When Massie put up his poll on whether Johnson should be re-elected speaker, I said then he needed a third choice, which was I support whatever Trump wants. Why second guess whatever strategy he has? Trolls and never Trumpers are working hard on this one, and I say this as no fan whatsoever of Johnson.
There were no measles vaccines for either type when I was a kid. I had red measles, the dangerous one, when I was a few months old preemie. Luckily I survived. Mom said she tied baby socks over my hands so I couldn't scratch. I went to school over the years with kids my age who were disabled after having polio. I remember getting the first polio shot, not sure what age, and the second sugar cube vaccine later.
Someone posted this in response to the original post. Rothschilds haven't owned in for quite a while. "Not defending them but it's not the reality: The estate is not in Rothschild name since 1890 at the death of Hannah👇 . At the death of meyer 1874, the builder of the house, it passed to his wife Hannah. She remarried the Earl of Rosebery (futur prime minister). She died young and the Earl inherited the estate in 1890. Now, over the years, much of the Estate's parkland was sold off by 1944 but the house remained in the family (rosebery) until the mid 1970s when the contents were auctioned and it was sold to the Maharishi Foundation. The last Earl couldn't pay inheritance taxes.Then sold off to a Syrian property developer who went bankrupt in 2010. hope that help."
I don't think donating your own or another match donor's works. I had surgery last year, thank goodness I didn't need blood. But I was told if someone donates blood for you, it just goes into the pool and then you get whatever comes out of the pool. There's no way to get that specific blood. Yeah, you can demand. They will tell you to go jump. I hope it's different where you are. I said then some smart person needs to start a company offering clean blood for those who need it.
Horse manure is good too. We have rabbits and their manure can be used uncomposted. You can burn plants with raw manure. You can buy bags of composted manure everywhere. I've never used Milorganite myself because of the price and I'm not gardening large acres. I like mushroom compost, also a bit pricy but I mixed it in the soil for my dahlia bed one year and the flowers exploded.
There are oodles of places that sell daylilies by mail. The stores mostly carry Stella d'oro, the ones with small yellow flowers. Here's the listings for daylilies from Dave's Garden. The list is outdated so some are no longer in business but the reviews from members are helpful. (Can you tell I'm a gardening nut? LOL) https://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/advanced.php?search_text=&cat%5B158%5D=9&cat%5B157%5D=&state=xx&country=XX&sorter=company_name&submit=Search
Garlic and daylilies are about as easy to grow as anything. Pretty much stick them in the dirt and watch them grow. We have the worst soil on earth here, more rocks than dirt, and daylilies thrive. They also spread nicely so if you have any friends who grow them, ask them to give you some when they divide. Garlic too. Just plant the cloves right side up (pointed end) and they'll grow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrFNifLBHjE some inspiration Daylilies, irises and lilies (daylilies aren't actually lilies) are gifts from God. So many beautiful flowers and all easy to grow.
I love daylilies and the many deer around here were awful about decimating them. I planted one bed that was just covered in buds ready to bloom and overnight the deer ate them down to bare ground. I tried everything and nothing kept them from the daylilies, including grinding up garlic and making a spray. I went to Costco and got one of the large bags of garlic, divided the cloves and planted them all around and next to each daylily. The deer left them alone. I guess the only other thing would have been an electric fence. They stare at the chickens' electric fence but don't go near it.
Bad idea to move the press out of the WH. You want the reliable, not propaganda, press to be able to see what's going on in the WH. This has been proposed in the past when reporters did real reporting not propaganda and it was soundly rejected. And that was before they expanded the briefing room. I'd love to see what they've done with the press room because it was beyond crammed. Not space to take a deep breath between reporters. WH is an old building and wasn't designed for modern uses.
My grandfather was laid out in his living room where his wake was held. One of my very young cousins said to me, "Granddaddy's chest isn't moving." I was a kid myself but it all seemed very solemn and natural. He was embalmed but my family were mountain folks who followed the old traditions. One of my aunts went through the house and covered all the mirrors so no one could look in them and see who would be the next to die.
They have to have their dramatic, silly, deeply meaningless rituals. I'm surprised they didn't have to all show up in handmaid red robes and white wimples or whatever you call those silly hats. Being able to play dress up would have made it so much more fun.
They took Sudafed off the shelves and you can get it but have to ask the pharmacist for it. It was replaced by this completely useless junk that they're now admitting doesn't work. It never worked. Meanwhile, for those of us with rampaging allergies but high blood pressure, you can't take Sudafed. I now take generic Singulair, which helps a little bit after years of taking prescription allergy meds that did absolutely nothing. Can you tell I have a big attitude about this? Big Pharma can go (censored.)
That's great! Love those babies! LOTS of very good info on that. She has a background in genetics as well as being a medical doctor. What she says about being able to change your DNA is extremely interesting. She also says mothers AND fathers should wait 3 minimum 4 years between children and that first children are healthier, prettier than other babies. It has to do with having maximum nutrition going into the DNA you're giving your child. It's funny, I have one cousin who is stunningly, movie star beautiful and her younger sister is downright homely. And lots about mothers keeping their health up during pregnancy and why.
It's my other longer post in this thread. I'll copy it here: "I'm in the middle of reading this book, which explains in great detail why vegetable oils are awful and butter (only grassfed) tallow, lard, olive and other fats and oils are good. You can read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food Kindle Edition by Catherine Shanahan Here's a page from her website listing good and bad fats (PUFA is her shorthand for polyunsaturated fats) https://drcate.com/list-of-good-fats-and-oils-versus-bad/ There's some other good info, start with most popular posts"
She takes a firmer stand on the butter in her book than on her website. The book is extremely detailed and I have plowed through pages that have no relevance to me at all such as concerns about having healthy, pretty babies. I'm a bit past that. So you might want to skip around a bit. Unless you're planning future babies.
We used to have quiet places with locked doors and calming handicrafts for people as ill as these Democrats.