Watch the water? This occurred on the Potomac and Trump shared meme saying just that
GME = Q of the stock market
Dry run for what's to come
We are the news now.
Well recess appointment it is. Fuck these rino globalhomo and demonrathomo pieces of shit.
Make Prison Farms Great Again!
Too funny🤣
Always has been. Worst part is it's being used to subvert our country. I see this all being dismantled soon. Well for all the libtards who worry about who will pick fruit and vegetables after the deportations, here is their answer. Theres at minimum 55,000 bodies. Learn to farm libtards🤣
A shithole cannot be turned into more of a shithole. Therefore their argument against repatriation is invalid.
I think you spelled two more weeks wrong🤣
I'd love too, i just am prone to making rash, harsh decisions. I feel I would overwhelm the HR department with liberal tears and hurt butts.
That's so right wing of hert. Oh wait, that's just the left's Hilary KKKlinton saying it. It's funny when you see them saying common sense ideas not that long ago.
I don't see what the issue is and why they have their panties in a bunch. Especially Columia's tranny-loving El Presidente. They are YOUR citizens. Not ours. We didn't ask for the globalist population redistribution into our country. Take back what is yours and kindly fuck off. -Along the lines of what SoS Rubio should be telling them.
There it is. Every single time.
And that's how it's done. Good job Rob.
Too funny. Papi said the exact same thing. Great minds think alike🤣
This will be fun. We dont need Columbia. They need us.
Ive always said that. Everything, all the bullshit, crime, schemes and players. All linked. Its crazy
Then switch to C130's and air drop the fuckers back into their country
Im perfectly fine with state sponsored hits domestic and abroad to eliminate all the evil players trying to kill us. Immediately. The time for discussing, debating and exposing all the evil is over. Put our CIA to good use and take them all out. I just wanna start seeing the headlines "BLANK was found deceased in their home. Authorities baffled."
I agree & disagree. Proposing it now is premature, even though we know that by the end of this term, Trump will likely be the best & most consequential President, ever. And at the end of the term, most will probably agree, even a lot currently on the left. With that said, im convinced that Trump is running everything and Luna didn't pull this legislation oit of her ass. This is purposeful. Why? To A. Seed the idea for the public and more importantly B. Add to the left's misery & hysteria. The left will be thoroughly broken in no time at all at this pace. Their head is spinning now as it is. I do believe this legislation will be reintroduced in the future and that indeed, GEOTUS's face will one day adorn Mount Rushmore which will serve as proper recognition for saving our country and a permanent Fuck You to the left who by then will occupy the dust bin of history alongside the Whig party.
EVERY time
This is a great idea!!! Well worth it because each illegal costs us alot more than $1,000. A ton more when they start popping out achor babies. Hell make the reward $5k per tip leading to successful illegal apprehension & deportation. I know where a few are in my neck of the woods. I propose that after all the dangerous ones are rounded up & shipped out we move on to the rest and offer this type of reward. Bravo Mississippi for leading the way.
Watch the water?