lastbestplace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone remember FBI Anon - he posted before Q on started posting. I believe on 8 chan - maybe 4 chan? It was talked about on voat quite a bit. He said that they should quit worrying about Hillary's emails and put all that focus on the Clinton Foundation - said it would bring EVERYTHING down as it was the KEY to all the corruption. It is amazing almost 10 years later that this might finally happen!

lastbestplace 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good - Putin now owes us one, good place to be when "deals" need to be made. I trust him a lot more than I trust some of our own people, he is and should be Russia First just as Trump is America First.

lastbestplace 3 points ago +3 / -0

He ran for office in Washington State - of course he didnt make it. Very outspoken against mandated jab and extensive military experience. Here is the jaded description on wiki which sells me on him!

"Kent's political views align with the far-right in the United States.[3][4][35] He has been endorsed by the House Freedom Caucus.[36] Kent made false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump a focus of his 2022 campaign. He labeled the perpetrators of the January 6 United States Capitol attack as "political prisoners" and spoke at a rally in defense of them organized by his top adviser. He supported impeaching Joe Biden and—in the wake of the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago—Merrick Garland.[5] In a September 2022 debate against Perez, Kent said that he was unvaccinated and claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are a form of experimental gene therapy.[37][38] Kent has said he supports school voucher programs and child tax deductions in addition to prioritizing energy independence.[17][39] Kent has labeled his political philosophy as "inclusive populism", with a spokesman stating that it "rejects racism and bigotry" while promoting an "America First agenda".[40] "If you’re a white nationalist or white supremacist, I have no time for you whatsoever" he said in an interview.[3] He considers himself a non-interventionist, citing his military experience and the death of his wife. He said that he lost many friends and his wife due to "our ruling class - Republicans and Democrats - consistently [having] lied to the American people to keep us engaged in wars abroad".[41]"

lastbestplace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cha ching! A million saved is a million earned!

lastbestplace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy crap - chill pills are in order - Phizer could make billions on these people if they really wanted to calm down. I think their hate for evetything Trump or Musk keeps them going!

lastbestplace 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is so bad is Obama and Kerry traveled the world meeting with leaders BEFORE Trump's visits during his first term, appears Kerry is still on the propaganda bandwagon. Cant wait to see these people at the end of a rope.

lastbestplace 4 points ago +4 / -0

His daughter is married to an Iranian-American. Rumored to have ties to family in Iran whom John Kerry has had nuclear negotiations with. Appears Snopes (!) debunked and articles have disappeared.

lastbestplace 6 points ago +6 / -0

I saw this movie years ago, before the Biden administration allowed millions of illegals in. These testaurants dont seem to get that. The dems have had years to "protect" the dreamers with paths to citizenship - they didnt do it.

lastbestplace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for finding and posting this, these past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind - my brain - my brain!

lastbestplace 2 points ago +2 / -0

This could be very exciting - I hope the President himself tells us what this means and how it creates wealth for our country. The Reuters article left me with a lot of questions.

lastbestplace 15 points ago +15 / -0

Will they be dressed as MAGA and arriving in a U Haul?

lastbestplace 7 points ago +7 / -0

They always tell us - what were they distracting us with in 1995 so we wouldnt hear this message? Here is a couple of "distractions"

O.J. Simpson is found not guilty of murder on October 3rd 1995

Timothy McVeigh and an accomplice, Terry Nichols park a pickup truck full of explosives in front of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma. McVeigh detonates the device, killing 168 people and wounding 680 others.This will become known as the “Oklahoma Bombing.”

Here's more:


lastbestplace 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is an article from Newsweek (I know - leftie, leftie) but it has a map and info about US Aid that is pretty good. Interesting that it shows disbursement almost double of the number given in the post. Excerpt:

USAID disbursed $72 billion in fiscal year 2023, the most recent full year for which information is available. The most aid—more than $16 billion—was sent to Ukraine that year.

President Donald Trump's adviser Elon Musk said early Monday that Trump had agreed USAID should be shut down.

The map below, using USAID data released by U.S. Office of Foreign Assistance, shows the countries where USAID spent most money in 2023. Ukraine has been removed in order to better show relative spend in each country.


lastbestplace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow - eye opening! My take away:

USAID = US aid ($$$) to other countries/charitable contributions/humanitarian causes NGO = Non governmental organiztions who "provide" humanitarian services.

Non profits gotta go! They are given untouchable taxpayer money under charitable organization, layers of corruption by evil doers with dark purposes, puppet masters really, which our government supports and provides cover for - audit and tax free.

Yesterday we all got to see how many of these NGO's only purpose is to bring and settle migrants here, they screamed loudly when Trump shut down their money stream.

This article touched on the same sources of Us aid (tax money) used for child trafficking under the guise of "humanitarian efforts." Brings to mind - Hillary facillitating the children of Haiti being brought here who then disappeared under the umbrella of the Clinton Foundation, there are thousands more operating with the blessing of our government.

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