jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who the heck thinks this is ok?!

jmarie8408 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly he’s saying incompetence starts at the top!

jmarie8408 8 points ago +8 / -0

To give her “air time,” is repulsive. She facilitated the procurement of underage girls, watched them having sex with JE, taught them how to use sex toys, joined them in the act! Now gets to tell “her side,” … ummm no! I think not!

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh AMEN! WOW - they will appreciate his visit and the MSM will comment just to tear him down! LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP!

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think what we’re seeing is the fulfillment of prophecy. We know we have to wade through the worst before the Savior comes. Scriptures Also tell us through there will be miracles, and the wheat will be separated from the chaff. There is some hope for those who do survive this, will see greatest manifestation of the Savior that anyone else has ever seen.

jmarie8408 3 points ago +3 / -0

In our church, we don’t have paid callings per se, some of the leaders get a stipend, but most of the ecclesiastical running of the church are volunteer. So we have a saying:

“the Lord doesn’t call the qualified, the Lord qualifies the called!”

Lord will bless us our efforts if we are called.

It goes even further than that, if we trust the Lord’s and we express righteous desires, the path will be opened to us. If we are not, we will have a stupor of thought.

I have taken that literally and I have truly experienced this in my personal life.

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