Could they be extending this to get Trump with his overwhelming win in the next election. They then claim that he had external help to claim victory. Their tangled corrupt web stretches far and wide. Just a thought from a casual observer.
There's also this helpful info from the CDC
The jury's still out with me on Elon. This is a guy that , currently, seems to have been handed unbelievable power.
Twitter (That controls opinions)
Tesla (That can Remotely Control your Transport)
Starlink (That can control your communications)
Neuralink (That controls your brain function)
SpaceX (That can control, pfft, everything)
Deepmind (AI Tech company that Google acquired)
The Boring Co. (Cost effective boring Co. Bunkers etc??)
It's strange that these things that, obviously, have such a big influence on the world's population and it's control; is allowed to be owned by one person. The fact that he's desperately trying to paint himself as an opposition to the left is also unsettling. Something smells.