEY have never brought that point up. :) (I would need to disguise the reason for the call though)
That's funny! Reminds me of a Christmas card my wife and I sent out years ago with us posing with our kids as if we were Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus, and a couple shepherds in the manger. I had a robe on, but you could see the "polo" symbol :)
Wasn't that what was happening in U.S. throughout covid? They were counting ANY death, where a positive covid test was associated with it, as a covid death! This caused the apparent lethality to be way higher than actual. When actual covid deaths are tallied (and even actual deaths were increased due to the actions of Cuomo and other governors who purposely caused outbreaks at senior facilities), it was not worse than a bad flu season.
3.8 billion a year? That's chicken feed compared to JUST what has been sent to Ukraine, and then all the other places around the world. If Israel were to fall to the surrounding Muslim countries, what do you think would happen in the middle east?
The cost to fly 20 million illegals out of the country would be astronomical. It would be better to HIGHLY enforce employment laws, and make it illegal to rent places, or sell houses, to illegals. They would then self deport to a large extent. Those that don't could be "encouraged" through other means.
I just don't understand how, to my knowledge, it has never been brought up by the talking heads. You would think one of them would have said, "And Iran has enough petroleum to meet their energy needs for hundreds of years, so why were they allowed to develop a nuclear energy program?"
Slavery was the "talking point" of the Civil War, but it was States Rights vs Federal Government control that was the reason for the war. This invasion at the southern border should be a UNIFYING activity in our country, and hopefully will be. The thing is, even if the country unifies in stopping it, what is to be done with the 10s of millions of illegals already here?
“Every time I see her, or we run into each other, you know, sometimes I’ll even go into her office, then I’ll just go in her candy bowl,”
I don't even want to imagine what sexual euphemism he might be alluding to :)
Interesting that the recent phone call to Lake goes right along with the whole orchestration of who is in Congress and how they will vote.
Audio is still available here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/who-is-jeff-dewit-kari-lake-bribery-audio-recording-goes-viral-leaves-internet-baffled/ar-BB1haw2i
Dewit has apparently resigned.
The PhD process has been severely watered down over the past few decades. When I was getting my PhD, in the '90s, I met another PhD student from Berkley (geology), whose dissertation involved going to a single outcrop, collecting samples, doing geochemical analysis of the samples, and writing it up. This was barely an MS thesis level project; more akin to an undergraduate senior project! This was not an exception to what was, and continues to be, pumped out as PhD worthy research! Combine the minimal effort required with the leftist indoctrination they received as undergraduates (graduate level sciences, other than "climate change" related, are mostly void of politics), and it's no wonder "science" is in the state it is today.
What has really infuriated me for a long time is that Iran should have NEVER been allowed to have ANYTHING nuclear! They have enough petroleum reserves to meet energy needs for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's so weird because I have never heard any talking head, from either side, bring this basic fact up. It's almost like it's some kind of totally banned subject for them.
Looks like VT and NH were the only two states that went almost entirely blue; what is wrong with those people?