giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those ladies should all walk and form their own federation. Fuck the crazies, let them rule over their own kingdom of shit.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something like 70% or more of Americans think only citizens should vote in US elections, including a majority of democrats.

So there shouldn’t be a good reason not to vote for it. This is what a majority of D’s say they want.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

China imports 60% of their food, and the US controls the seas.

If China starts shit with the US their government would collapse in months when their people revolt due to starvation.

Being dependent on food imports is a strategically vulnerable place to be.

giantHoser 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pfft China needs the US to buy their shit more than the US needs their shit. And they need imports more than we do. I can afford to pay $5 more for my shirts. Without exports, and more importantly, imports, China is fucked. They import 60% of their food.

If they ever start shit with the US we’d immediately shut down their shipping. No shipping, no food. CCP implodes within months due to starvation and mass riots.

giantHoser 13 points ago +13 / -0

It’ll be just like Twitter. He’ll fire 90% of the staff and “somehow” everything will run better

giantHoser 0 points ago +1 / -1

How about this? They create a crypto coin for the US currency. Value it at $1 per coin. Create $35T and pay off the debt with it.

Then create enough to give every US citizen $35T each and hand it out.

You’ve basically wiped out the debt, crushed the federal reserve, and given every citizen some money. Then let the free market do its thing.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

TLDR, she’s slightly more black that Elizabeth Warren is Native American, but not much more than that.

giantHoser 9 points ago +10 / -1

This is all true. They are also dedicated to helping others. It is part of their religion and beliefs. Is there are Sikhs in your community you should get to know them. They will be good allies.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kinda. They should dangle sentencing over each of them to get the rats to turn on each other and testify against each other.

Then after they’ve all ratted each other out and we have all their confessions on tape, sentence them and the party begins.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

With our impending control of house, senate, and White House, pass a law updating the requirements to hold security clearance to include the requirement that you’ve never used your security clearance to influence an election. Include in this rule that once it has been revoked for election interference that it cannot be restored, and furthermore dabbling in classified information once revoked results in serious penalties.

Then revoke their clearance under that rule.

Fuck these guys. I’m sick of their shit.

And…. Now I’m thinking about all the ways this can blow up in our face. Fuck big government too.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

And this is one of the many things that sucks about big government. The only difference between this and Washington is these guys got caught.

giantHoser 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think ARC is in opposition to the WEF. They’re working on stopping the climate hoax, stopping the WHO from getting too much power etc.

They support causes that I support, and probably that most of us support.

Don’t believe the FUD about them, I really do think they’re on our side

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

And we leave no one behind

Did Biden just say WWG1WGA???

WTF? Is that a soft admission he’s controlled by white hats?

giantHoser 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ima die laughing if there’s communication in there from the Biden admin to the FBI telling the FBI where the Biden admin hid the classified documents in the pallets they sent to Mar Lago

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy shit Candace 😂

giantHoser 4 points ago +4 / -0

I interpret Tate as the political equivalent of flat earthers. Flat earthers and other over the top batshit crazy conspiracy theories are seeded with legitimate conspiracy researchers to delegitimize research into real crimes.

Similarly, Tate is taking a conservative position to an absurd extreme to make us look crazy. Fuck that guy.

giantHoser 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reddit under Aaron Schwartz was a genuinely good platform. It embraced free speech and you could have great discussions.

Post-Aaron Schwartz it has devolved into a Marxist circle jerk. There isn’t much worth reading on there. Maybe the cooking subreddit. Nah fuck it, it’s not worth supporting that shithole.

giantHoser 4 points ago +4 / -0

I missed the memo on this. Who forbade the investigation of the Awan brothers? Did that really happen?

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