This is fundamentally wrong. I get that you're trying to be inclusive and well meaning. However, a group of people from Tajikistan will have genetic averages that differ from a group of people in Chile. Humans are not equal when it comes to stupidity. You could argue that environment plays part of our make-up, but not all.
Would someone get banned for advocating black power? Seems we should be able to discuss these topics at the very least. Half the WP crowd is only a thing because the US has been inundated with dark skinned migrants for 60 years. The politicians lied to the American people when they created the immigration act of 1965.
The amount of waste spent on tax agencies like H&R Block is astounding. Imagine if those billions went to scientific research or technology. Or anything else useful for that matter. It's a parasite leeching on the US GDP
Bromelain. The natural alternative to musinex. Take it 1hr away from food ingestion with lots of water. It breaks up protein. Clears up stuffy nose and breaks up chest phlegm. Enzymatic. Comes from the stem of pineapple. My whole family has used it as needed for a decade.