kingbird 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have the question:

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

been answered here?
I would like to know.

kingbird 5 points ago +5 / -0


The Appropriation bill already passed by The House on Sept 28th have $3.3B for Israel, the bill is seating on the Senate waiting to be approved. They can go ahead and quickly approve it. But they need to pass it without changes.


BTW, this is the same bill that will defund the UN, WEF and Climate change activist. ;)

kingbird 6 points ago +6 / -0

For those interested: this point of unsuccesful sirens is made around @ 9mins 35 seconds. Start listening @ 9min 15 sec.

kingbird 5 points ago +5 / -0

The document refered to in the tweet does NOT say anything about $4.5B. (At least not in that document.) It is just a condemnation of the attack. Do people here read anything? Or just emorionally react?

kingbird 13 points ago +13 / -0

^ This. Once I hear it from Trump's mouth, I will be fine with it. Good, Bad, or more of the same; I will assume it is part of the Plan.

kingbird 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have serious doubts about Jim Jordan given Q drop #1431. https://qalerts.net/?n=1431

Where Q said: Those who are the Loudest...

On that Q-drop there is only indirect reference to 3 congressmen: Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and Ron DeSantis.

Who is Q referring to? There is only 2 tweets in the drop, one from Jim Jordan and another from Ron Desantis, both on the same issue.

Jim Jordan's Tweet https://twitter.com/Jim_JORDAN/status/996821093146120192

Initially, I interpreted this as meaning: many in Congress are corrupt, not necessarily the people on the tweets, thy were the 'good guys'. But when DeSantis flipped to the DS and I came accross this Qdrop again, it changed my interpretation of the Qdrop. I still do not know.

kingbird 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would not say in reverse but rather NOT in chronological order. Like one those great literature novels that starts almost at the end of the story and then go back to the beginning to explain how it all started. The narrative going back and forward on the time line, filling the time gaps with the necessary details to understand the whole story.

The Q-post #1 to #55 seem to be that 'Climactic Point' this story started with. Maybe when we get to that point we are almost at the end.

kingbird 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just an observation: Haitians do not speak Spanish, they speak French/Creole. By the Spanish accent and pronunciation, I am going to guess this guy is from their neighboring Dominican Republic. Probably trying to make him pass for Haitian to request asylum.

kingbird 1 point ago +1 / -0

For all I know, nobody was blocking Trump and the aid he brought to Palestine, OH from entering the area. Lahaina is completelly different. The goverment of Maui is literally blocking the access even to residents, blocking the help other Hawaiians are trying to bring to Lahaina. Even preventing journalist, lawyers representing victims from entering the area, preventing them from taking photos or videos or taking soil samples. They literally issued an Emergency order to suppress Freedom of Speech. The situation in Lahaina is so different that everybody's reaction is to think there is a government cover-up there.

kingbird 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not his place. Especially in a deeply blue state, it would only create political controversy and help noone. Even if you believe in devolution; He would be the Commander of the military, not the President, not access to the budgets or funds or congress. Besides, this is what probably the Deep State wants, to make this red vs blue, political not a crime against humanity. We need to stop thinking politically, this is a war started by The DeepState against us the people.

kingbird 23 points ago +29 / -6

^ This.

Bivalent is the one combined with Flu. Apparently people stopped taking the Flu vaccine because it was combined with the Covid Vaccine. I guess they are trying to regain the trust in the flu vaccine. So now the went back to two separate vaccines (monovalent).

kingbird 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is corruption. These people need to pass cognitive test to perform their duties. Either they are not taking them or they are getting fake results.

kingbird 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't trust Tucker, (he flip flops too much and there are rumors his 'ambassador father" was really CIA) but I think this clip is edited. I slowed the speed of the clip and it seems he is going to say"I disagree...100%". Any one has the original video?

kingbird 10 points ago +10 / -0

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

kingbird 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why the rush to choose a successor without the minimum research? Rushing is a losing proposition. Before we jump into the wagon, for any possible candidate, why don't we all start an exercise on intellectual honesty? Let's do a deep research on Tucker. Remember in the last 8 yrs Tucker has Flip flop a lot. Let's make sure there are not skeletons in his closets. Let's make sure he is not saying what we want to hear. Let's analyze him as we analyze all the liberals and RINOs. Let's dig into his father "the ambassador", let's dig into his family and connections.

kingbird 1 point ago +1 / -0

Getting ratings because he interviewed a great influencial person it is not the same as he being great at everything, or capable of running a Country. It means he is great at interviewing, but is that enough? Are we really like the liberals running after the new shinny thing?

kingbird 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe almost every State (if not all) have at least one planned "15 minutes city"; even Red States. California have two(2) main ones: San Francisco and Los Angeles. But what I found: these cities are not going to be built in the specific city they mentioned, but city adjacent. It is easier and cheaper for them to start from scratch. So they want city adjacent empty land. Then, using whatever means necessary, they will push the population to their 'Utopian cities'. BTW, they are not calling them "15 minutes cities" anymore they are calling them "smart cities" and other names, so beware. Search your city or County and find out if they have plans for a "smart city" or a model city to address Climate Crisis.

The following is a link for the 40 Global main "smart cities", but these are just the more prominent and biggest of all: https://www.c40.org/cities/

ps. These information is not meant to scare you, but to inform you. To make you aware, so we can fight back.

kingbird 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please recognize this as a Deep State PSy-Op on you and any one who believe any anonymous Telegram channel. Trump and the Q team will never use the word Plan-B. This is meant to discourage.

kingbird 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems to be fake. My search found No verification or proof, only many many new alt sites regurgitating the same thing, from the same sources. If anyone find proof, please post, otherwise take this news as Fake.

kingbird 13 points ago +13 / -0

Why take a chance? Why play the russian roulette with your health and your life? If you do not take the vaccine you might have to wait to see your grandchild, but if you take the vaxx there is a chance that you might not live to see your grandchild.

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