lkjsdf9845 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're correct that Comet Ping Pong has involvement, however, Pizzagate is a lot bigger than just that establishment. Similarly, Epstein Island has involvement. However, Pizzagate is a lot bigger than Epstein Island as well.

Pizzagate is about elite pedo rings using blackmail for the purpose of political control.

lkjsdf9845 3 points ago +3 / -0

-- Lee Harvey Oswald was under CIA surveillance for years before the assassination of JFK. Why is it that these murderers tend to be known to US intelligence agencies before the fact?

-- A CIA agent named Reuben Efron was opening Oswald's mail for years. Efron was a Zionist Jew who spoke Hebrew, Yiddish, German, Russian and English. This information was not declassified until this year. (Why not?) After retiring from the CIA, Efron lived in Miami where he spent years writing to the Miami Herald advocating for Israel.

-- In contrast with the official government narrative, JFK's entrance wound was on his throat (the bullet came from in front of him) and blew out the back of his skull. The actual shooter was thus in front of him. The doctor kept quiet about this for decades out of fear for his life, which was threatened. Read all about it here: https://themessenger.com/entertainment/jfk-doctors-assassination-60-years-what-really-happened

-- Why was this covered up?

-- Shortly after Oswald announced "I was a patsy!!", and before he could be interviewed by investigators, he was murdered by Jack Ruby (real name Rubenstein), a Zionist Jew who committed the murder after receiving a phone call from an associate of Mickey Cohen, a Zionist Jew gangster from California.

-- Ruby said "I did it for my people." His tombstone is inscribed in Hebrew. As a result of his actions, investigators were unable to interview Oswald.

-- Reuben Efron, the Zionist Jew at the CIA who opened Oswald's mail for years, reported to James Angleton at the CIA.

-- Angleton was a Zionist Jew who was the official liaison at the CIA for the Mossad (Israeli intelligence). When the Warren Commission interviewed Oswald's widow, Reuben Efron was in the room so he could report back to Angleton. Angleton is considered a hero in Israel.

-- Israel had a JFK problem. JFK was demanding inspections of their nuclear facilities, and threatening to cut US aid to Israel if they refused. They considered this to be an existential threat, as they considered their nuclear program vital to their existence. (US law forbids providing US aid to countries with a nuclear program). After the assassination, no US President ever again made such demands to Israel. US foreign aid is to this very day provided to Israel in the amount of billions per year. We back them up against Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, "Palestine" etc and they rely on this support.

-- The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted as a lone gunman and not as part of any conspiracy, "closing the case." However, this conclusion was not believed by the majority of the US population at the time.

-- When popular Presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy planned to re-open the case and investigate his brother's murder, he was also assassinated.

-- Not a single conspiracy theory of the past decades has considered the OBVIOUS Israel angle. Even the Oliver Stone film ignored this angle. Instead, theories always centered around the CIA and the Pentagon, based on a presumption that they needed JFK out of the way in order to have their war in Cuba. Of course, after the assassination, they never went to war in Cuba.

-- Tucker Carlson announced on national television that a CIA insider with access to documents that STILL HAVE NOT BEEN DECLASSIFIED (even though the law requires them to be declassified) admits that the CIA was "involved" in the murder of JFK. Of course this is to be expected since Angleton and Efron were both agents for the CIA. However, they were both obviously Israeli spies. This part of the story, however, didn't make it into Carlson's monologue.

-- Lee Harvey Oswald, the "PATSY" was surrounded by Zionist Jews in all directions. Zionist Jew Efron opening his mail for years, and sitting in on his widow's interview by the Warren Commission. Reporting back to another Zionist Jew (Angleton) who ran the Mossad desk at the CIA. Oswald murdered by a Zionist Jew Jack Rubenstein before he could be interviewed by investigators. Who did so after a phone call from Zionist Jew gangster Mickey Cohen. News media and all news stories controlled by Jews ever since.

-- The reason Tucker is blaming the CIA now, which is the same reason Roger Stone is blaming Lyndon B. Johnson now, is simply to help cover up the true perpetrators of the crime: Israel. And let's not forget, Israel is controlling the USA to this day, using blackmail via kompromat on US politicians that they gathered through their agents Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and others. This blackmail allows them to use America as a golem to start wars all over the Middle East, murdering millions of Arabs who now HATE us as a result.

Check out this informative Fuentes episode on the subject:


lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

The government is already bankrupt and debt spending.

Even if you're due a refund they don't have the money.

The only "refund" we can demand is to trash the current system and replace it with honest money.

Even then it won't do much good unless we restore Fair Representation.

And that means eliminating the 19th and 17th Amendments, as well as overturning Reynolds vs Sims.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully this information will help some people. Take Serrapeptase every morning on an empty stomach. Wait 30 min before food. Do it for life.

