The smile has a Mitch McConnell look to it - are tutrtles and gators cousins?
NO DEALS! They missed the cut off! Where they go one they go all!!
Lol! Indeed! If anyone has it coming - it is these demons, along with their masters - FAUCI & GATES!
MAYBE execution will make a comeback! We can only hope.
Haters gonna hate, that has become my mantra regarding the mockingbirds. I am confident Karma is coming around for them and it will be VERY public. Before DJT there was no expression "Fake News" now it is a universal truth!
Please let this really happen and pray ALL the people at Phizer and every other pharma criminal goes to prison. Then keep moving on down the list to ALL the "COVID" liars.
Just be careful you dont burn each others eyes out with the headlamps 👀!!
Couple of tips that may help prepare. I bought a couple of solar battery chargers - they take quite a bit of time to work without strong sun but they do work. The outside yard lights (type with stakes in the ground) along driveway work to bring inside at night in a pinch - not super bright. Might pick up a few headlamps too - they are cheap and bright and they dont seem to disappear like flashlights. In addition to bottled or water storage containers, fill your empty freezer spaces with clean 2 liter soda or juice bottles of water to have cooking water on hand and empty laundry or bleach bottles to fill with handwashing water, can be left outside or in garage. Good luck friend.
About when her 16 year plan to change the world came out! Back when what they said didnt SOUND like a lie. They pretended to like and care about us ( our votes). Her and Barack - they never expected she would not win. I thank God every day for Donald J Trump!
You know -President Trump will actually need a lot of garbage trucks to clean up dem cities - so this pic is perfect!
Every President has the duty to put his country first.
This IS a movie!
Thanks for the reminder! The Keystone State! When the white hats search out and destroy the cheating in PA - it can be destroyed everywhere once and for all!! Think positive!
Thank you and I respect yours, I miss the days when we could have these discussions in person with friends, family and co workers around the table or firepit instead of anonomously on the internet. My mother used to call it "solving the world's problems." Hope we all get back to it one day. Good night friend.
Libs are so wimpy. We are going to have to build a lot of institutions for these people.
Report, report, report. Document,document, document. The earlier the better.
Is garbage higher or lower than trailer trash, which Hillary called the women who spoke up about Bill sexually assaulted them? They can call us a lot of things but they can never call us democrats!
I definitely do.
I agree, we didnt need him to get this far. Trump did that on his own.
I heard President Trump say he needed to be careful with him being a policy maker in regard to some of RFK ideologoies that are opposite of Trump's views, like oil, that he cant turn him loose. So you are right - we dont want him on environmental issues.
But I think to fight Pharma and the FDA which really came to light in the Biden/Harris term, I think he is the guy to bring together those who saved a lot of us during covid and make real change. He knows the bureacracies. Time will tell. I pray someone can get us on track to make America healthy again.
Good discussion.
Sharp and shiny - her opposites!
She couldnt change her natural born karenhood I guess. What a weird name to change to - Goldberg I guess for the reason you mentioned but Whoopie? Like the farting cushion - that is bizarre!
Agree that caliber of doctor needs to be part of it as well as real nutritionists and real scientists but I think RFK at the helm to tear down the red tape and bad systems in place now so real change can be made is crucial.
Yes I can imagine it. But I personally think she has already been taken care of.