ethan20allen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Met him at a friend's studio in ATL just over 20 years ago. I was driving an unusual car at the time and he came out to see it with my buddy. I let him drive it too. He wasn't friendly or even happy, he was just an ass the whole time I was there. Very sarcastic and demeaning.

ethan20allen 11 points ago +11 / -0

Google earth will obscure residences of high profile individuals and those with sensitive employment upon request. Mine has been obscured for years. It is blocked when using street view and high resolution overhead shots are obscured.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
ethan20allen 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Florida Senate at 2nd reading entered House 7067 as substitute for SB7050. On the same day, 26 amendments were presented, oneof which included the OP's quoted text. All 26 amendments failed. Later that day after the 3rd reading, the FL Senate passed Committee Substitute 7067 by a vote of 76 to 34.

7067 is a strong bill that Strengthens voter rights laws, established fines for violations, PREVENTS illegals from working in any capacity that has access to ballots and puts teeth into enforcement of voter integrity laws.

Two of my closest friends were elected one to FL House one to FL senate this past Nov. Both are very conservative and have told me this bill, 7067, as passed is a good bill based on STRONG CONSERVATIVE principals of free and fair elections and protection of the ballot. For example, wording on mail in ballots will read that the ballot will remain PROVISIONAL until election official s have verified the signature match and eligibility of the voter and as provisional, it wil NOT be counted until fully verified. They stood strong to PREVENT the assault of the RINOS and DEMS with their crazy amendments. The RINOS didn't want this bill to pass but it did and will be heading to DeSantis' desk.

Full text of HB7067 in pdf is here: https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/7067/BillText/Filed/PDF

FL Senate bill history here: https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/7050

ethan20allen 13 points ago +13 / -0

The teacher now known as Ashlee Belle Renczkowski's has a wife, Fawn Rose Renczkowski, who is also a teacher and who identifies as a mermaid. Ashlee was troubled after reading posts about his spouse and himself and that is what triggered his "bad thoughts". When he told the assistant principal and, separately, the guidance counselor that he had thoughts of suicide and of shooting many of the students in his class, he was allowed to remain in the classroom. Parents of students in Fox Chapel Middle School were not notified of any issue until late that evening and the official account severely underplayed the true events. The Chairman of the school board, Gus Guadagnino and Superintendent John Stratton sought to bury the issue and cover up what happened. Only after an oversight group named Moms for Liberty obtained a copy of the official report from the sheriff's department did they find out that the sheriff's department had visited the teacher the day of the incident and seized 3 firearms from him. A temporary Risk Protective Order (RPO) was issued which was later made permanent by court order for at least 1 year. When this information came to light a single School Board Member was responsible for standing up to her fellow board members and school superintendent and demand that action be taken to remove the teacher from the classroom immediately and start proceedings to remove his teaching certificate. Newly elected school board member Shannon Rodriguez has been actively calling out the Hernando County School Board for keeping her and the parents in the dark about the severity of the alleged incident and what disciplinary action is being planned for the teacher. Last Tuesday's School Board Meeting was filled with angry parents who were demanding answers from Superintendent Stratton who was giving vague and noncommittal answers to their questions. He told the parents to stick around to the end of the meeting and he would give them answers. When the meeting was over, all he said was "I can't discuss it." and walked away to screams from the angry parents.

BTW, Board Member Rodriguez has been working with Gov. DeSantis on pulling offensive and pornographic books out of the district's schools and last board meeting forced a vote of the board to remove at least one of the offensive books that was found in the school libraries even though school administrators denied the books existed. A fellow board member has been deriding Rodriguez's actions as illegal and improper because Mrs. Rodriguez entered the school library "when the lights were off" and improperly took possession of county property. In reality, Mrs. Rodriguez had checked into the office, told the asst principal what she was looking for, went to the school library where the librarian helped her locate the books, when at first they denied the books were there. This was done while the kids were on spring break, which is why "the lights were off". The last several school board meetings have been interesting to watch due to the fireworks brought about by Mrs. Rodriguez as she systematically exposes the board members bad behavior.

The battle against corruption begins at the local level.

ethan20allen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, It was a clear and unveiled reference to drilling the pineal gland and harvesting the adrenochrome. Even referenced that extreme value and use for being "forever young". Absolutely in-your-face!

ethan20allen 4 points ago +4 / -0

For months, we've been looking to fill a couple positions, one skilled, experience required and one entry level. We get occasional calls/emails from our employment ads and we try to set an appointment. Prospects agree to an appointment time for an in-person interview and when the time comes...no show, no call. No respect!! We provide top pay in the field in the area and offer great prospects for growth but no one wants to work.

ethan20allen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not where I'm at in Tampa. It's going to be 86 - 87 High and 62 -62 Low for the next 7 days. No rain, no drastic temp drops. Maybe we'll get a hurricane next week though.

ethan20allen 5 points ago +5 / -0

I find it interesting that the aerial focuses on La Gorce Country Club and La Gorce Island.... the golf course in the center of the aerial and the island attached to the north of La Gorce Country Club, visible just across the waterway from Miami Beach's condo row. New residents of that small island community include Ivanka Trump and Tom Brady. I don't know if there is any significance to that.

ethan20allen 2 points ago +2 / -0

10:00 PM = 22:00 military time, drop the zeroes

ethan20allen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could this actually be DJT practicing Sun Tzu The Art of War:* "When you are strong appear weak"* or When you are united appear divided? Lead the opposition to think that DJT has little or no support within his ranks and that he is being betrayed by them hopefully resulting in the opposition being ill prepared for his next surprise move.

ethan20allen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, believing when the "trusted" cabalists told us what an evil man Gaddafi was.

ethan20allen 3 points ago +3 / -0

IMO an employer that was hiding behind a federal mandate and is still forcing employees to get the jab/booster is now out in the wide open in terms of liability to employees who are harmed by the jab/booster and suffer any provable damages. Let the lawsuits commence.

ethan20allen 5 points ago +5 / -0

How and where are they getting 6 mo old infants to 5 year olds giving informed consent to be a test subject?

ethan20allen 2 points ago +2 / -0

CNN and MSNBC just called the VA election for Youngkin!! Fox says still "too close to call".

ethan20allen 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has received the full approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, meeting high standards required for the vaccine to be considered safe. " This statement by the author of the article reveals their bias and slant. WBAL is spreading the government lies. Tina Polsky should just read the warning stamped on the mask boxes by the manufacturers that the masks do not protect from COV-19. She hates our governor and now our new attorney general, too.

ethan20allen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let Mr Hill believe what he wants, or even deny what science is really going on in his body. He will have to live with...or die with, the reality. He is a science denier when it comes to a "conservative" message but is on the "global warming science" bandwagon. RIP Marc Lamont Hill

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