johnlocke1689 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a question for you, does conventional scientific methodology have to be necessary in this modern world? This isn't to try to make an entire argument against the ideas you've posted, more or less a divergent thought.

"Lack of double-blind studies" under controlled settings are difficult to organize and hard to come by through online searches, combing through literature databases. These clinicians, researchers, field technicians, MD examiners, PHD theorists most of the time have to be funded through grants or other political entities. A lofty goal of proving a claim of some cancer research, yeah, no that's a hard pass for just about any normie doing this without any type of self gain or using their own capital, time, for rewards other than to simply help people. Getting a high enough population size to where statistical data is significant is time consuming to filter out the grander population at large. It's also very rare you see one clinician self-report their own journals/case files, as their own journals won't even see the light of day under established medical databases of scientific rigor.

To this day, the only self-reported journal with a clinician's own case files that I've ever seen was regarding vitamin C. And I think these case files went back to the 1940s-1960s.

Lack of peer-review research : maybe no one is scrutinizing previous research because there is no money to support these endeavors. There's thousands of medical literature out there for hypotheses to treat cancer, but where's the follow up? There seems to always to be "future considerations" or "further trials" for any of these hypotheses. It seems to always be "well, it could work, but we don't know. there's not enough data even though our n=200 in theory sounds reasonable. more trials need to be repeated." For the life of me, I've yet to see follow up papers to repeat trials. Conventional science for the most part, just leaves the data as is, seemingly with no one wanting to further expand on concepts.

Scientific rigor : for thousands of years, before modern science, we've had "scientists" unbeknownst in our own local communities. They weren't called scientists. A nice simple term would be farmers and ranchers. These awesome folks were able to develop hypotheses that relate to selecting between dominant and recessive genes in their agricultural products based on the results they get from their harvest. Is this type of rigor the same as modern rigor? Is one farmer's want to grow taller stocks of corn, or more corn in their stock, or more bushels in their acres, different colors of corn, or soil management, or whatever have you the same type of rigor? Are these farmers getting together and talking shop amongst themselves on how each others are getting good crops?

Basically, what i'm trying to get at is: anecdotes are just as good as the conventional methodology. Anecdotes is what helps farmers and ranchers grow sustainable food for us, as these folks surely talk amongst themselves and experiment themselves. I'm sure alot of these folks even went to agriculture school, to even get themselves familiarize with new theory. But it's still just theory, where are the practical reports of result findings? It's quite in the result of their crops of what they're theorizing on.

I just think it's a little ridiculous these days to dismiss anecdotal claims. If it's n+1 to a dataset, a result, a good protocol of experimentation, result finding, then it has sound logical repeatable possibility. But with modern conventional means, it's impossible to find repeatability for any normie without a university grade lab, lab equipment, and source to unsellable chemical compounds to the general public without credentials. Only repeatability is the function of economics, the cost, the availability, and the convenience of sourcing is capable to possibly confirm or deny any new grand claim.

That's why ivermectin, fenbendazole, methylene blue, vitamin c, chlorine dioxide, hydroxychloroquine, or whatever alternative treatment out there is being purported into the structure of our latest age of the "great awakening" Because these stuff is repeatable! The hardest part is trying to read people's own stories to see if their own methodology checks out for logical connections. Reading through the bullshit, if you will. But no one wants to do that. Only a select few who have their own determination and will power will. IE: facebook groups about cancer research. They have something to lose, or have already something to lose, and within their own will power choose to learn more about it themselves and try to restructure thinking processes within their own communities of what else may be possible.

I don't know, I wonder where the switch to scientific fervor had to be purely under controlled rigor? Somewhere along the line, there was a divergence between classical antiquity of thought (eat this willow bark, it'll help clear your headaches! aka aspirin) vs requiring everything needing to be controlled? I think, even in the realm of medicine, a healthy (pun very much intended) moderation in modern convention vs classical antiquity is just as good. Prolly big pharma only supporting papers that reach out to mainstream dogma being the complete divergence of these schools of thought, rather than a symbiotic convergence of the two.

I've got to know what some people consider to be hilly billy, rural folk stateside. Some of these folk live up to their late 80-90s with enough energy to even do gardening outside! I've listened to their treatment protocols, asked them what compounds they've done, how it's done, and by golly, they swear by it. I don't just sit there and let my own prejudices make me narrowminded, I just ask enough questions to connect logical connections that they don't necessarily know how to articulate.

