I don’t know how you do it but I think there was someone that did that with the Pelosi portfolio. They just copied every trade. And did quite nicely. I wish I had that idea about 10 years ago!
Maybe that was from an analysis? I did a text search and they don’t show up next to each other like that in any post.
Maybe this is just DC, but has anyone ever seen police motorcycles with side cars? They almost all had that. Looks more like a very serious Shriner’s parade.
This was my first thought. Quebec hates the English speakers, so we are just bringing on all the problems Canada has with them. Other thing I see is having that as one state is odd. We have 50 for an even smaller land mass. So my thoughts are: Boot Quebec from the deal. And plan on multiple states from the addition.
The point was the very first word in the title of the post - hypocrites. They are hypocrites for making one illegal and encouraging the other.
More familiar with oppression out there
So where do they’re go if they leave here? Is there another Q forum outside of the chans? (I just never have figured out how those work. Seems so random and unorganized.)
Nice Adam’s apple, ma’am.
Paging u/purkiss80, to the white courtesy phone please.
Two sources show the hospital opened in 1890. Under its name at the time since 1931. So that one part is at least legit. Haha
Cant wait til April 13. Then it will only be two more weeks!
But Kamala is even more morally corrupt than anything Trump has done. My husband has said I don’t think someone who had an affair should be leader of the country. My response was you are dating him or marrying him. You are picking the best person to run the country and there is so much more that we should be concerned about. (And Kamala was the mistress of Willie Brown, so is a supposed mistress really any better than a supposed cheating husband?)
You got off better than I did! I compared Trump and King David and his infidelity and he said “Don’t you dare compare him to David in the BIble!!”
The pulpit summary of the above is that God uses imperfect people to complete his perfect will. I always liked that one.
The most unimaginable bigotry on display for us all.
Yeah but you get into Austin and it will feel like you can go days without seeing another conservative.
It is incredible how absolutely unhinged these people are. Just completely unconnected from reality. I see it no different that the person in the nuthouse screaming "They're coming after me! They are trying to eat my brain!!!"
Some might say that could also be nonexistent enthusiasm on the Dems part. They just didn’t get excited about Kamala so they stayed home. While she was a horrible candidate and that sounds logical, I don’t think I would believe it. Republicans will stay home if they’re not excited about a candidate because in the end, they know it’s all the uniparty and is anything really going to change. But Democrats think that Trump is “literally” Hitler and coronating a female president is more of a goal for them than coronating a good president. So while there may be a few that stay home, I think those two reasons would motivate them to get out and vote.
I liken it to Easter Sunday versus other Sundays at church. Usually the congregation is here and there, attending or not depending on schedule. But we have all showed up during the high holy day of GEOTUS’s return so the uproots are through the roof!
I liken it to Easter Sunday versus other Sundays at church. Usually the congregation is here and there, attending or not depending on schedule. But we have all showed up during the high holy day of GEOTUS’s return so the uproots are through the roof!
That pulled up a news segment. Saw no tears (well, not a compilation)
Rhode Island too. New Hampshire too....
I’m starting to think they aren’t going to swap in Big Mike… 🤔
Hold On, I'm Coming - Sam & Dave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JElrEbAcwY
I almost forgot about that one!
Ok. In Texas we don’t have that. I guess you are still more agile, but you can’t put a perp in it. And I can’t image a second policeman riding bitch. Hahaha. Every time a duo leave the precinct- “No, I’ll drive!!!” Police chief says about 20 times a day. “Johnson, you can drive there, but then Smith gets to drive back.”