ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

We, the people, will not tolerate it. We will dismantle their status as disabled; and while we're at it, review all of the other ridiculous disabilities that are already being exploited and dismantle those as well, until we actually get to keep some of the wealth we earn to spend or donate it as we see fit.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Grind it to a halt turning against a long wall, or drift donuts - if the steering isn't electronic. If it is, you're kinda hosed. You can put in either/both of a fuel pump kill switch or ignition kill switch ahead of time but that just gives you the option to self-disable.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Google/'They' are collating all of the information about you, and has AI clarifying it into a perfect analysis of your life and the working of your mind. It doesn't need constant facial recognition (they can compare your geotracking to public cameras anyway). If your fingerprints exist (either through legal troubles, payday loans, gun purchases, etc.), then that is already in 'your file'; your DNA profile is also connected if you've given anyone access to your blood (this includes the labwork to check your cholesterol and whatnot, and private geneaology companies). Your phone is listening to your verbal conversations, analyzing your searches and purchases (your diet and brand preferences, what marketing style works on you), and connecting your proximity to other people's phones to extrapolate your social and business connections. You aren't granted the ability to disable any of these features. The thing they care least about is your name; it's in there as well, but it's your unique identifier number that they gather the info around.

ghostsage 4 points ago +5 / -1

December 2019: This novel virus has a corona of spike proteins which makes it interface with your body more easily. December 2020: We've created a non-standard 'vaccine' which will alter your genetic code to permanently turn your body into a spike protein generator; and somehow that will be awesome. - This info wasn't hidden, this was what they told us out loud. It should have triggered everyone's critical thinking from the start.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Baseball bats weren't designed to be lethal weapons either, but are definitely deployed, without training, in cases of self defense. You can, should, and will use any advantageous object in service of self defense; it's that simple. And sure, things go wrong sometimes, but it's believable that anyone is calculating their efforts to improve the odds of justice, even if it is not always perfectly served.

ghostsage 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is there any significance to this at all? Couldn't every GOP organization in the country resolve to denounce the 2020 election and it would make no difference at all? I don't get it.

ghostsage 8 points ago +8 / -0

When you buy with computershare (which is not an instant, simple process) then the shares you own are registered and held in your name. Buying any other way, you have a theoretical amount of shares in the 'pool' of whatever other company you use. They are supposedly assigned to you (by the broker) but are registered to the broker, not you.

by gamepwn
ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

The money is fiat. It's fake, it never existed. As long as you can work, can be productive and have something to offer your fellow man, you have the currency that will always spend. All you have to do, then, is keep that currency out of the hands of the cabal; defend freedom. You say that people will go broke and die - but what we know is that within this central banking system, people have been broke and dying for a hundred years already and the only option is to destroy the system and let people truly prosper.

ghostsage 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why isn't he on a RESPIRATOR with a regimen of REMDESIVIR? We have a protocol, science has a protocol!

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is the 'Inverse Cramer'. He's reliably wrong and it seems to be better to go opposite whatever he says.

by catssix
ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

That Chuck Schumer meme was attached to a Q post made on 1/19/2018. Tracing the meme origin might help date this picture.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hunter has Joe listed as a contact under the name "Pedo Peter" (after Joe had asked his family to call him Peter Henderson, a traitor character from a Tom Clancy novel).

ghostsage 12 points ago +12 / -0

I think, and some research shows, that their bloodlines end in about a generation. The vaxx makes most women sterile but guarantees that all their female children will be sterile (and most of their boys). Who knows how they may adapt or mutate though. Life... uh... finds a way.

ghostsage 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're talking mostly about an unhappy medium, as that rarely works long term. Ignorance is bliss; if you haven't been with anyone else or indulged in porn, sexual chemistry is a given in the same way that 1 > 0. When you instead go develop a basis for comparison, there's a lot higher chance you end up eventually coveting that which you don't have.

ghostsage 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hast thou never heard of monarchy? The people vote to securely establish that the people, you see, have indeed voted.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Radioisotopes are the best kind of topes.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

This guy would actually be a really great candidate for the vaccine and all boosters. Wow.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they'd kept their legs shut, they never would have needed abortions in the first place.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a 10% drop with an overly dramatic graph. Still notable, but this is propagandizing the data.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can't change math with flamboyance. It's 3%, they're just obnoxious.

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