eel003 11 points ago +11 / -0

I laughed so hard at 7oz of Hallucinogenic Toad Venom I burned a couple fat cells from 1979 and laughed another 10minutes till I gained my composure, my wife is staring at me now....it's a keeper.

eel003 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do too...So here is to hoping that some good will come out of this.

Not my place to say I realize but something makes me leery of Connor, so as Q says careful who you follow.

eel003 2 points ago +2 / -0

Poor Anderson....when you consider that from the Pizzagate side of things, Anderson has lived his whole life with the knowledge that he could still end up like his brother if he can no longer find the will to tow the line...so here he is and despite his best efforts he still can't stop what is happening...at least he will get his "rewards" soon enough.

eel003 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elon using a Optimus Tesla-Bot to joy ride the Boeing Starliner back to earth in FPV mode while the humans get a ride of shame back to earth in a SpaceX Dragon, it would make me giggle.

eel003 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you hadn't said it I would have.

Kim warned....so here is to hoping this report about proactive law enforcement.

And not planting the charges themselves.

eel003 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember the early days of the Russian SMO at the Azovstal Steel plant were the Azov Battalion died by the hand the full every hour of every day they defended this location. Within and underneath Metabiota the Hunter Biden influenced biowarfare lab, and according to the locals at the time activity that equates with Adrenochrome production, clues and moments provided at times by the People the independent journalist Patrick Lancaster was talking too. What was found will be used by the Russians when Tribunals become a thing again, I really believe that while producing a bioweapon is bad enough, there was something so bad to hide the Ukrainian leadership wasted several thousand lives just to keep it on the down low. But they failed. Time will tell, but I have no problem believing this no sauce post is mostly true on some level.

eel003 15 points ago +15 / -0

It could be that by working with Ben, Candice had first hand exposure to the problem and woke her up in way she wasn't before.

eel003 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder...everything has a purpose, and I think interview was test of X's backbone and it's ability to overcome state sponsored level event...as Elon and Donald sound like the conversation is ground they have covered before privately...so I think it was never truly about just a interview but it's result are win-win all around. Interesting times ahead that or I just think too much...time will tell

eel003 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a golden oldie at this point but it is one of one's I enjoy the most. Ty.

eel003 1 point ago +1 / -0

In a world where the Cabal is to lose control of all the "Alphabet Agencies" they can not allow the "911 Masterminds" to exist they might spill the beans. It would mean the death penalty for more then just the "masterminds" .

eel003 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I remember Elon telling Don that he had the same right and opportunity to create something on X as anyone else he was free to do as others have in the past...however he sought to be paid to do so upfront, and bit the hand that could have fed him in the process, no ticky, no washy. Suing someone who doesn't wish to do business with you was never the way forward.

eel003 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every dog has it's day....it's always been my most favorite Q proof.

eel003 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your not the first to appear and then try to give me a multi paragraph response pushing back on the lone gunman theory and your almost completely certain that more proof in necessary at this point?...as for that Van you will find it on Video under the water tower a couple hours prior. As for who shot who that Cullen guy stated earlier today that auto evidence supports that idea there were more shots taken with a suppressed gun and there is Video showing a muzzle flash from the second window. I think evidence of more then one shooter totally destroys the lone gunman theory.

Time will tell who's right of that I am certain.

The Odysee stream I was viewing with Mr Cullen has been taken down and his info about the second shooter is now pay walled but here is the link anyway...


And here he is talking about the ideas with someone else.


But for me gunman was not alone in his endeavors is very apparent to me and others as well...

If it is a lone gun man then everyone's off the hook? Right? Just chalk it up to 30-40 LEO's all just having a bad day all at the same time. And they will just try to make sure it never happens again?

We will see...

eel003 2 points ago +2 / -0

yldngo was first with the source.

eel003 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the assist.

eel003 9 points ago +9 / -0

That being said....

I am beginning to feel like the hearings are doing their best to sell J13 as a lone gunman event...

So there maybe as many as 3/4 guns being involved as shown by audio evidence...

Blood from a unknown was located inside the building Crook's was on top off.

A van seen under the water tower in earlier in the day on video was found ditched ten miles away filled with explosives, we are told. The detonator was found next to Crooks.

The van is registered to a arms company owned by a family whos name is Yerick (spelled wrong perhaps) and /pol/ 4chan was telling folks to be on the look out for Micheal/Maxwell who hasn't been seen since J13 either.

Speculation...second shooter in the window was also clipped enough to bleed but exited the area in the dumped van.

In any case...holes must be punched in the lone gunman theory in real time. Or they will claim all this was about one sad man acting alone.

eel003 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ever since it's publication it's existence has been bemoaned by ALL the "right people", after reading it myself there is nothing fake about it or the concepts on offer, and those concepts are clearly on display in real life today for you to follow along if you wanted to.

Our Book burning Friend's have spent close to a 100 years trying to convince us otherwise of it's validity, that is a amazing "tell" in and of itself.

eel003 11 points ago +11 / -0

Rep. Lee was from Houston... The investment firm the shorted Rumble and DJT are located in Houston... Many within the Bush Family World hail from Houston... One of the state judges that got in the way of Ken Paxton was out of Harris County I believe...

But time will tell why they stopped by for real, I hope.

eel003 0 points ago +2 / -2

He is not wrong his statement is very apt brief and to the point. Absorb the Talmud and give a eyeball to a now over 100 yr old writing called the Elders of Zion and despite how we have been lead to to believe about it's revelations it used to be taught as something to aware of at places like West Point in the past. But it is true....not all Jews are Hebrews. Blame the Khazar's. Wicked empire forced to choose a known religion or be destroyed....they picked Judaism but continued to practice their dark beliefs on the sly...800yrs before Jesus, but still around enough for Christ to make mention of them himself.

eel003 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think same...Pence was chosen for a reasons and Vance is as well, let's see what happens as "we the media" drag him and his deeds into the light of day.

eel003 2 points ago +2 / -0

Over the years there has been evidence to suggest that the Biden we saw was not him...changes in jaw line, hair line, even moments that left me feeling like I was watching a man in a mask. And now he's out...and with his departure from the public scene expected on my part, but was he a double agent that just finished 4yrs of double crossing deep state or was he a Obama puppet who is getting "the Hook" finally? Time will tell. Nothing has ever been as it seemed it should be from the weirdness of his Inauguration Day and everyday forward.

eel003 8 points ago +8 / -0

While a friend of mine is dealing with Stage 4 lung cancer, she is taking the both because I give them to her, she has already outlived her expected life expectations but she's isn't out of the woods yet, but she is still with us.

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