665 FBI employees ??
i agree, RIP Isaac Kappy
I feel satanic vibes coming from this clip
and great red shoes shot btw..
let's be careful about this woman https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italys-meloni-tells-ukraine-it-can-count-her-2022-09-28/
It's possible that the 4-6% figure given y Q is really optimistic...
what were the Putin pre war goals exactly ? I don't think we anons got the full scale of the movie...and I don't think you do
When/Where did he say that ? ? Sauce ? This quote is FIRE and I'd really like to be sure it's real you know
I remember Harry said he didn't want to be treated like his mother re : media, paparazzi and that was one of the reason he decided to leave in the US (where everyone knows there is no paparazzi)
Not sure if he really meant media, paparazzi
Rigged election is one thing, fbi false flags is another one, international pedo human trafficking ring is another one too, there is no number one topic
some may say it was Benjamin de Rothschild who died in January 2021.
easy on the normie who is waking up ^ And cheers to Anastasia ! Welcome in the real world (or movie, it depends on the mood you are)
I like the way you said "i also now know the probability is not 0". With president Trump, everything is possible and we never really know what he is up too ^^ !
Good wedding to you anon !
It's been 5 years that MSM write articles about Q, ZERO journalist could determine WHO is behind the Q group. Bunch Of Clowns.
Donnie Darko is a great movie ! Old days, screenwriters didn't care about the skin color of the characters back then
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. PODESTA (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.
wtf is skippy doing here ? this is a very surprising plot twist in the movie
hi i don't have instagram could you get a screenshot of this post by Kanye ? wwg1wga !
tell us more about pamela !
We want Truth Social available in France too !
You're not very patient... Some of us were on reddit, then voat, then here.
It's happening, only a fool can say otherwise when you have all the information anons gathered over the last 5 years.
Trust the plan, even if it's far from easy.
I can only confirm this.
1 billions quotes of Mel about children in hollywood and blood sacrifice but 0 video.
And the link pushed in this thread is https://www.australiannationalreview.com/lifestyle/mel-gibsons-shocking-revelation-on-hollywood/
This article wrote the 27 july 2020 said Gibson was on the graham norton show the friday before to say these things and that's just bullshit.
Caviezel said live that the adrenochrome stuff is real
cause that's bullshit, Macron is still here unfortunately...
i agree and in the 19 min secret society speech of the OP, JFK didn't talk about "enslaving" (very strong word) and he didn't reveal his intend to expose the plot. And "7 days before he was assassinated" ? ?
Beware of Fake Quotes