I would equate this to what is going on with DOGE and the budget right now. It's distantly possible that NATO could be reformed but things are so bad at this point that it would be better to get out of the bloat that is NATO and let things settle and then if we wanted to recreate something from scratch with some european countries then do that. Maybe we want to let Europe be Europe for a while and focus vertically on the western hemisphere like Trump has stated.
USA made jeans! Jocko Wilink invested in these guys!
Yep 1000%. Why do they want to inject something into us to cure cancer that they have caused by poisoning us in multiple ways through food, water, EMF, LED bulbs, etc. Just get rid of the poisoning and there is no more cancer and no need for a “cure”.
The reason everyone is sick is because we're being poisoned at every turn - vaccines at birth, chemicals in the food, the water supply, constantly irradiated in EMF/microwave frequencies, bathed in blue light from LED...
Which we shouldn’t be using either. Remove the smart meter, hardwire everything in the house and if a cellphone is needed, don’t keep it in proximity. All this EMF screws with our nervous system which is how the body communicates with all of its systems for repair. The smart meters turn the home into a big microwave frequency cage.
Everybody has AIDS! AIDS AIDS AIDS!