It works slowly, but it will dissolve all the arterial plaque from your body. In fact it will remove ALL unwanted proteins from your body. (However, if you take it with food, then it will do nothing except for help you digest your food!)

You will never need statins.

Also, take 5000 iu/day of D3 with breakfast, and also take LifeExtension Super K.

The vitamin K is important to prevent new deposits in the arteries. Also, D3 is good for you (prevents cancer and cold/flu plus many other health benefits) but D3 causes your metabolism to use up the K2 faster. That's why you should always take Vitamin K if you are taking D3: to prevent a K2 deficiency.

There is also a synergism between the K2 and the Serrapeptase as you can see above.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be nice if there were instructions posted for this so people don't need comments informing them.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine that a house deed is stored on the blockchain, and then the owner loses their private key. How do they ever transfer that deed to a buyer?

Imagine the house owner gets drunk and plows into a crowd of schoolchildren, causing the judge to confiscate the house to pay for the victims' medical bills. The court will sell the house and send the sheriff to kick out the previous owner. The court will NOT care what the blockchain deed claims about ownership. The court will only care about their own courthouse records, and the sheriff will enforce them.

Blockchain solves currency (especially Monero) but when it comes to proving other things, it's not necessarily a complete solution, although it helps alot. Ultimately the complete solution will still involve the use of force, however that is structured. That's where Blockchain can help in the long run.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd like to point out that this guy has previously been imprisoned for kidnapping a woman.

Why was he ever back out on the street in the first place?

Kidnappers should be EXECUTED.

Murderers should be EXECUTED.

Home invaders should be EXECUTED.

We used to hang horse thieves in this country. WTF happened to us? We don't enforce the law and then we're surprised to have so much crime. We shouldn't have full prisons because these criminals should be dead.

And these young women shouldn't be running around on the loose. We will look like complete idiots when history judges this period of time.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're not going far enough. Why are these young, vulnerable, idiot, fertile-age women running around on the loose AT ALL?

Anyone who allowed their children to run around like that would be prosecuted.

Yet we've sent our young women out like lambs among the wolves, pretending they are safe or discerning when they simply are not.

All it takes is one look at the crime victim stats to establish that simple fact.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I have a son who was vaccinated against my advice, so I know the feeling.

Women/eggs are an even more precious resource. In the future, they should not be allowed to obtain vaccines without permission of husband/father or closest male relative. They are simply too susceptible to groupthink propaganda, and they are too precious for us to allow them to be vulnerable to this type of attack again in the future.

We have no choice about this -- it's existential.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a meme about "unvaccinated sperm is the next Bitcoin" but the truth is, more women fell for this injection, than men.

Women are groupthinkers and nearly all of the fertile women out there have been injected. They are a more rare and precious resource than unvaccinated sperm, at this point.

To prevent this in the future, women must not be able to obtain vaccines without the permission of their husband / father or otherwise closest male relative.

They are simply too susceptible to the propaganda (as a group, on the whole) for us to allow them to be vulnerable to this type of attack in the future. We have no choice -- it's existential.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt this for several reasons:

-- They cannot risk releasing a truly deadly virus because elites do not want to be killed by their own virus. The purpose of the virus was to trick people into taking the killshot.

-- A truly deadly virus is actually useless (like Ebola or SARS-1) because it is unable to spread effectively. Viral infections aren't as dangerous as people believe from popular media/propaganda. As long as the population is on C/D3/Zinc/Quercetin/etc we're not going to have viral problems. We don't even need vaccines.

-- Truly deadly bacterial infections (black plague) are not an issue in societies with modern sanitation/hygiene. Basically if your society follows the Old Testament laws about cleanliness and handling dead bodies (etc) then you aren't at risk to that kind of plague either. (On top of that, we have antibiotics -- and antibiotic-resistant bacteria do not thrive anywhere except in a hospital setting).

-- They can't do another killshot because they already blew their load last time. Only a very small percentage of the population would fall for it next time. Most people won't fall for it next time around. So they will have to do something else (war?) Unless again, we accept that the previous killshot already succeeded and the job is already done -- now it just needs to play out over the next decade or two.

-- EMP will not happen (deliberately anyway) IMO because it will destroy all the infrastructure on a continent. Elites would rather eliminate the population while preserving the infrastructure. There's too much risk of upheaval from the EMP that risks the elite's security. They want to minimize their risk of ending up in a guillotine.

-- Biblically speaking, "all eyes" will see Christ's return, and "all eyes" will see the resurrection of the Two Witnesses of Revelation. Therefore I expect that the electrical/digital/computer/internet infrastructure must remain undamaged (from EMP...) in order for those prophecies to be fulfilled.

