ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

997 registered voters = ~500 Republicans; ~500 dead people.

ghostsage 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your boycott of Amazon has been too weak. Get it together people. Yes, it's convenient - but they are the enemy.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they'd just look at the vaccine data, they'd realize the booster will kill the baby just as dead, and it's free everywhere.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are saying that only black people are so ____ that they will intentionally avoid a black business and instead go to a white business. They are suggesting that the whites are the 'natural enemy' of the blacks. They are suggesting that blacks are inherently race traitors. Presumably, blacks are supposed to read this at some point and feel so guilty that they attend this restaurant, rather than be the race traitors that this restaurant explains to them that they naturally are. In a sense, they are trying to use guilt to strip their fellow blacks of their cultural heritage, and then cop those ends.

ghostsage 0 points ago +1 / -1

The loans should not exist. There are no handouts, it is Republicans paying for Republicans to go to college, and Republicans also paying for Democrats to go to college. There is no metric for 'merit' and if there was, they would say it's with the evil graduates of Harvard and shit. The process is to steal money at gunpoint from productive people and then give it to idiots who will vote like idiots; it should be eradicated completely. By the way, if these loans didn't exist, there would be NO NEED for them. College is expensive because stupid people are willing to pay ridiculous prices because it's 'later money' or 'gonna be forgiven'. If loans ended, colleges would simply lose attendance until their prices became reasonable.

by BQnita
ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of those listed probably passes the message to any MSM not listed. Reuters maybe. But they all get the same orders, word for word. There is no doubt there is a single source controlling their output.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time for a new Internet.

ghostsage 30 points ago +30 / -0

Yeah but maybe that particular school has an authorized area where you go to die naturally, and they just check it for corpses once a year.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It'd probably be the same rules as antibiotics or whatever: you can take them where you go, but you'd need to be a pharmacist to share or sell them in another state.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gab made a browser called 'Dissenter' (a Brave fork with tighter privacy and security), but apparently ran out of money to maintain it. I think Mossad would have bankrolled a browser indefinitely, whereas it makes sense that Torba gives up on a project that is noble but not profitable. Some anti-semitism would easily explain why Trump and Zelenko wouldn't be fans.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

GOOD. Then people will stop going to those places, and instead go to the places that will put it right behind the counter. I hope you're right that they try to withhold it, but I would not want any penalty that might make them reconsider their policy and stay in business. I want all of these corporations to go bankrupt and new, better ones to replace them all - we should do business with friends, not enemies.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

My problem is trusting that platform again. Elon isn't a good guy (he's definitely more smart than good) - and with Dorsey supporting this entire sale - isn't it possible that they are 'reviving' Twitter temporarily, until TruthSocial can be bankrupted in its infancy, after which Twitter goes right back to monopolistic tyranny? It seems like this is really sucking the oxygen out of the TS launch.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It downloads the MOV file (video) instead of showing it in a player. Not good etiquette, but technically every click on the internet automatically downloads a file.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bill Lee is a democrat in a RINO costume. He only does what he's supposed to when heavily and publicly pressured. He wants to betray us on everything, and mostly does, but also wants to keep the office.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

But, I mean, how petty...? Is there even some evidence yet of Russia doing something wrong to begin with?

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now featuring more tranny!

ghostsage 6 points ago +6 / -0

Back when Trump thought McConnell was a republican, he took all of his SCOTUS recommendations. They were from the Federalist Society, a conservative legal community which, of course, has been infiltrated by turncoats.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a mirror, using a diagonal angle. He's taking the selfie with his right hand, bed is behind him over his left shoulder. There's a bathroom on the right.

ghostsage 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is correct. Physics won't allow the toilet to be there if that's a doorway. It has to be a mirror. Photo at an angle hiding his selfie hand. Hope more people see your comment.

by IAmOne
ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

All of this is true, but none of those things 'swing with weight'. They can swing, but not move fabric, they can have weight and bulk but it doesn't swing. The video shows a swinging (pendulous, with delayed impact) protuberance with enough weight to move fabric.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are paying the price for our joy and innocence. While we were trying to be good people and live happy, productive lives, an army of demons was hard at work in the shadows plotting and deploying all of what we see today. We needed to monitor it, patrol it, and eradicate it; but instead we neglected it. We were naive. We were irresponsible. We were greedy. We were children for too long.

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