fponick 12 points ago +12 / -0

I’m an Irishpede, but I live in the US b/c my dad got us out of there decades ago. Rigid class structure was killing opportunities. Our job was to seek approval from those “above” us and disdain those “below.” So we quit there and came here! 🇮🇪🇺🇸

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just downloaded the zip file. Slow, but done in less than a minute.

fponick 4 points ago +4 / -0

TRANSLATION BELOW. Blue text in original is links. You’re welcome!

The following is an URGENT and CRITICAL request for IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE from the peoples of India.

So, long story short, the Deep State Cabal is absolutely pissed off that India didn't side against Russia with regards to the whole Ukraine situation. For not only did that mean that India is now strongly coming out against bioweapons, and, above all, child trafficking operations currently being eliminated by Putin within the borders of Ukraine; but also are they taking a strong stance against child trafficking within their own borders as well, at this time.

Just look up the word "trafficking" (without the quotes) over at this link...this link...as well as this link right here to see what I mean, here.

So then, the Deep State Cabal wants to punish all Indians in here by instigating violent riots and senseless manslaughter all across the country (and slaughtering innumerable innocents through it).

So, over the next few days, please, PLEASE send ALL of your Prayers, Blessings, Love, Light, and Visions, Visualizations, Imaginations and powerful INTENTIONS for the establishing of Peace, Prosperity and complete and total Wellbeing for all citizens of this country. Above all, please request the very highest levels of Divine Intervention in this regard, for such would indeed prove to be of TREMENDOUS ASSISTANCE here.

Even if you were to take out but 2 to 5 minutes of your each day (and if possible, multiple times throughout the day) for just the next 7 days alone; you would be helping folks out in here tremendously. That is all I ask of your here, BUT 7 DAYS OF sending powerful Prayers, Love, Wellbeing and Peace to the people of India. (And especially so towards the people of this specific state known as "Maharashtra.") Given that that's their primary target or the epicenter here, at this time.

Finally, also send some Love, Light, Peace and Wellbeing to the rest of India, as well as the rest of the World here too. Because well, but obviously they seek to attempt to pull off this dark shit all over the rest of the world too, clearly.

Finally, and in case you feel so guided, do come join in in the Mass Meditations for Peace and Wellbeing (within these Targeted Areas) at 11:11 AM G.M.T as well as 11:11 PM G.M.T. for the next 7 days, i.e. until the 8th of May, 2022.

We may be just a handful (of people), but with the power of GOD by our side, we will prove to be quite a HANDFUL for all those negatives that only and only wish harm to us, as well as our innocent brothers and sisters (and anti-child-traffickers) all across the planet.

So let's go show these meatheads what REAL POWER even looks like.

PLEASE DO SHARE THIS MESSAGE URGENTLY wherever so possible, and, if possible at all, do ask all of your (willing-to-assist) loved ones to join within these prayers (and mass meditations); as also see if you can organize some Group Prayer Sessions or Group Mass Meditation Sessions of your very own here as well!

THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! Your help here in protecting innocent lives and children is MORE APPRECIATED than mere words can ever even hope to convey, here!


fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Notice how the WEF-types always say “we” when discussing what they plan for you and me.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

She wants Klaus Schwab to work WEF harder, faster, and sooner—basically pick up the slack that their failed 16 year plan can’t fix. Don’t forget, Hillary actually apologized to Obama for losing the 2016 election. Instead of gathering strength, so-called “global democracy” is falling apart in slo-mo. Oddly enough, the longer it takes, the more normies wake up, even though we find the pace aggravating.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Translation : Discover illegal ideas! Please go to the nearest isolation camp, provided by the Ministry of Truth.

You have been downgraded to "subhuman" social credit score, and you may not participate publicly for the next 18 months.

by Sek7or
fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

3x in same post? 🥴

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Planned crying to solve that kind of problem is actually pretty creative. I wonder where it fits in with the usual four—fight, flight, fawn, and freeze. Maybe fawn? Even so, it’s pretty damn sophisticated, mainly because your daughter wasn’t driven to it. She apparently chose it as a tool—and it got results.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s neither irrational nor lunatic to them. It is a logical next step in their plan. If we don’t understand that, we waste a lot of energy feeling horrified instead of methodically investing it to defeat them.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Stew”? Username checks out …

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Point well taken.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t know. Referring you to /r/God_Bless_America1. Or /r/ElectionPredictor

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Couldn’t let a mention of Allegheny go by unremarked!

Is the Allegheny County GOP website (https://www.allegheny.gop) active? What’s happening?

Let’s look at the local committee links: https://www.allegheny.gop/local_committees. Looks like they got them all covered. Check ✔️ Now the affiliate organizations: https://www.allegheny.gop/affiliate_organizations. Pretty impressive. Their Daddy organization calls them “independent bodies comprised of local collegiate, young, and women's Republican groups.” They may be called affiliates, but they’re pretty much on their own, which could be a good thing. The point is, they’re young—and they care. Check ✔️

But wait! Allegheny County’s GOP’s last newsletter came out October, 2021. Their calendar has no party events, and they have no candidates list at all.

Moving on to FB for more info. Mixed results … except for this announcement on a YR group page:

“YOUNG REPUBLICANS are officially on the ballot!” Why aren’t they listed on the party website? Why are no candidates there? Is it possible (dare I suggest?) that old-line Allegheny Republicans are too jaded, disappointed, disbelieving—maybe even too RINO?? to get behind their Young Republicans and cheer them on? (I hope I’m wrong … I’d love to be wrong.)

Feeling jaded yourself?

FWIW, why not get on the Allegheny County Young Republicans FaceBook page and look around? https://www.facebook.com/AlleghenyCountyYRs/

Why not even go to their next event, acknowledge whatever age you are, and ask them how you can help? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=349633627194256&set=ecnf.100064428652301

Who knows? Maybe they could use help contacting all those committee members?

And there’s still OPTION 2. Help Stop the Cheaters by working at the polls! If you do nothing else, Sign. Up. Now: https://workelections.org/jurisdiction/pa/allegheny/

These comments don’t apply to only Allegheny County. For any county: If you’re sick of the RINO status quo, if their inertia bores you, if their entrenched corruption disgusts you, and you’re still Mad as Hell about the anti-MAGA cheaters, then—


fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything rises and falls, doesn’t it?

Your description of what happened is sad—and accurate. Wherever we lived, we trusted our leaders (elected and not) had our best interests in mind. Because we thought, like most of us do, that they wanted the good of all—we forgot to keep checking on them. Human nature …

What’s different now is that we and people like us are recognizing and reclaiming our innate power and using it! (Also human nature! Yay!)

Luzerne, Lackawanna, Allegheny, and all the other beautiful counties of Pennsylvania—one by one, here and there (not this minute, but soon)—all coming back!

I love Pennsylvania. And I have frens there.

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