justme777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Want to go down a real "Third Rail" rabbit hole...study the truth about what happened during the first Convention of the States wherein the Articles of Confederation were illegally replaced with our current Constitution. What did Patrick Henry say and think about our Constitution and the big question I ask people now is..."Are we in this horrific situation in America BECAUSE of our Constitution or IN SPITE of it?" That's the question we need to answer at some point if we are going to understand the true depth of our deception. Who ever hears about the Anti-Federalist Papers or who has ever read the Articles of Confederation? There's a reason why you never hear about and are never taught about them...

justme777 3 points ago +3 / -0

True...before you judge him, read some of his work...prolific writer...read The Bad War...we are definitely not told the entire truth about Hitler. Not a Hitler champion to say the least, but I do know that the history we've been taught about WWII, the Holocaust and Hitler is just so much propaganda. We, as a people, have been the most heavily propagandized people in history. NOTHING we were taught in the public school system or institutions of higher learning, read in a MSM publication or have learned about on TV "Programming" is true...nothing!

by b472113
justme777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why do people put this fake crap up here? It makes our whole movement look ridiculous! Oh! Wait...now I get it! That's the point...this site is becoming more and more suspect as each day goes by...

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man...I hope I have someone like you as my neighbor! Sometimes I feel so isolated and in my sphere, I am the only one that feels the way I do about what's happened to our nation that I love.

justme777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe...just maybe...if we normally functioning people see enough of this perversion...just maybe we will STOP virtue signaling by telling other people that we don't care what people do behind closed doors as long as they don't shove it down my throat. This is a cowardly cop out statement to make and I hear it all the time from my well meaning friends and acquaintances. We need to face the fact that these Sodomites need to be completely marginalized from society...and this kind of sexual conduct (homo sex...tranny lifestyle, etc.) needs to be made illegal! Prostitution is illegal...why in the hell isn't having Sodomite sex illegal? And...the worst part is that these sick, demon possessed whack jobs are ultimately going after our precious children! I knew we would end up here the first time I saw two Sodomites kissing on a Showtime program back in the 1980's.

Oh...and...we need to stop calling them gay...especially in public. Their whole identity is wrapped up on the fact that they love to stick things in each others rectums so in my mind we should be giving them what they want by proudly labeling them by what they are...Sodomites! Gay used to mean a form of happiness or bliss! I gurandamtee you most of them are anything but gay...most of them are miserable, tortured and possessed. They need to repent and find Jesus! He is the only cure...

justme777 -7 points ago +7 / -14

Yeah...basically what the bimbo body language shaman said in very long winded fashion was that the lady empirically kicked the shit out of that limey British SOB! Why is it that I just cannot stand the British? I hate their accent, their food, their country, their weather, the way they look and their snobbish friggen attitudes! I love seeing video like this...especially when it's that goofball Piers Morgan getting his ass handed to him...which happens on a regular basis actually. Oh...and what the hell kind of name is Piers? His parents named him after a collection of dicks...er...I mean docks?

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was once told that a person who knows how to read but doesn't is no different than a person who cannot read at all...Well, along those same lines, a people who are being terrorized by tyranny, have guns and don't use them are no better off than those who have no guns at all! We are indeed become the Land of the Slave and Home of the Coward!

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have always been very open and honest about my disgust and homophobia toward the Sodomite/Tranny/Alternative sick lifestyles. Yes! God did indeed annihilate with great destructive force two cities because of the Sodomite lifestyle (or actually "deathstyle")! If we don't shove this sick way of life out of our nation, America will forever lose our favor with the Almighty if we have not lost it already. It really drives me nuts when someone says that, "It's their business what they do behind closed doors as long as they don't force it upon me..." well, bullshit! We can see what is happening...the destruction is only beginning and it's going to affect our precious children the most! NO! We shouldn't even allow this lifestyle behind closed doors.

Freedom as our Founding Fathers understood it didn't mean the right to do anything you want as long as it didn't violate someone else's rights...true freedom is the freedom to live a life in harmony with the Holy Will of God Almighty and this doesn't include the right to penetrate each others anus!

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey Adam...you lecturing us about Truth and Transparency is like a PEDOPHILE lecturing us on child safety...right liddle Adam...you sick fn pervert!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze do it! I am begging you to leave our land and go back to wherever you think your persecuted ancestors came from...Africa, China, Cuba, the Middle East...take your pick! Just get the hell out of my country...Pleeeeeeeeeze!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Typical Limey asshole of the worst kind. Just can't stand the British! Don't like their snobbish fucking accent, don't like how they look, don't like their food and I damn sure don't like their history...nothing about them has any redemptive quality what so ever! They deserve to be under the rule of a king and especially one as butthole ugly as Charles!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

From the first time I laid eyes on this "Beady Eyed" piece of rat excrement, I knew he was a demon! Then I saw a man (riddled with cancer I think) talking very passionately about Mike Pence and his wife being two of the most heinous pedophiles on the planet and begin responsible for dozens of dead children. I honestly have no sauce for this, but I remember at the time I saw the videos, I had no problem believing what the individual was saying about Pence...NONE AT ALL!

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great reply! Thanks for the balanced and thoughtful perspective...I agree...definitely don't want to be too dogmatic in individuality...we are people created in God's image and we do need each other desperately!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

However, ideally, we shouldn't need a social group of peers to lean on and help us stand by our convictions if we had a society that was mentally healthy and didn't suffer from said conditions. We could all think and be strong in our convictions and be truly individuals...but that would be a perfect world.

