Quit thinking about how you would feel. This isn’t theDonald/Patriots.win
This is the friggin Greatawakening.win
This is a site for the Anons. Read all the Q posts if you are getting squeamish. They prove themselves that the Military is in 100% control.
One does not take on the Central Banker owned Industrial Military Complex without putting the evil fooks down, permanently.
Q133 asks who are the puppet masters, and points out that it is the people who own the Central Banks https://qagg.news/?read=133
Q520 says the puppet masters have been removed. Dated 1/13/2018 https://qagg.news/?read=520
Take this as tough love anon. Now quit wasting time and help guide the sheep when they awake
The Deep State have been doing FF attacks my entire life. We have been lied to our entire life by the operation mockingbird/cia controlled media. To wake up the public, we are being lied to again.
Trump hosted 8 Wrestlemania’s & was a headliner in 3 of them. He can take a CUT to the ear. The normies, Do NOT need to know this truth. In fact the Sandy Hook effect is shutting down liberals who are questioning.
If you take the time and research major events since the 90’s, you might not like what you discover.
All wars are banker’s wars. This is about ending the Central Bank Cabal that owned the Industrial Military Complex. POTUS Trump is safe. We were told that. We were also told that “we are watching a movie”.
The ending is close, and we were told that we will like how this movie ends.
All three will be playing at the same time. Trump is already talking about the missing children. Epstein files from Florida case were released. And we are just starting FISAGATE. All of the Trump trials was to set precedence of what a POTUS or former POTUS could face. Grab your 🍿 and enjoy the Show!
Thanks OP for the post, I will enjoy.
Two others that I know are great:
All wars are Bankers’ Wars, by Michael Rivero. It is really a primer on Central Banking and wars, that goes back to our Founding as a nation. 45 minutes, easy to follow along: https://youtu.be/BXeAIxK7rY4?si=sX92Iqw_KeiiLrJ3
Bill Still’s Money Masters. It is just as long as the OP’s video 3.5 hrs. It is rich in info on the history of Central Banking, going back to Bank of England 1694. I had to watch it in 15 to 30 minute chucks to digest. Went through it twice. But it is comprehensive. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AOk3wBuQNcE
We need to understand the Central Banking System Fractional Reserve Banking/Debt: 12 min https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P-5xDzTvW6E&pp=ygUaRnJhY3Rpb25hbCByZXNlcnZlIGxlbmRpbmc%3D
If there is one, it is Pence. I still remember Chris Miller’s praise of VP Pence. Major kayfabe has been at play the last 8 years. Pence is playing his roll. There is no way the Military would have a potential swamp creature in the #2 slot while they are taking down the Central Bankers
I’m mid 40’s, a Reagan conservative with a bit of Adam Smith, wealth of nations, with a tad of Thomas Locke.
A Classical Liberal, til the progressives stole the term in the 1910’s. I despise the left over term of Libertarian.
I am going through the same thing.
I love the movie Fight Club. I do not agree with it all, but I love the premise. It doesn’t explain why, but it is the Central Bankers/Federal Reserve. I am having a hard time caring about the physical things in my possession. I have not been able to change that the last 4+ years. In the words of Billy, “I Feel Your Pain!”
Welcome to the game. The is a lot of good advice on here. Sounds like you want the most value with easiest resale. I would stick with 1 oz silver rounds. Stack for weight.
Pinehurst is great. To get a good price break I would buy 5 at a crack. eBay has many bullion vendors online. Check the number of sales, & approval percentage. Search for silver rounds, lot of 5. Filter with Buy Now, and lowest price with shipping. ONLY buy from bullion vendors, they will have over 10,000 reviews.
BRICS+ is about to expose the silver manipulation, so you have little time to take advantage of the cheap prices. If you have extra savings, outside of emergency fund, I would exchange what fiat you have for money/silver. The gold to silver ratio is currently 1 to 79, so silver is the best bet on return, (to put you at ease for not being able to get gold).
If you are on twitter, telegram, Reddit, join wallstreetsilver & silverdegenclub, can pick up a lot of info. Reddit is great for this.
Keep Stackin’ Ape
A lot has changed since October. I now believe that if the military makes its public move, Trump will be in “jail” at that time.
If they don’t, we are going to the election in Nov. the next big thing is the Central Banks will collapse on Biden’s watch
Wait, follow BRICS meeting in October, GOLD will be the main commodity
👆Listen to the quick video about BRICS from Clayton Morris and his Redacted channel.
BRICS is leaving the dollar in October
Creating its own currency system using local currencies, meaning national currencies.
