honestlynow 2 points ago +2 / -0

omg! Whose doctor?? Their own? they are so evil. Good news though, they are on their way out. That's why the women I mentioned above told me she was told, hmmmm (Maybe white hats???)

honestlynow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I'm with you fren. Rudy is legit. He loves New York too. He must hate to see what is happening to it. The Bush family is incredibly evil. The Grandfather would have overthrown the country if not for good ol'Smedly Butler. The father had a passion for killing people, especially the famous. He killed JFK, John Lennon, Marylin Monroe, stole the daughter no one knew that she had so she could be raped by George, Jeb & Neil chronically as they grew up (I know her.) They wouldn't think twice about wasting precious life. Cheney's just as evil & I use that word sparingly.

I've heard that before about Giuliani too but I don't get it. I asked someone once why they hate Giuliani & he told me it's because he had a program where he would give street people 20 bucks if they leave town. IDK about you, but I think there are worse things than giving people money.

honestlynow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you have the sauce for what you said the assistant said? That link is a very different NYT article. (I searched & it's not in there)

honestlynow 7 points ago +7 / -0

Better yet, they could sell tickets to it - it'll get rid of the national debt

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I just can't see the color of that guys hat for some reason

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, that narrative is only for libtards who never even consider the obvious

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

'cept this David is in criminal partnership with the ones that control a mega-Goliath Golem.

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly but when all the agents at that insurance company keep all their illegal goods at that house they will still give them the insurance which means screwing over everyone else but they don't care. I hope they do though because it will make a REAL farce out of NATO & in fact, it might be Trump & Putin's plan

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

God help us :/

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's also true of the arrogantly academic & this is important because they have unknowingly empowered this self centered 'elite'. These academics are not necessarily overly self centered, they believe in the greater good. The 'wealth' they treasure are the failed concepts in their minds. (You know, failed concepts like they believe NYT is true and that socialism is good, etc, etc) They don't stay blindly firm to them because of financial gains or self interest but because THEY HAVE INVESTED THEIR LIFE IN THESE CONCEPTS. They made personal decisions (which includes making sacrifices) based on them & etc. They can't afford to look over their lives and say that they made all these choices for reasons that don't make sense. They sort of have to double down for the sake of their overly academic feeble little minds.

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know right? It's so stupid that it really does seem like something Joey bribes would do. At least he's not going to block him too though! lol

honestlynow 14 points ago +14 / -0

Exactly what I was going to say! Also, they think everyone is evil & thinks like them, that's why they had no idea why anyone would ever risk their lives to for the good of others

honestlynow 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think this is proof enough. Q is back! Can't wait till I'm on Truth. A platform built on Q! Imagine that! And there is nothing the legacy media can do or say about it. lol Brilliant!

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

The stock market is crashing, check it out. It's down like 5% overseas now. Trudump crashed the market by trying to stop the truckers, lol. Rescinding his EA won't 'undo' it the fool. Q was probably planning on them slitting their throats like that

honestlynow 1 point ago +1 / -0

wow this is significant! Thank you fren. By evoking the EA Trudeau unintentionally slit the deep state's financial throat (by making everyone withdraw from Canadian banks) LOL!! Talk about 3-D chess! Who would have thunk iot! Check it out now, the markets look like they are about to crash!

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