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Alex Jones and the success of his message is a direct result of his personality. I remember back in the day (90's) I saw video of Alex Jones with a megaphone shouting down the elite at the Bilderberg Meetings! I thought he had immense "cojones" for doing such a thing! It was his bold, unhinged personality type that allowed him to do the crazy things he did and said during a time it was clearly unpopular...

Of course this was before anyone knew about the Bilderberger Meetings or that the NSA was real for goodness sake! Everything that we talked about was laughed at and ridiculed, but now most accept as common knowledge!

However, there were individuals who didn't come off that way and were traveling around the world or were on radio saying basically the same things as AJ, but without the crazy antics...men like David Icke (he comes off completely different than AJ and yet talks about way crazier stuff than AJ!), William Cooper and to a lesser degree, but he had a great impact...Philip Schneider.

I am writing this to point out that AJ has influenced and awaken more folks than all these others combined. So...in all fairness, yes to some people AJ is hard to stomach, but the success of his message style over the years is undeniable.

We could also say the same thing for DJT. His personality is why he can do what he does and still succeed in his message. Most cannot stand his ego and the fact that he's a womanizer extraordinaire, but one cannot disagree with his success in leading the freedom movement.

justme777 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Propaganda Machine has certainly worked in the US for the last 60+ years! We all suffer from some or all of the following mental disorders to a greater or lesser degree, but we all have been affected and this is the issue at hand!

  1. Group Think
  2. Stockholm Syndrome
  3. Learned Helplessness (Hopeum can be a cover for this issue)
  4. Normalcy Bias
  5. Cognitive Dissonance
  6. Confirmation Bias

That Ventura clip certainly highlights just how complete the snow-job has worked on the population at large (I wonder how many "keyboard warriors" that regularly post on this site took the Covid Vaccine? Most of the population of the world agreed to be used as a Nazi-Style test subject!

The usefulness of these disorders to the "Aristocrats" is to sideline most or all of us in some way or another. Each one of us must understand that we have all been affected to some degree (the 2 I see most among the Patriot community is/are Learned Helplessness and Confirmation Bias...with a close runner up Group Think.

That said...we all need to understand these disorders and look within for any evidence we may suffer from them. As long as we remain captive to these six disorders of the mind, we as a country will continue to be enslaved to the wicked parasites that have unleashed these disorders upon the world.

"It's much easier to deceive someone than it is to convince them that they've been deceived." ~Mark Twain~

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of COURSE the mind of a good and honorable man is going to be a horror to the mind of that demon possessed creator of sick, twisted, evil tales! Seems natural to me...

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

This person shouldn't worry too much about putting out this propaganda diagram. It's laced with Occultic misrepresentations and it wouldn't surprise me if some demonic entity created it to be spread in order to draw attention away from the fact that Jesus Christ alone is at the top of any and all hierarchy...both evil and good. When Jesus finished His work on the Cross, He had effectively destroyed satan, the Old Mosaic Covenant, Jerusalem, the Hebrew nation, and placed ALL other spiritual and earthly dominion and authority under Himself! All the kingdoms that satan tempted Jesus with prior to His (Jesus') death and resurrection were automatically placed back under Jesus authority again and satan had NADA anymore! In fact...the more I study the Book of Revelation (which contrary to popular End Times Propagandist so called Pastors and Prognosticators), this Book is all about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the Mosaic Covenant in 70AD...simple as that!

Having said that, suffices to say satan is already cooked, has no authority or power and I believe it's possible that all the wickedness we are seeing in the world today is nothing more than the wickedness in man's heart as well as the demonic realm still being active...not to mention the Synagogue of satan (Zionist Jewry) is also still alive and well. Of course I do believe that there are still very deceived and very wicked people out there who are actively worshipping the evil one and doing the bidding of the demonic forces of evil in this world. But, it's possible that satan is already out of the picture because of the accomplished work of Jesus on the Cross and His subsequent bodily resurrection.

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have yourself committed for being so dense! I can kinda give you a pass for Obama if you were a bleeding heart...he was the first half-breed President and still male...but anyone who would vote for that rotten witch from hell is beyond help and just flat out needs to have their entire existence called into question...

justme777 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same here in commie CA! Brentwood AMC was sold out!

justme777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny you should bring this up...every one of my family and friends knows this about me...they will never take the seat facing the door...they save it for me...I don't remember ever really explaining this to them in any kind of serious talk...but I would always enter a place first and would always take the seat facing the door. It got to the point where sometimes a friend or family member would accidently take that place and I would give them the look and they would just move...LOL! The only thing that I can remember that would have led to me being so anal about facing the door was back in the day listening to this beautiful woman testify before Congress (Schummer to be exact) regarding how the Texas gun laws led to her parents being executed in a diner. She had a gun in her vehicle, but wasn't allowed to bring it in with her and a madman came crashed his truck into the diner, got out and just started executing patrons in the place! She told Chuckie boy (Jewish faggot that he is and was) that she held him personally responsible for her parents deaths because had it not been for the stupid gun laws (demons like Chuckie supported), she would have been armed and knows she could have ended the shooters life before he got to her parents. Her testimony really hit me and ever since I carry in every place I can and I ALWAYS take the seat facing the front door. Oh...and I live in CA to boot.

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