Yes, silver is silver. However coins are actual money, for each Treasury that makes them. A gold Eagle is $50 dollars in denomination, even though it would cost $2150 to $2200 to buy right now. A Silver eagle is a $1.
US coins, 1964 & older, (dime, quarter, Half and dollar) were made with 90% silver. $1.40 in face value is equal to 1 Troy ounce of silver.
A silver round is a “bar” made to look like a COIN. Follow Wallstreetsilver on the social media’s
Keep Stackin’
I think when it happens, we will nationalize the banks and kill this beast once and for all. Beast = Fractional Reserve Lending (Usury).
So I think we can possible exchange it at the bank. But that is just a guess. I go with the generics to go for weight.
According to Paper Silver is 168:1, meaning they have 168 ounces sold on paper for every ounce they actually have. A year ago it was 390:1.
I like the motto, “if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it”
This is correct. Trump placed 4 of the 7 board of governors and the Chaiman of the FED. So 5 of 8 positions. This is a controlled demo of the Central Banking system
Back in Dec ‘22 the FED had an emergency meeting when bank Credit Suisse was having trouble. It was rumored at the time that the FED possibly purchased all the Central Banks of Europe. I believe the FED purchased ALL Central Banks.
When the bankers stole the Gold from the US citizens in 1933-1935, they had to create a back door between the NY Branch of the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury. The ESF. Through the ESF, American citizens funded the creation of the World Bank, IMF & BIS.
Now it is estimated that the Bankers/Rothschild/Rockefeller etc, had 500 Trillion in fiat assets. The Central Banks have been buying Precious Metals like mad. Last year India’s central bank purchased 304 million ounces of silver, with fiat money. Now if the FED bought the central bank of India. They can use the fake money to buy physical silver. They can then transfer ownership to the FED. At the FED the silver can go out the back door, the ESF, and then Transfer the silver to the National Treasury of India. If they do this with all the Central Banks, each nation’s treasury can get the assets. Then when it is time, they just bankrupt the FED, and that fiat debt goes away.
That is where the BRICS currency standard will come into play. I’m hearing 20+ commodities will be available to back each nations currency. There is not enough Gold or Silver to back 195 nations.
Also this is why Trump made all of those trade deals with the individual nations, (except Russia & Iran for obvious reasons). BRICS will replace the Central Banks.
Psst, buy physical SILVER
From what musings I have been seeing, the BRICS currency Standard is gonna be backed by 20+ commodities. Gold will be the larger standard. If you want to short the FED collapse, buy Silver. At a 1:86.6 ratio of Gold to Silver, it has the largest growth potential.
Draining the Swamp is about ending Central Banking and creating debt free money. It is no coincidence that the Century of War coincided with the Century of Central Banking.
Gold & Silver were money for 5000+ years, for less than 80 they weren’t. They are about to be money again. Trade your fiat for real money.
Buy physical SILVER. 1oz generic rounds are great for stacking.
I have 2 sources that I go to WeTheMedia & Here. Seems like more and more freshly awakened normies are coming here, making it more of a forum. WTM vets itself. There are so many people that say they quote Q, but they are grifters. If you are at this level, you need to read all the posts for oneself, so you can know who lies. I detest Before It Is News. There is some truth on there but a lot of BS.
Elohim is a reference to GOD the FATHER YHWH / YAHWEH / YAHOVEH
There are the seven Babylonian religions. In the myths they had “Gods” & “Demigods”. The correlation is possible that the “Gods” were the Fallen Angels and demigods were their Nephilim children/Giants. The men of old & renown. Hence Hillary’s email from Wikileaks, about them finding the tomb of Gilgamesh.
I know it sounds crazy, but it is what I think they are alluding to.
Also one might ask where are they, how come we haven’t seen them. Indications of what I read is that they are based in Antarctica. Hence no one can see them. Then they push this flat earth story so people think that Antarctica is just the ice wall under the flat earth dome. Total BS. We are on a globe planet. But the governments of the World have made a treaty to leave Antarctica basically alone, except for their scientific testing.
I know it is crazy. I hope to be proven wrong, but you must ask yourself, do you believe the BIBLE. Do you believe Jesus fulfilled 308 prophecies in the Old Testament? Did King David, who lived 14 generations before Jesus kill a Giant/Nephilim known as Goliath? Time for the adults to pull up their britches.
This is a Spiritual GREAT AWAKENING.
We are at the dawn of the time when knowledge increases.
Here’s the crazy for most people. The Bible is literal. There are Good Angels, the Fallen Angels, the Fallen Angel’s offspring with the daughters of Adam, known as Nephilim/Giants/Hybrids. When the Nephilim die, their souls are never at rest and are disembodied, looking for hosts. They are Demons. And the Corrupt Governments of the World & their banker overlords are aligned with their Gods, the Fallen Angels, hence the mentions of “demonic” “spiritual” mentions. Not sure how much will be revealed to the public.
Put on the Full Armor Of GOD
ES has double meaning Former head of Google Eric Schmidt And Farm raised (former CIA) agent who Gave up the secrets of the NSA, Edward Snowden.
