Didn't say he wasn't talented and not selling anything, but it's very questionable on how much stuff the band themselves created on their own through the years.
Never been a fan of their music and one of the main turn-offs is how arrogant a lot of their fan base is talking down to those who are not beatle fanatics. Like if you don't absolutely love and appreciate how great and influential the beatles were/are, you don't know shit about good music. I know a few like that in my circle and kindly told them to fuck right off...
He transferred it 13 years ago if you read the included comment. Red Mill has a sizable top shelf presence in any store I have been in. I would say they are and have been making great decisions and will do just fine. Ease up on the FUD…
Agree to disagree. Income and money is the common denominator with everyone. You can spin a WW3 into what became of the Russian/Ukraine conflict and Palestine/Israel with these people...you still see it to this day. But you cut their retirement by half/instill fear they may have to actually go back to work to make ends meet....that shit sells itself like a sledgehammer to the head with EVERYONE...
For people like my folks not sure WW3 would even really do it honestly. Media could still spin something like that to them. They are the types that will vote either party if it helps them financially and being retired living off their 401ks, a market collapse WILL get un-fn-divided attention....
Completely agree but think/hope there will be another component to a market collapse....election fraud. My Trump-hating folks are a prime example and I know for a fact, but they won't admit, the 2020 election was stolen. Right now, they would not vote for Trump...probably Biden again. What would get their attention and wake them the hell up? A market collapse....that gets EVERYONE'S attention... That happens, I guarantee they would vote for Trump even though they would never admit it. BUT... think if they steal it again in Nov....now you would have all of 'them' on board and they would be on our side at that point screaming election fraud. Perfect time for white hats to drop the proof on how fraudulent our elections have been....if fact they will be begging for it at that point.....
I believe it states 'freeze' not 'seize' and that is a big difference in my book. I am more of the belief these assets will directly or indirectly go back in the hands of the American people in some form since it was stolen from we the people......government taking these and/or proceeds would be a total waste IMO.
We are dealing with eradication of a 1000 year death cult dipshit…you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of the war that is being waged. Take your double quoted idiotic shit and kindly fuck off.
Merry Christmas!
You sound new here.
The other option would have been to let the cabal run with their lock down plan killing exponentially more people. Think drugs/alchohol/suicide/more business forever closed/way more lost jobs/welfare state likes of which never seen in the US/etc....it would have been a living hell on earth with considerably way more deaths. So yeah, it was OBVIOUSLY the WAY BETTER choice. You sound really obtuse or this is a pathetic shilling attempt.
You seem inclined to not think at all. Comparing salt to fluoride based on bodily need....not sure how much more idiotic of a comparison one could make.