lckypscs 3 points ago +4 / -1

Some fuckery going on. I show 9 comments, can only see 2.

lckypscs 11 points ago +11 / -0

Preach! I love this and you're absolutely right! ✊️💪

lckypscs 15 points ago +15 / -0

I was at the East Entrance to the US Capitol on January 6th and recorded two masked men attacking the building, breaking windows and pushing people inside. As of today, neither man has been arrested, and the FBI refuses to publish their images on the internet.

r/AskThe_Donald - The January 6th Video That Has The Deep State Crapping Its Pants Shows 2 FBI Agents Leading Attack On Capitol THESE MEN HAVE NEVER BEEN ARRESTED AND THE FBI HAS NEVER UPLOADED THEIR IMAGES TO THE INTERNET

Though I provided the FBI with 29 minutes of stable, 1080p Hi-Definition video almost a year and a half ago, neither man appears in any of the 850+ indictments (I check all of them as they come out,) nor does one frame of video, or a single screenshot, of either man appear on the FBI webpage that asks the public for help in identifying those who attacked the Capitol, the FBI’s YouTube channel, or the FBI’s Facebook page.

BACKGROUND: https://bobbypowell.substack.com/p/january-6-video-shows-2-federal-agents

I spoke with agents from the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Secret Service, and the NCIS on 1/15/21, providing each with a copy of the footage via email, along with a narrative of what I saw that day. I ended my emails by informing them that if they wished to interview me further, they should contact my lawyer and I would be happy to answer whatever questions they might have.

Again, as of today I have not been contacted by any law enforcement agency to inquire about what I saw, and recorded, at the East Entrance to the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

They have, in fact, been actively avoiding me, refusing to return my requests for comment, or accept my offer to come in for an interview and provide them with all of the footage I recorded on the 5th, 6th, and 7th FIVE TIMES.

Next is the link to the Dropbox folder where I keep the unedited, raw video.




Everything I recorded at the East Entrance on J6 is there, but Mob 1, 5, 14, 14b, 15, and 15b are the clips to which you want to pay particular attention as they show:

1 - Capitol Hill police are ordered (Mob 14) to leave the Senate office window broken by Hunter Ehmke (Mob 1) undefended.

2 - Moments after the police retreat, a masked man in black (UC1) tears the window completely from its frame and steps aside to allow rioters entry (Later in Mob 14).

3 - Another masked man (UC2, in brown) holds the Columbus Doors open with a pole and pushed people, including me, inside (Mob15.) A reverse angle of the same man was recorded by another videographer and licensed to Ford Fischer of News2Share (Mob 15b).

Attorney Brad Geyer has identified EIGHTY "suspicious actors" at the East Entrance alone. Here is a short clip from the Epoch Times documentary "The Real Story of January 6th" which addresses this.


The video has been published by OAN and Newsmax, but Fox-affiliated broadcasters won't touch it. Also, many "MAGA Republicans" like Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and Louie Gohmert, have had the video for up to 17 months but have yet to call a presser.

I gave Boebert and Gaetz thumb drives at a Trump rally in Sarasota on 7/3/21 myself. The others signed for registered letters.

r/AskThe_Donald - The January 6th Video That Has The Deep State Crapping Its Pants Shows 2 FBI Agents Leading Attack On Capitol REPS. GAETZ AND BOEBERT RECEIVED THUMB DRIVES AT A TRUMP RALLY IN SARASOTA ON 7/3/21. GAETZ SIGNED FOR A SECOND THUMB DRIVE ON DEC 16, 2021.

r/AskThe_Donald - The January 6th Video That Has The Deep State Crapping Its Pants Shows 2 FBI Agents Leading Attack On Capitol THIS SET OF THUMB DRIVES WAS MAILED OUT AND SIGNED FOR ALMOST A YEAR AGO

Sean Hannity, Sebastian Gorka, Dan Bongino, James O'Keefe, Mark Meadows, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert, Kevin McCarthy, Josh Hawley, and many other trusted "conservatives" have been in possession of video and documentary evidence that undercover federal agents led the attack on the US Capitol on January 6th, in some cases FOR OVER 19 MONTHS!

And they have been silent.

r/AskThe_Donald - The January 6th Video That Has The Deep State Crapping Its Pants Shows 2 FBI Agents Leading Attack On Capitol SEN. JOSH HAWLEY GETS HIS SECOND COPY AT CPAC IN ORLANDO LAST FEBRUARY. I GAVE HIS AIDE, BEN GRUENDER, THE VIDEO ONE YEAR EARLIER.

Not one of them has told the American people, or said a single word to defend President Trump against the false accusation that he was responsible for the #Fedsurrection on #January6th.

They have been suppressing video showing 2 federal agents attacking the East Entrance to the US Capitol for reasons known only to themselves.

At this next link you will see our FB and LinkedIn conversations, the registered letters I sent them, and the USPS receipts showing that they were signed for. In more than a few cases, you will see photos and video of me putting a thumb drive (along with a 3-page written narrative for those reluctant to put the drive into their computer) into their hands.


Ya know, AskThe_Donald, I have been a journalist since 1987. I have never seen anything like this.

EVERYBODY is running scared. Or they're in on it.

And while they are silent, the J6 Joke Show is rewriting history, blaming President Trump for the #fedsurrection, and threatening to have him arrested.

That's bad. What's worse is that they could use my video to blow a YUGE hole in the official J6 narrative, proving entrapment just like the Whitmer kidnapping hoax in Michigan, but they are letting Trump takle the blame, and allowing J6 political prisoners rot in the gulag instead.

Those Patriots are being sentenced to ridiculously lengthy prison terms for "trespassing" and "parading," they are being physically abused by their jailers and denied medication and medical treatment, and they are being psychologically tortured to the point of suicide.

I think that's #Bullshit.

My friends, I have done everything I can think of. I have been banging at this 16-18 hours a day since January 6th.

The country needs your help. Our President needs your help!

Take my videos and Substack posts and share them everywhere. Call out these allegedly MAGA politicians and broadcasters all over social media, call their offices, and flood their call-in lines when they go on air.

Ask them why they have remained silent while our President takes the fall for the fedsurrection, and J6 political prisoners suffer and die. SHAME THEM INTO TELLING THE TRUTH!!!

I can't think of anything else to do.

God bless & Semper Fi

Bobby Powell Publisher, The Truth Is Viral


(It's free. No Paywall.)

lckypscs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Arkansas here. My daughter and her Fiance got their white coats this past weekend as well. There were no shenanigans at the ceremony here.

I saw this earlier and sent it to them. Both disgusted by it.

lckypscs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmmm...I've got Ivermectin on hand. I've never heard of the rapid wormer either. Thanks!

lckypscs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anybody got a link for the full interview?

lckypscs 2 points ago +2 / -0

My Dads side of the family ancestry leads back to these children. My grandma on my Moms side is full blooded Cherokee. Where's my reparations? 🤦‍♀️

I really liked Don Lemon and the British lady regarding reparations...too funny, but 💯 fact. Wish I had it to share.

lckypscs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Arkansas here...you're MIL wouldn't happen to be from here would she? My bestie went to Chicago to walk her daughter this wknd as well. Congrats on your nuptials!

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