Q uses same initials many times
JK is Jared Kushner & John Kerry
JC is James Comey & James Clapper
Need to take the context of the post into account
Trump did the trade deals with the BRICS nations. BRICS is creating a currency standard that will be backed by 20-22 commodities. You want silver, buy silver, it is the most leveraged/tamped down. When it launches, it all launches. The Window will close on a Sunday Night. We’ll wake up and go WTF happened.
Draining the Swamp is replacing the corrupt Central Banking Fiat Ponzi scheme. The system is meant to collapse under Biden/DS’s watch.
We are watching a movie.
Keep Stackin’
55% of all recorded mined silver in our history is currently used in technology. Best conductor on earth.
Current Gold to Silver ratio is 83:1 Early 1900’s when it was just Money, was 16:1 Current mining has it coming out of the ground at 8:1
Military is telling the world, (why?) that they are running out of available silver.
Gold will be the first stage of the 🚀
Silver is the second stage, going to the MOON
It is all on sale until the window closes
Keep Stackin’
I live in one of 8 states that charges sales tax. is out of the Carolina’s and does t have to charge other states sales tax.
Buy 1 oz generic rounds. Essentially a 1oz bar made to look like a national treasury coin/money. American Silver Eagle. Stack for weight. Gold will be the standard buy silver is so manipulated that it will soar to the moon.
If you do a wire transfer there is no 3% credit card fee. Just a 25 dollar fee from your bank. No limit, nor paper work:reporting with the FEDS
55% of all historically mined silver is I. Technology. 33 in Sterling, the rest in bullion. Up until the 1900’s the gold to silver ratio was 1:16, now 1:84.
Possibly, and possibly both Belfour & USA entering into WWI. They are linked. All of the US soldiers were vaccinated before going to fight on the front. It was Rockefeller(Rothschild) vaccine. He created the American Medical Association that push oil drugs/pharmakia pharmaceuticals. Our Brave fighting force spread the “Spanish Flu”.
The reason they called it the Spanish Flu, Spain was the main power on Europe that did not have a Central Bank & stayed out of WWI.
Every country involved in WWI had a Central Bank that they were forced to borrow from, to buy munitions from the bankers businesses to then kill each other, and owe the bankers money after all that. These people are sick.
The bankers sent the Nazis, their new communists, into Spain during the Civil War, and then got their Central Bank in Spain. Which is why they sat out WWII.
Our entire history pretext has been lies
The land is split to reveal the Ark of the Covenant, and that the Covenant/Blood Debt was paid by King Jesus himself. His blood anointed the Right Hand of the Mercy Seat. Jehovahjirah, the spot where Abraham was going to sacrifice Issac. In the Mount it will be revealed.
The Rothschild’s own The land of Israel. They are Ashkenazi Jews, Central Bankers. The people of the 12 tribes of Israel, the Hebrews do not own the land yet. The Ashkenazi Jews teamed up with the Sanhedrin, Hasidic Judiasm. They used the Talmud rather than the Torah.
We are living in the time when knowledge increases, (we are at the verge of the awakening). We are living in the time of wars & rumors of wars.
I think we are living at the time of the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse. The black horse, Who rode into the earth with a set of balances/money changing scales.
There is no coincidence that the Century of War, (World Wars) coincided with Central Banking.
And irregardless if I am wrong or correct, King Jesus/Yeshua comes back and rules for 1000 years. Finish the Race, Fight the GOOD Fight
Remember you are NOT buying silver, you are exchanging currencies. Paper Fiat for metal that has been used as Money for over 5,000 years.
55% of historically mined silver is currently in technology.
The ratio out of the ground compared to gold G:S is 1:8
When it was just money the G:S ratio was 1:12 to 1:16. It is currently 1:85 16 goes into 85, 5.3 TIMES. 1/16th of gold price is is almost $118. Now have over half of the supply used and needed for technology.
Gold price price is severely held down. It will be the first stage of the rocket. Silver Is the 2nd stage of the rocket. It will be going to the moon.
If you want to take advantage, the door is closing soon. We Are In RED OCTOBER
All wars are bankers’ wars. Since our founding, 1791, the wars from 1812 & forward have been fought over central banking. Hitler’s father, Alios was a bastard of the Rothschild’s. Adolph is not a hero. The bankers sent Trotsky & Lenin into Russia to establish communism, and kill the Czar & his family, (in revenge). The communist then turned against the Central Bankers and moved westward. So the bankers needed their own communist, “racist” communists, and picked one of their own to lead them. The AskeNAZI Jews chose one of their own to create the National Socialist Workers Party, aka the NAZI’S.
Every war since WWII was about the domino theory, except the USA was the war dog of the bankers. Every country we fought the communists in, via CIA or military, after we left the bankers owned the trafficking, drugs/women/children, we paid off the debt and that poor country was forced to borrow money from a privately owned Central Bank.
Do not get caught up in the Hitler/Jew debate. There are the Hebrews/Israeli’s. Term “Jew” was created by the bankers in the 1800’s.