===> I think the last killshot was already successful. Studies estimate 17 million sudden deaths so far. God knows how many more cancers and sudden deaths over the next 10-20 years, and also how many miscarriages. There are already estimates of 1 billion dead by 2030.

===> Furthermore, as I stated previously, if the second generation is sterile (as Gates' mosquito program did) then we could see a massive population decline over the next few decades from the injection that everyone already received, purely due to drop in fertility. In other words, most of the population reduction will occur by attrition.

===> Therefore, there's no reason for any "new" killshot since the last one already succeeded at its job.

As God said, "I will make men rarer than pure gold."

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

For some reason I thought that quote was from Full Metal Jacket.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

The historical evidence for the Resurrection is much stronger than those uneducated on the subject may realize.

For anyone willing to engage with the facts, I recommend the minimal facts approach, which sticks only to facts that are multiply-attested and accepted as true by even the most skeptical scholars.

The Minimal Facts Approach to the Resurrection

lkjsdf9845 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they mandated her to cut off her own legs, would she do that to keep her job?

Likely not.

Therefore the real issue is that she didn't really believe it was such a risk to life/limb because otherwise she never would have done it regardless of the job.

By going along with it, she (and everyone else) are the ones who made it possible for authorities to kill and maim so many innocent people including children. They should have said no on principle alone.

Now the dying is only getting started.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are non-treponemal tests used for screening, but which can have false positives. This will be a test called an RPR and has a titer level (1:2, 1:4, 1:8, etc).

Usually if there is a positive RPR then a confirmatory treponemal test will be performed which confirms the presence of antibodies to the bacterium that causes syphilis. (Treponema Pallidum). The cure is penicillin. Before the mid-20th century, there was no cure. Your only hope was to remain a virgin until marriage, and marry a virgin. If my memory serves me, at one point in time, a third of the population of Europe was afflicted with syphilis, which was transmitted to Europe originally from the Americas during the Colombian Exchange. Check out the Google Images for stage 3 syphilis for a real horror show.

Once a person has had syphilis once in their life, they will ALWAYS test positive on a treponemal test. Therefore the interpretation of the test results can be diametrically opposite depending on the patient's history (whether they have previously had the disease). In the case of those patients, a new case can be detected by an increasing titer level. For example if the RPR titer increases from 1:4 to 1:8 or 1:16 (etc) this indicates a new case in a person who has previously been infected.

These days most of the afflicted are as you may guess, gay men.

Syphilis historically was known as the "Great Imitator" because it presents like so many other diseases and was difficult to diagnose correctly. Even today the disease can go dormant for years. It's one of the great diseases in all of history and if civilization ever collapses, you can bet only those societies with morals similar to the Amish will remain immune to its ravages.

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

7.4 billion down to 6.9 billion is not nearly enough population decline to achieve their goals.

Therefore the actual purpose of the shot is to cause premature ovarian failure in the OFFSPRING of vaccinated people, so that they will have no grandchildren.

It will take decades for this to play out fully for normies to see what is actually going on.

This strategy is exactly the same thing Bill Gates did with his mosquito release. (The genetically engineered mosquitos mated with normal mosquitos and produced sterile offsprings).

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine a policy to just go to the front door of every single house where the man has previously purchased a gun, and arrest those men and put them in camps.

Regardless of whatever guns they may or may not own today.

And then search their house and take whatever guns may be there.

Regardless of whether or not those specific guns are in their records.

See what I mean? Depending on what they plan to do with that list of names, the existence of the list is still a problem for everyone on it.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you have EVER bought from an FFL dealer, then they know you have guns. They don't need to know exactly how many or which kinds. They just know that you own guns and where you live.

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Q anticipated "WW3" being "biblical" with "Israel saved for last" doesn't that mean Q anticipated the clearing of Gaza from the beginning? And wouldn't that mean that Q is Jewish in origin?

lkjsdf9845 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every single person should have stood up and said no on principle alone.

Then the whole cursed machine would have ground to a halt in the first day.

But they compromised with evil "for work" or whatever other reason. They were willing to make it easier for the system to violate the bodily integrity of everyone else, against their will.

As a result, now people and their children are dropping dead and coming down with cancers. God knows how bad it will get over the next 10 or 20 years, but obviously it's just beginning.

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. Use it as an aggravating factor when there is evidence of other (real) crimes. I find CP as abhorrent as anyone else but clearly making it a crime in-and-of-itself results in abuse, since it's an easy way to frame innocent people and ruin their lives. (And clearly the FBI has been abusing that power).

lkjsdf9845 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stollen is misspelled because it includes an extra L.

Here's a Q post with a bracketed L:


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