Just because someone isn't a credentialed doctor, doesn't mean that they can't do their own homework in trying to learn more about the specifics of a field. Time is a person's own freedom. For some people to say "oh you're not credentialed, how dare you do your own research" Fuck outta here with that, we have the library of alexandria at our literal fingertips through cellphones, keyboards and computers. Ancient greeks would be salivating to see what possible knowledge can be learned.

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

There were and still are people also looking down and downright condescendingly belittling other people "doing their own research."

We have the Library of Alexandria at our instant disposal with cellphones and internet. It's a mockery to our forefathers and the giants of human history NOT to do our own research.

johnlocke1689 8 points ago +8 / -0

GETF - government efficiency task force

I immediately read that as GET FUCKED.

Here's to the hopium, I suppose.

johnlocke1689 4 points ago +4 / -0

Boycotting therm with our wallets will be the biggest obstacle, analogous of denying them of funds.

Yes, some companies are starting to reverse DEI corporate initiatives, but who's to say there isn't some entity providing underhanded funds by other means?

Their propaganda is going to be pushed regardless no matter the cost of capital required. Especially when money is a complete farce of what it has become. It's no longer just printing physical money, it's called quantitative easing, where it's literally adding 0's to certain managed accounts. Those funds get sent into circulation and get taxed back as inflation along with higher interest rates.

Best anyone can do is just #1 and #3. I do want to add another one, supporting your local communities and the people who are worth the time and place that are actually starting to notice the flamboyant double-downing of the propaganda.

Feed into their insane ego, and it grows. Starve them of the attention, or minimize it's spread, and it slowly but surely withers. They'll collapse into their own humiliation as they double down, triple down, or go further in ridiculous ways to spread the propaganda.

It's as easy as saying "yo, I'm not into that weirdo shit. Leave me out of it"

johnlocke1689 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol. There's alot of telling signs of mania

Name calling, run-on sentences, no paragraph/body structure, gaslighting, straw man fallacies, delusions of grandeur, etc.

It's like writing a strongly worded letter without knowing how to write a strongly worded letter. For all of the intellect these people seem to boastful about having, not having the intellect to know how to write a strongly worded letter seems hypocritically hilarious.

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

This one is a nothing burger.

Back in 2020 there were 3 Gorges Dam generals on /pol/'s 4chan spanning up to 300+ threads trying to unravel the complexities of the event back then. This happened around the Suez Canal blockage too. Alot of anons were pretty sure this would tank the world financial markets even worse than covid.

https://archive.vn/YBhat -- the 4chan 3GD general.

There were several key critical failures in the 3GD, but the CCP ended up diverting water pressure upstream from other sources, sacrificing some smaller provinces to keep the 3GD intact. It got so bad that there were visual aerial and satellite photos of cracks on the dam's structure. Estimated damage back then was 200+ million people displaced.

CCP will just let it flood again, divert water pressure, and if they have to, sacrifice some smaller provinces again.

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

Huynh. Vietnamese.

There's still Vietnamese people out there hopelessly lost in the liberal indoctrination. Some may recover to be able to freely think on their own, but the vast majority won't ever find it in themselves to save themselves, lost in the machine forever.

There was a war. Their fathers and our fathers died needlessly over ridiculous propaganda. Populations slaughtered because "my idealogy" is superior to "your ideology. " Fucking ridiculous. How about just going back to the easier and most understood idea of all time "I don't care about politics, leave me the fuck alone. Fuck with me and find out"

It's so sad that the majority of Vietnamese youth are stricken with the fallacies of appealing to authority cannot seem to discern for themselves the reality of the world. There was a war, and somehow in 70 years they all forget that propaganda and the inability to think for yourself is what tore it apart.

Our fathers died for nothing. Hopefully, there's the few that still remember what that war was all about - maybe just enough to bring honor to those that died, just enough of a small pittance.

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

How are we supposed to market a traditional life with more meaning when our culture sells trips to Paris for the “small” price of women’s souls?

It's really simple.

You know that meme about chads working out not because of the thots, but only to carry groceries?

It's literally doing the simple things that take time, consideration, and sacrifice for a expected return greater than instant gratification.

Baking your own pie vs store bought pie, making your own food vs fast food, etc.

johnlocke1689 17 points ago +17 / -0

Thanks for sharing JohnTitor17. Very well written, nice structure, easy to read.

If more and more people come out with their own testimonials, alot more people will be brave enough to come forth. In just the past 15 years, alot of naturopaths and whomever claims have treated some type of ailment have all gone missing. That's the biggest hurdle in truly ushering in the 'great awakening.'

