The Pentagon Wars is a 1998 HBO comedy film directed by Richard Benjamin based on The Pentagon Wars: Reformers Challenge the Old Guard, a book written by retired United States Air Force Colonel James G. Burton about the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
This was my first thought as well.
That pence trial better be worth it.
His name has been coming up often in the Realrawnews posts lately.
Yes, I read that shit and no, I can't verify it.
Jan 21st is as fine and proper a day worthy of a datefag as any.
Arrests or GTFO.
Cool stuff coming, but the economic issues need immediate attention.
What good are flying cars medbeds and all the rest of the Starfleet shit if the currency isn't stable and we're all debt slaves?
It's going to be amazing, but I don't have the time or patience for a slow rollout. I'm liking what I've been seeing but they best not slow walk.
Jan 21st gonna be wild. Show us what you've got.
Good. It's happening either way. I'd suggest staying out of the way.
Quitting saves the trouble of firing them.
Little thing called the Dutch East India company ring any bells?
Danes fucked us from day one. Sorry, not sorry.
Flip on it's head/burn to the ground
Whatever needs done.
Just ordered a Ron Paul it's happening meme t shirt to wear at work.
Can't wait. So excited.
He earned it.
Heck, if he wants the job, give him the podium.
Let's see how that works out lol
America first.
We're going to show the way.
Too fake and gay.
Brandon is a perfect choice. It certainly falls inline with elon's idea that the most humorous solution is usually the correct one.
Perfect choice.
Joe Masepo made some amazing videos in the early days of the great awakening that helped bring many new anons in.
Seek out his "Q plan to save the world" IMO it's the best of them all.
Tell them they sound vaccinated, laugh at them to their face, move on with your day.
Fuck them and their stupid questions.
Rand is solid, but I see him in other roles. Ron Paul being part of DOGE is a dream come true.
Tell me you got here late without telling me you got here late.
Settle down.
God forbid we get ahead of any talking points right? Disgusting.
Ban me if you must. Free up my days. I waste too many hours here anyway.
You are vile and censorious and I just can't stand by without saying so.
We all have our lines in the sand faggot. All his money can't make his son a man. Fuck off to mars already.