I’ve had 12 mg from Reynoldmed, and have used many of the durvet. I prefer the paste, but I use my actual weight on the durvet. Never overdosed. The second I feel a tickle in my throat, I take a shot. If you don’t like the taste, make a Ritz cracker sandwich. Lightly break it up in your mouth, swish some water in your mouth to soften, and down the hatch.
When I had the “delta” I had the worst cough in my life. After 5 days I got a chance to use the horse paste. With in 4 hours after, felt like 1/3 of the “weight”/pressure left my chest.
I will always have it on hand. Love the paste
This is why Wisconsin was the easiest state to flip.
None of the swing states were allowed to fix this. We needed the “Pause”. People need to see things turning to shit, so they can accept the change. Also many systems that need to fail, will fail on the bad guys watch. Next bring on the collapse of the Federal Reserve (Central Banking). The last thing we get to correct is the crooked elections.
Deleted Twitter link by Enoch news https://web.archive.org/web/20190731082847/https://twitter.com/elenochle/status/1156253768649830400
It is about CONTROL.
The Bible tells us there is no time travel, only GOD knows the beginning to the end, alpha & omega.
From Q’s Q&A
“How do you know the future?”
Drop 2606 https://qalerts.app/?q=Know+the+future
Personally, Q said the PuppetMasters were removed on 1-13-2018. So if the bankers were taken out, this is all a movie. In a sea/swamp of blackmail, the creatures always knew. I find it hard to see that they don’t know.
One does not take on the Evil bankers and just wound them, you take the F*%@€rs out. So yes I believe they know more tha. Most. The site was created in 2008, and renewed through 2025. 17 years
What do you think drain the swamp was about? The politicians? The Businessmen? The Media? It was always about getting freedom from the bastards that created Central Banking. It happened at the end of 2017. The rest of this is how we wake up the world public that was lied to/brainwashed their entire lives.
We’ll get there
There is a reason why the ark went away, was hidden. It is Yeshua’s throne on earth that matches his throne in heaven. For more context, watch Chuck Missler’s teaching on the Akedah. It covers the Allegory/relationship between Abraham & Isaac’s sacrifice, and YAHOVEH & Yeshua’s sacrifice at the same location, 2500 years later. The site was named by Abraham in Genesis 22:14, Jehovahjira:
“And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.”
Genesis 22:14 KJV https://bible.com/bible/1/gen.22.14.KJV
Yeshua’s blood anointed the RIGHT hand of the Mercy seat, paying mankind’s blood debt owed when Adam & Eve broke it because of Lucifer. When Yeshua return’s the valley splits from the Mount of Olives
Zachariah 14:1-4
“Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.” Zechariah 14:1-4 KJV https://bible.com/bible/1/zec.14.4.KJV
It is at that time when mankind will get to see the ark of the covenant and see how Yeshua’s blood anointed the right hand of the mercy seat. That is the reason he was pierced on his side. Why the ground wrenched from the earthquake, at the cross, and why the curtain was torn in the temple showing that the ark was not in the Holy of Holies.
The Lamb of God, caught in the thicket, (hence crown of thorns), was the sacrifice that YAHOVEH provided.
Watch Ron Wyatt’s video above, but first watch Chuck Missler’s on the Akedah. It is the duty of King’s to decipher the FATHER’s mysteries.
Chuck Missler Akedah - Allegory of father/son sacrifice. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9uTXz9VHLXw
In the End, GOD WINS!
It will be General Mike Flynn. Military drafted Trump, Military will expose the Swamp with Trump. We will need to re-establish trust with the American people when the true depth of the corruption is exposed. I trust military over any politician to lead us after Trump’s 4 years. We were close to losing the game. There is a reason why we will be seeing his Bio-Documentary shortly.
O3 is created in the atmosphere by sunlight. There is no sunlight over the poles for 1/2 of the year. Hence the hole that forms in the ozone layer. It was always a lie. That is also why they do not bring it up anymore.
This helps corroborate that the earth is a globe. One cannot have an ice wall on the outside of the perimeter that has sunlight 1/2 of the year.
Take the 40,000 ft view.
I couldn’t follow the science until I followed the money. That is where I found the “science”
It is no coincidence that the century of war coincided with the century of banking. Hitler made too many boneheaded mistakes to be real. You finish Britain and the entire western campaign before you take on USSR who was your ally that was selling you oil. It was never about winning, it was doing their gameplay from WWI. Every country takes on a debt to buy munitions/war machines from the bankers’ businesses. Doesn’t matter who “wins”. It matter to prolong it as long as one could, like Afghanistan. Only problem was that technology surpassed WWI so fast that we destroyed their businesses/corporations. Hence after WWII, no major war was conducted in a first world country. The bankers had them all.
Fellow Anon WWG1WGA
Party Tits