Fucking scumbags holding back humanity, holding back our true potential as humans - that we are damn right capable to do what it is we set our minds towards. They even sully the good word of "progress" by attaching it to some political sect.

There are those that look towards the sun and worship the sun, to see what actually is and what is in front of them. Then there are those that look into the night and stargaze thinking of the profound possibilities of what lies beyond the night skies, the hidden and the unknown. The limitless and unlimited possibilities beckons those who dare step out of the light into the darkness.

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

Society starts to dramatically collapse when the social contract is broken. The social contract is having trust in people in their professions and communities to do what they give their oaths to. It's just that much harder to trust people these days, it's even harder when the clues are silent and subtle.

I trust a guy who's printing the fuck out of his concealed carry at Walmart who's making eye contact and looking behind his shoulder at every aisle more then I do with local police. At least he makes eye contact with me and can tell that I'm carrying too. We both knowing that we both stand a chance together.

johnlocke1689 18 points ago +18 / -0

You as a former MD, I have choice words for those in your profession. You may or may not take this as straight criticism directed towards you yourself, but may take it as my own implied anger towards the profession itself. This is the best polite way before what I will say, as they say, these are fighting words. I understand there are good apples and bad apples, but it seems there are far more bad apples. I'm not asking you to defend yourself or your peers in the profession. Think of this as a very gentle rhetorical vent without all the anger inducing cussing and offensive attacks.

Why is that most in the medical profession hold themselves so morally superior in their hubris, their arrogance, their sense of self righteousness that they think just because they hold something that is considered valued as prestigious as a medical degree think that they can belittle, condescend, mock, and take advantage of the normal lay people who come seeking help when they are at their lowest in life? People who choose to come to medical professionals are at lost in what it is they need to do to treat their ailments. They give their trust, their sacred trust with their very lives to feel some semblance of being well.

Why is it that sick people get punted around between specialists, why are patients punted around with mismanagement of scheduling? Why are patients ridiculed for what they truly feel is an ailment is "just in their heads?" Why all the indefinitely to infinity prescribed drugs to put a band aid on a problem, never truly solving a problem?

Why is it that lay people are ridiculed and ostracized for doing their own research? Why is it when lay people try to bring an intelligent conversation that medical professionals are instantly on the defense only to berate lay people. We aren't here to argue or put your credentials on attack, we're simply trying to have civil discourse because we ultimately just want to be well. Why is it that some nobody car mechanic who likes to read medical papers, journals, field reports, abstracts, or whatever cannot make some discernment on a concept? Why is it that we need credentials to be able to learn more on our own free time? Why is it that we had to "trust the science" when true science is civil discourse between ideas freely able to criticize every angle of a concept? Why are testimonials completely disregarded compared to controlled and variable experiments?

I'm that no name car mechanic. I was ridiculed and berated beyond belief for trying to ask questions that went against mainstream doctrine. I had doctors who were old buddies with my own father from the middle east wars who looked down on me because I chose to be blue collar and work with my hands. My father trusted his medical lieutenant subordinate to his son, me, in the hands of someone who ended up de-valuing all that trust built on the fields of war. I trusted that medical professional because my father saved his life. I got the ring-around treatment, emptied my savings, dropped out of university, costing me my mental health, and costing me what future I had hoped I would have.

I ended up figuring out my own solutions from literature written by MD's, lab PhD's, field PhD's, and most importantly, normal ass people's own testimonials. This worked for me, because I read through their words. Their writings showed that they cared. They didn't care that I did physical labor for a living, they only cared because I was willing to learn, open to ideas, open to experiments, and open to having polite conversations. They showed the one thing these modern professionals lack, compassion and understanding.

This is just my example. There are countless other examples. I'm not special. This is the level of separation of trust being completely erased from a profession that was to hold the most honor in the world, the trust between doctor and a patient at their lowest. This is why mental health is an issue. Who do people go to when the value of trust is broken?

Last thing I will say, and it is indeed offensive. If I can still breathe and have some energy, I would rather die on my feet trying to figure out my own solutions then die in a hospital bed by being a cuck to professionals who have tarnished their own great reputations built by millennias of trust built. I'm sure there is a growing number of people who will agree to this sentiment.

johnlocke1689 5 points ago +5 / -0

$250k is a small pittance remotely indicative of anything, especially when it's 4 tickers.

That's just normal diversification and volume liquidation transferring to other positions by any other name.

Sensational news trash.

johnlocke1689 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the financial world, we call this FUD and FOMO trash. This so happens to be both at the same time.

