Sad but he was a valiant warrior against the devil's cabal. I would bet he is safe in God's hands now
Everything he said is spot on except: when he said that most that took covid 19 vaccines will be dead by 2025. 2025 is 24 days away & I doubt that it will be most. This again, proves, for me, that the white hats intervened.
Don't forget that, the first church of any significant size was in Damascus & as far as I know the church has continually been there since. No one knows the history, of course, and it could have changed names, locations & etc since St Paul's visit but yes, let's pray for the 1st church & her people
It might be a good thing but it could be a bad thing too. There are some that consider Erdogan as a possible candidate for the beast in Revelation. Maybe he comes in promising freedom & peace but he could force people to abandon their true beliefs of die
I am just pondering Erdogan's apparent attack on Syria & what someone I know who has been keeping up on those who have deep biblical knowledge, have said. I know that Erdogan has been calling for the return of the caliphate & that he, himself is actually a possible candidate for the beast.
Yes I am optimistic about Trump & the future of USA but our whole continent was not even known of when any of the bible was written & what was meant by the "whole world" in those days was the world as they knew it. The 10 countries that the beast will control are probably the 10 of the middle east. We will probably, under Trump, act as the arm of God at some point, since God always acts through his people. Right now though, I am very concerned about those people who live there. There are still many Christians in those areas. Keep them in your prayers. It could be the start of some great tribulation. For their sake, I hope I am wrong.
Why was this made public? One must never broadcast the game plan! Now they can quickly retire Joe & have Karmabla pardon them all. Yes, blanket pardons being given out in troves to those who are not even indicted looks bad but they don't care.
I think a lot of woke tards will heal from their TDS as their life becomes more successful in whatever they do which we all know is bound to happen because Trump is going to Make America Great Again for everyone, even them
Very well written. Very important to stand one's ground. love the line: "We must make it clear to the relevant European politicians and bureaucrats, who are completely devoid of European values, that they should not talk to Georgia with blackmail and insults, but with dignity."
I agree. Trudeau is a monster even worse than his father Fidel but it's not Trump's role to accuse him. That's up to the Canadian people, at some point. Meanwhile Trump plays his cards as he does (& I'm sure he has all of these points in mind)
Sounds fair