How many millions are discarded everyday in womens' bodies? It happens all the time in nature. Not all fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterus. The body literally kills fertilized eggs. We are designed this way BY OUR CREATOR. So I doubt the soul enters the body that soon. Why bother with designing us in such a way that so many souls would be wasted.
We aren't creating them in a lab, we are aiding the fertilization process for parents having difficulty. Then it goes back in the body, and the body is growing the baby as God intended. Do you think IVF life is an abomination? Do you think people born with the hep of IVF are abominations?
ivf isn't embryo's though, that's what people here fail to understand. the ivf discard stage happens at the exact stage we just pointed out, the same stage the human body discards these FERTILIZED eggs constantly. I'm old, eggs aren't going to implant reliably in my uterus. All the eggs my husband fertilizes are being thrown away by my body. Failure to understand this is failure to properly understand what's happening with ivf.
Embryo is not the first stage. Read my original post. The stage we are talking about here is a stage that the body often rejects in nature too. It's happening all the time in our bodies but no one is outraged about that.
If people realized how many fertilized eggs get washed away with the woman's period because it failed to implant, they wouldn't get so worked up over ivf because it happens constantly in nature, and they wouldn't call it an embryo because it's not at the embryo stage yet.
It's not an embryo at that stage though.
Exactly, God instructed us to multiply. We need more families.
My point is no one actually knows, but we see what is allowed to happen in nature, and that helps us to make logical decisions until the day when we do know for sure. And in the meantime, children get to be born who would otherwise never be given that chance.
define "experienced"
While I think what this woman did is an abomination, these are not yet embryos. At the moment of conception you have a zygote which is when the fertilized egg begins to divide into multiple cells over a few days, then it becomes a blastocyst when it implants into the uterus. Only after implantation is it considered an embryo. And yes I stated all this to make one simple point, in nature, women fertilize eggs more often than they realize, the reason they don't get "pregnant" is because so many fertilized eggs fail to implant in the uterus. If life is alive at the moment of conception, then nature is just as cruel as ivf is.
I don't know when life becomes alive and i don't believe anyone does. We can argue it's a life form, and that is true, it is very much the beginnings of a human life, but at the stage when much still can go wrong in nature. From failure to implant to early miscarriages, sometimes life never gets a chance to become alive. I do however believe once the heart is beating it is logical to classify it as alive since we classify death when the heart stops. Any arguments beyond that are philosophical in nature and we should continue to have the philosophical discussions.
In the meantime there are many humans who may never have any offspring without the help of ivf, so ifv still leads to bringing a life into this world.
I think abortion is wrong. I think it's wrong when abortion activists call a fetus that is obviously alive, with two eyes, a mouth and a beating heart a "clump of cells". But in the case of ivf, it literally is just a few cells because it's only at the blastocyst stage. It absolutely has the potential to become a life form, but is it alive yet? I consider an abortion, which typically happens after there is a heartbeat, to be far more disgusting and cruel.
LOL i'm fucking dying here hahahahaha
It changed alot after Jan21.
Was this guy responsible for Trump getting shot in his state??
I saw that was a rumor on X but I never saw Elon confirm or even respond to any of them.
Those aren't normies. This late in the game I'd say they are fringe loonies.
so i wonder then, when your total rings up for say, 10.02, do you just give them 10.05 and get no change if they don't have any pennies in the register? Or do we have enough in circulation already to cover what few cash transactions are going on these days? I literally have a massive bowl of pennies in my kitchen right now lol. my son plays with them.
I solved the plastic pollution problem when I was a child in school but the school didn't notify the government of my brilliant idea. Maybe Elon will be interested. Basically, you get it into space (then either load it on a giant space barge, or my fave: tie it all together and give it a push) and then you send it strait into the sun. Problem solved.
Literally the first thing I thought when i heard he was going, was I hope he's sending a double.
Virtue Signaling. She was doing it regardless, but blaming Trump for brownie points.
Never said he didn't, i said he's above that title, he's more than just that title, his name has more power than that title.
Is it a business costco? Lots of businesses buy from there, a diner requires a lot of eggs weekly. My local costco isn't the business version but it's still full of people buying for businesses because it's all we have.
I would love a live cam posted out there so we can sit back and enjoy the show.
They'll never take it because they are guilty of so many crimes and will to anything to stand in the way of being found out.
The pic of her at the top, she looks exactly like a female paul mccartney
and the poland guy was doing it too