It's to stir up panic (FUD fear, uncertainty, doubt) to drive in more volume for their own positions (FOMO fear of missing out). Sometimes they'll do a rug pull (liquidating positions after a sensational writing aka pump and dump) for a direction they like, leaving the clueless with less value in their holdings.

Not saying this one in particular is true or not, I'm just pointing out the propaganda for those who have little experience in reading in between the bull shit noise. Biggest case study is covid and how they used that scenario to liquidate their positions, only to come back to buy in at a better value when prices were to their liking.

Me personally, the USD is tied up with too much in 401k portfolios, petro and quantitive easing (money printing go brrrr) that it will truly never crash to the bottomless extent that people think. Most people have auto 401k withdrawals from their wages, so the dollar will always see volume. Petro-dollar on the other hand literally makes commerce, logistics, energy, consumer goods, and everything in between possible. BRICS formally adopting another currency other than USD is like a full blown sanction which would inevitably cause more bullshit false flags to wage more war against. I would hope BRICS has decent risk analysis to foresee this.

Just invest wisely in moderation, don't be overwhelmed with sensationalism, and diversify so that there arent too many eggs in one basket to hedge against both foreseen and unforeseen risk.

johnlocke1689 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, but people still try to intake 12% or something outrageous as 30%/40% orally.

12% by itself on the skin will literally bleach your dermis and immediate blood within the area white pretty quick.

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fish tank cleaner is chloroquine phosphate.

Hydroxychloroquine is a different molecule.

Same basis as water H2O as to peroxide H2O2.

johnlocke1689 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yikes, bone cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes might be the key indicator. Those toxins need to be excreted some how. Maybe Epsom salt baths? Magnesium to help draw some of the excess calcium from the bone cancer, the sulfur element from Epsom salt to help detox the lymph?

johnlocke1689 5 points ago +6 / -1

If it's moved to the sinuses, maybe try vicks vapor rub, or the generic label chest rubs. It's essential oil with petroleum jelly made of mostly camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, thymol, and some others. Works for humans to clear out the sinuses and congestion,dunno in particular for doggos. I've used it for my own lymph fluid build ups. Make sure she gets alot of liquids so the lymph keeps moving along with getting the nasty toxins excreted through urine.

I'm glad she's in good spirits, that's a positive sign

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe its a lymph issue? As tumors shrink due to treatments, the tumor toxic byproducts gets released into the lymph system. If everything isn't expelled through the kidneys and liver via urine/feces, it gets recirculated back to the lymph, back to the same tumor.

Ask the vet if it's possible to drain any pus or fluid. Maybe chlorine dioxide and dmso to detox the tumor in addition to the lymph

johnlocke1689 5 points ago +5 / -0

Colloidal silver w/ DMSO might do the trick. Maybe chlorine dioxide too.

When cancer tumors shrink or undergo apoptosis/necrosis, it floods the lymph system with the nasty cancer byproducts. The waste has to go somewhere, or better yet, get neutralized. Otherwise, it's a battle on two fronts: the cancer, and the die off reactions.

Good luck fren, she's a good pupper.

johnlocke1689 1 point ago +1 / -0

My bad. PCT is post cycle therapy, that's the lingo in the steroid world.

It's your prescription grade anti estrogens. They can be taken post cycle, or concurrently within the cycle. Both are different doses, both are different classes of anti estrogen. But under the same terminology umbrella of being called PCT

johnlocke1689 2 points ago +2 / -0

Contrary to popular belief, it could be a lack of DHT.

Contemporary belief has it that DHT leads to male pattern baldness, hair thinning, but there's counter studies that show that it's not the case. Tbh, I think it's a conspiracy to sway males from being high functioning with high DHT levels, leading to weaker feminine males with low DHT. See example from the post finasteride crowd where they shot their dht levels to the ground making them feel like shit.

Also, I think hair thinning/loss has to deal with parasites. I think it's demodex parasite. I had scaling in my hair awhile back, I did ivermectin pour on, cleared it and hair stopped falling out. Be super careful with ivermectin, too much can cause alot of die off symptoms. Permethrin shampoo works too.

johnlocke1689 4 points ago +6 / -2

Being older is a shit meme and lazy excuse. It's not knowing, not asking, and not exploring what any one person is capable of exceeding their own limits. Everyone is capable of being more, don't limit yourself to preconceived ideas of what contemporary conversations are.

The natural answer: more onions/garlic, more dietary cholesterol, anti-estrogenic diets, saturated fats, carb moderation, limit cortisol/stress, decent sleep, better mineral/vitamin nutrition, etc.

