It will be a word game. They didn’t “shadow ban” they simply “made posts and users less visible.” No one at Twitter used the words “shadow ban” to describe what they were doing, therefore that’s not what happened, even though that’s exactly what was happening.
At this point he’s worse than Mueller. Mueller spent 2 years and found nothing. How many years has Durham been at it? He’s happy to pop up every 6 months or so, go after no one of significance and continue collecting his paycheck.
I saw this coming for a long time. I use Navy Federal but I still wouldn’t put it past them to do this too. Especially if it was federally mandated.
Don’t buy guns online. Only buy guns at a gun store or at gun shows and only pay in cash. Gun shows happen just about every weekend.
That’s the guy! For years I’ve been saying there was a black guy talking about his experience in 9/11 that was the final push that woke me up. I could never remember his name. Barry Jennings. I’ll remember his name now.
Since the realtors are gay themselves, I’ll assume the realtors are just cashing in on the current subgroup sentiment instead of leaving the state themselves. If you believe everyone around you hates you because of your sexual orientation or religion or gender or whatever else you can be offended by and because of that you feel the need to leave the state you are in, then do it. No one is stopping you. You are not as important as you think you are. Let the realtors cash in on made up oppression. Let a patriot buy the house.
I have an ammo subscription through AmmoSquared. Twice my packages have disappeared and customer support said it was an unusually long process to get anyone at UPS to do anything about it (investigate where it went and then refund the cost).
There are stickers that are required to go on the boxes if the contents are explosive. So it’s easy for anyone at UPS to identify them and toss them.
It’s almost as if you lie to people so much that they will eventually stop believing you. Weird. Eventually the ones being abused will stop believing you when you tell them you are sorry and you won’t slap them anymore. Abusers don’t change what they do. They only change their tactics.
When boat parades were all the rage, someone made a comment something to the effect of, the reason you don’t see Biden flags on boats or Biden boat parades is you have to work to buy and own a boat. They aren’t given out for free. And Liberals don’t want to work. They just want the gibs.
If the SS was screening people, that means no one had any weapons. If no one had any weapons, that means it wasn't an armed coup. She doesn’t see the problem with her logic. It was an armed coup because people didn’t have weapons!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is 100% true. I used to play soccer in high school and college. People kept falling over dead left and right all the time. You can’t stop the game when someone dies. Why didn’t they replace the whistle with something else? Anything louder would kill more people. We all took it as fact that at least 3 people would die per game. Tournaments were especially difficult times. I don’t know why everyone suddenly is freaking out about whistles now.
A 1k pound bomb would do a hell of a lot more damage than that. A crater is the most significant damage. For a 1k pound bomb, 150 yards away it caused damage to the building. Trees right next to the crater are still standing. The left side of the building looks pretty good. The furthest point of the building away from the crater took the most damage. No. This probably wasn’t 1k pound bombs and this was more than one bomb. Two at least. I’d says the bombs(s) likely weren’t dropped, but placed based on the depth of the crater.
This is a lot more common than you think. I played soccer all my life until a few years ago. We’d have 2-3 people die per game just because of the whistle. It was a massacre! But the game had to continue. Remember those goats that fall over when they get scared? That’s basically how it is with the referee whistle. But people die instead of just getting up like the goats. Stay safe out there!
Everyone has to do their part