hisnamewassethrich17 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Georgia Guide Stones were placed there by 322 Skull and Bones. My guess is that they are the ones who performed the ritual of blowing up the 4th wall.

This is a Shemitah year and we are getting closer to the big date! Remember 9-11??? You have to understand that these people follow Kabbalah and encode everything using Gematria.



hisnamewassethrich17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe start with the Albert Pike Masonic Shrine first. kek

hisnamewassethrich17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oops, forgot about that one. I used to be really sharp on my Q :)

hisnamewassethrich17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brown = where faggot Libtards but their penuses.

hisnamewassethrich17 1 point ago +2 / -1

I do my own research and have concluded:

Never been a Joe Rogan fan... never will be.

Never been an Alex Jones fan... never will be.

Never been an Edward Snowden fan... never will be.

Never been a Mike Pence fan... never will be.

Never been an Elon Musk fan... never will be.

Did I miss anybody???

Me Ultra :)

hisnamewassethrich17 3 points ago +3 / -0

No way. I want that evil bastard to go in front of the people and be tried for crimes against humanity followed by public execution.

hisnamewassethrich17 5 points ago +6 / -1

What’s really funny is how most of us ‘counter-culture’ freaks who FIGURED OUT AND HATED THE SYSTEM back then are the good parents of this generation (not stoopid and selfish Baby Boomers) WHO HAVE STILL KNOWN NOT TO TRIST GOVERNMENT!!!

It’s all the stupid Fn Normies who became the Sheep.


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