inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would also apply to executive orders

inspoken 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am equally frustrated but I also think Q has a plan. btw Vlad the Impaler was not a man of God. By serving justice in the methodical & slow way it will last longer

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

The coincidence of it hitting the capital AND the Empire state building on the same night, which just so happens to be New Year's the time when we all take as a symbol of the year : The odds of this have got to be at least 2 to 1 right?

I don't know how often this happens but if it does happen often that would be maybe once in a 1000 nights. for them both to happen the same night would be one in a million for that might to be New Years would bump it up to maybe one in a billion. Yeah, nothing to see here, keep moving

inspoken 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is a mental illness compounded by enablers,

inspoken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Carter did broker a lasting peace between Israel & Egypt. What do people here think of that? Yes, he was a tool of the swamp, & did some awfully stupid things, I blame that more on his naivety than on his ill will to humanity. Trump did write well of him (unlike nonname & others) & Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers"

I agree that he made some bad deals & he naively trusted the advice of the swamp, but wasn't he a good intending person?

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me be the 1st to say: I can guarantee, Carter won't get one this time. neither!

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would clean the house in 30

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. Yes, I think this could be the win / win. I can understand Elon being sensitive to this. He was also foreign born & wants to help people, like himself, who were naturally brilliant but not born here.

Let us be the land of opportunity that we always used to be. In the old days immigrants would work jobs beneath them just so their children would be Americans. The swamp turned all that on it's head & are bringing in the worst foreigners to bring us down. That, of course needs to stop. (& I have full faith Tom will do a great job there) but let's also go back to being a magnet for the smartest & brightest in the world. Leaving our door open to them will only bring us up. They would be so happy at the opportunity that they won't mind that there's an extra tariff. They will just be happy at for the opportunity to be able show how capable they are in the greatest county on earth. They just want that chance and it makes us what the most capable in the world want to be part of. It makes us GREAT AGAIN. (And, in a way, they are paying for that opportunity ;)

inspoken 6 points ago +6 / -0

I bet it has to do with the elections somehow because PA was a 'must win' state

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Part of making America Great again is about giving Americans the freedom that our forefathers fought & died for. Part of that freedom is allowing us to hire whoever we want to. I think having a tariff on hiring a foreigner gives employers that freedom while still giving Americas an edge against foreigners for the same job. (In other words it would not be worth while to hire a foreigner to save money because they will have to pay extra for this "work tariff: However, American businesses still have the freedom to hire, say the next Elon Musk, even though he is a foreigner, if they see a lot of potential in them. They will just have to pay an extra 'work tariff'. This 'work tariff' is a new thing I am proposing)

Forcing businesses to have to hire a certain way just seems to bureaucratic & socialist to me. Let's get the government OUT of hiring practices. Let businesses hire as they wish, just make them pay an extra "work tariff' for every dollar their foreign employee makes.

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's an idea. Why not just leave businesses alone to make their own decisions. If they prefer someone from another country, so be it. Let's just add a tariff on top of their salary the same way we will be tariffing from all goods from said country. If, in time, that individual wants to immigrate here, they will go through through the long procedure to do that legally (and when they actually are an American citizen then the tariff stops & they can negotiate with their employer for a better pay)

The point is, with this added employment tariff, there will be no economic reason for a company to take in a foreigner. If they really are some sort of genius, like Musk may have been, then they still get that opportunity to come here. I am assuming this is a touchy point for Elon & I understand that. it also means that we will draw the smartest from around the world, which is only a plus for our nation.

inspoken 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kek!!! They would tell me their name is Paul & that they are calling from Pennsylvania. I would ask them, oh really, I didn't know that India had a Pennsylvania too. Is that north of Bombay or south?

BTW there are now plenty now all over Central America too, btw

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree on we'll see & of course we should always be wary. I once thought Pence was OK & he certainly betrayed us. He is American born & certainly appeared to be all American. So yes, we will see.

We have always been a melting pot but it used to be that immigrants WANTED to become Americans. Now a days they hold their national origin with pride & the woke tards enable that. I like what Ramaswamy says here: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A12r7uLY/its-worthwhile-watching-what-viv/c/

BTW I have always been a tad wary of Ramaswamy, too, but he does say the right things & Trump seems to trust him. Yes, they could be a fox in the hen house waiting for the right moment to steal a hen. They also might be a small guard dog that just looks like a fox. We will see..

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what are people here suggesting by that? DO you think Trump made the wrong pick? I, for one, am on team Trump. I think he took all these points into consideration a while ago & if anything, he has a way to use them to our advantage.

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