Onions and garlic as the single best and easiest availability to test. 1 whole onion per day for a week was the same feeling I got on 700+ mg of test per week. It's that good. Downside is prepping onions, as it can be a alot. Raw or cooked, just get it in.

Dietary cholesterol as it's the number one building block for test. Without dietary cholesterol, it's far far harder to build test. Even if you eat alot of onions, it doesn't matter if you're not getting in cholesterol.

Anti-estrogen diets include DIM, Diindolylmethane, : cabbages, broccoli, etc. Modern American diets include alot of estrogenic substances like soy, cooking oils (most fast food frying oils are soybean/canola)

Saturates fats to balance overall hormone profile, monosats, polysats, trans fats imbalance the hormone profile.

Carb moderation to avoid the high insulin spikes from too much carbs.

Sleep is obvious, but not exactly obvious. 6-8 is decent. Hormone balance and well being balance. Grumpiness from lack of sleep = less test.

Cortisol is the stress hormone. Higher stress, higher cortisol. Higher cortisol, less test production.

Vitamins and minerals to help test production or lower estrogen. Vit E lowers estrogen, zinc/Boron increases test. If taking Boron, take 1/4 tsp of borax (yes the laundry detergent, straight up) as it's far far cheaper and more efficient than Boron supplements. Boron helps to drop SHBG which in turns raises free flowing blood serum test, which raises impactfulness of test. Myriad of problems of high SHBG.

The real answer: just take TRT. I tried natty for years, and it ended up being more complicated, more time expensive, less efficient. It was more time trying to optimize than it was me actually trying to enjoy activities. Make sure you take a PCT, or anti estrogen with TRT.

johnlocke1689 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's because alot of them carry their hubris right front and center.

Just because they've spent 6-10+ years of additional schooling after undergrad, they feel entitled to stand on their holier than thou white castle in the skies.

True science is about open discourse, to freely criticize, critique, re-examine, re-study, re-experiment, and to re-theorize published findings. These doctors have shamed themselves by only accepting the proposed mainstream doctrine instead of being open minded to differing views. They have shamed the good names of Copernicus and Galileo to whom risked their lives and reputations, to dare publish findings that the earth revolves around the sun going against the mainstream catholic doctrine of the earth being the center of the world.

Even if a person tries to politely have civil discourse, these doctors will feel their status as medical professionals are being attacked down to the core of their hubris. It's laughably funny and downright sad that they will go about yelling, cursing and belittling people who have differing opinions. And those with differing opinions only have those opinions simply because they just simply want to get well, or others to get well.

It's not so much stupid people, people are too prideful to admit to ever being wrong, or what they have learned to believe should ever be questioned.

johnlocke1689 17 points ago +17 / -0

John Locke, the namesake of my username, speaks alot about the social construct.

It's very hard to rely on the social construct when alot of everything is littered in lies.

Ever since we were told as kids stretching back to the 1940's, we were told that doctors, physicians, pharmacists, teachers, professors, loan officers, military leaders, politicians, cops, scientists, researchers, medical professionals, nurses, insurance companies or anyone in the supposed sphere of trust were people we could depend on.

The social construct is dead when doctors lie and extort you for premiums, out of pocket or deductible pay. They will belittle you if you dare question their methodology, if you ask to share outside research. They will also even dare charge you the copay to have them belittle you right to your face.

Family members and friends will also cast you away because you are hesitant to trust medical professionals. "They're medical professionals, their 20+ years of experience has to mean more than your little internet research. You aren't smarter than these doctors"

Cancer industries making trillion dollar fortunes worldwide, when it's hit or miss to keep people alive or dead through extensive chemo. Playing the fine line of milking a person's wealth to keeping them alive just enough to drain more greed. Pharmaceutical companies or insurance lobbies shutting down people who claim to have cancer cures, dismissing and mocking the claims of cures instead of bein open minded and furthering more exploration into the claims. Naturopaths have a suspicious activity of seemingly going missing.

That's just a little tidbit from the medical sphere, now imagine all the other spheres of life.

The perfect utopian idea of the social construct is dead.

Even the modern idea of the social construct of family is also highly suspicious. What's stopping modern women and even modern men from gold digging, cheating, taking half in divorce, unjustified custody, alimony, and child support?

There are those with wishful hope for the future. Then there are those like me, a doomer, who just wants to watch the world burn because of how pathetic the idea of the social construct is being dragged through the mud.

The act of being a decent honest human being when there is so much indecency and dishonesty, is -fucking- incredibly hard. Almost not worth it alot of times even if it takes gritting your teeth to pick through the people worthy to spend your time with.

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