logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

I sometimes wonder if younger me would have passed. I did not grow up with the Internet in my household, so I just knew stuff from school and what came over the TV. Modern kids have the advantage of growing up with Internet access. Hopefully the smart ones figured out who to trust.

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is objectively an improvement from what the left / old Twitter had. They took away Milo Yiannopoulos's verified checkmark not because the account was no longer his, but for some other reason. At least the new blue check system is no longer based on political opinion while pretending to serve some other purpose.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do not forget about the lipid nanoparticles. I am not sure what heat does to them, but one of the ingredients has a way to get into the ovaries, but not a way to exit them.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

Part of the danger in the covid vax was due to the choice to use the spike protein. This made the non-mRNA vaxes dangerous too. But there were still mRNA specific dangers, one of them being the use of lipid nanoparticles to package the mRNA. I am not sure what heat will do to them. One concern is that an ingredient has a way to get into the ovaries, but not a way to exit them. Manufacturing the mRNA in a rush caused them to include incomplete mRNA sequences, which can instruct the cells to do unknown things. While cooking will destroy the mRNA, the things that the mRNA made may still be around and may cause issues.

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great work. I highly recommend researching like this and sharing it before the AIs are fully neutered.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

The NIH needs to be broken up into many pieces and have strict term limits. Otherwise, conflicts of interest like these will happen. The welfare of the public should be the primary incentive, not favoring solutions that bring in royalties.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

r/K selection theory was a good explanation. Another is that these are naive people operating under the influence of propaganda, which by its nature seeks power, not problem solving activity.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if each time people like him get reinfected with covid, that their immune system no longer has the resources to keep cancer cells in check. Fortunately, there may be cures, but the sources that people with 3 boosters are likely to trust will not be telling them about it.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

There may be multiple things going on, but one of them appears to be Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzl93aUtRR0

Earlier in the pandemic, there was talk of something in covid being a superantigen. I suspect that a superantigen is just an antigen that affects people with MCAS.

logos_ftw 11 points ago +11 / -0

After 3 boosters, the immune system treats the spike protein like an allergen instead of an invader. Meaning, their immune system no longer fights the virus. Maybe this also causes the body to no longer fight similar viruses, like RSV and shingles, or maybe (probably more likely) it just gets overwhelmed by the new "allergen" (and can no longer focus on other things). Unfortunately, once the immune system is trained to recognize something as an allergen, there is no going back. The good news is that IVM will still work, if they ever accept that they have been duped.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you want a cell phone with a web browser, e-mail, and a few other basic things, take a look at the Librem 5 in about a year. The carrier support is not great at the moment, and the apps are very basic, but it is a normal Linux distribution with basic cell phone features that are under development. As such, the privacy concerns are similar to a Linux laptop.

Speaking of Linux, currently, I do not recommend the phone at this time to people who have not used Linux before. Their preorder process is similar to crowd funding, and new orders will not ship for about a year. If you want to try it out, get one from eBay or wait until they have the phones in stock. By waiting, you will probably get a more finished product.

logos_ftw 4 points ago +4 / -0

If he said this today, that is probably the word that he would have used. However, I do not think that equity was a common word back then. I sometimes wonder if equality and equity was some kind of conceptual bait and switch, but sometimes commonly used language just changes. For example, gender and sex used to refer to the same thing.

EDIT: Equity was probably not in their vocabulary back then because it would have been too "on the nose" for the communistic idea that it was. Communism was more widely hated back then, and more people had a better understanding of what it was, so they had to sneak communistic ideas into the public consciousness using less obvious vocabulary. So ideas of equity were snuck into our desire for equality, which was supposed to be shorthand for equal treatment under the law, not that we were actually equal in all things.

logos_ftw 0 points ago +1 / -1
  1. Discipline is about control, not changing nature.
  2. I have written about the pendulum effect recently. Yes, Christianity can make a comeback while being partially supported by lies, not unlike political ideologies. However, if it is not grounded in truth, the pendulum swings the other way eventually. So ask yourself how long you want Christianity to be dominate next time. Children are natural born experts in detecting hypocrisy from their parents, so think in terms of generations. I do not use the "right side of history" cliche. It is usually used by people who are not. The people who write the history books are not competent arbiters of truth. Unfortunately, it attracts people who are motivated to distort the truth, usually because of bias.
  3. I am just not compartmentalizing topics. I do not fit all of my research on a topic into what can be told in a Sunday sermon. You should know that very little of what we have discussed is directly supported by the bible, as in clearly spelled out or no interpretation required. Many denominations exist because of different interpretations, and whenever you add politics, anthropology, and specific techniques, you are well into "extra biblical" territory.
logos_ftw 0 points ago +1 / -1
  1. All it takes is 1 exception to disprove that.
  2. This may be one thing that we can agree on, to some degree. In defensive driving, if you do not want to run into something, then do not look at it. But lying about human nature begets more lies. The correct thing to do is to understand it correctly, and not use imperfect shortcuts to understanding which are true in some cases and false in other cases. This situation is why Christianity lost to LGBT activists, and Christianity is not going to come back to any significant degree if this persists.
  3. God changes your drive/motivation, the base human instincts are suppressed, and it might seem like they are gone. After the so called transformation, they are just hidden. Hidden does not mean gone. This is why sinners are always sinners.
logos_ftw -1 points ago +1 / -2

Only bisexuals choose who to enjoy sex with. If you think otherwise, then you are either bisexual or when you try choosing to willfully change your orientation, you will find that it cannot be done. Some people theorize that most people who identify as straight have some degree of attraction to the same sex, but usually not enough to be of consequence. For those, sexual orientation may feel like a choice, but it is not. You just have to be near 100% attracted to 1 sex or the other to intuitively understand this.

Most people understand that an alcoholic who chooses not to drink is still an alcoholic. To use your word, it is practically innate. If you think that someone can change that, then you do not understand addiction, and then I understand that you did not contradict yourself, you were simply wrong about 2 things.

Repenting and giving yourself to God does not change your nature. This dedication suppresses base instincts. If a person's faith/dedication wavers, then their nature reasserts itself.

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was going to say, if they do this, they would have to release a new privacy policy that allows them to do this and wait for these people to continue using the service.

Politics is the art of compromise. He might be useless for keeping us out of wars (his viable opponents were likely to support the same), but maybe he would be better on some other issues.

logos_ftw 0 points ago +3 / -3

I think that it is useful to separate people who harm children from people who do not. If being overly broad is your thing, you could just call everyone sinners, then you would be in the same category as the pedos. Once someone's sexual nature has been imprinted, there is no changing it. It was not innate from birth, but for all intents and purposes, it is innate as an adult. If you want to reduce harm to children, we need to focus our efforts on exactly the people who are harming them. Burning bridges like you seem to want to do is not going to help the most children.

In the last sentence of your first paragraph, you say that it is not innate, however, your last paragraph seems to be supporting a conclusion around innateness. Do you care to elaborate or make up your mind?

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

This video was also published at https://www.bitchute.com/video/2K60dGaaXNnN/ Does anyone know the source (Tony P.?) or when this was originally published?

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think that the pic is clear in saying attack and not injury.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Assuming that they do the same thing.

If the video is not accessible to the public, it may as well not exist.

Who knows, maybe people will be arrested and their phones taken before there is a chance to upload somewhere where the rest of us can keep it online.

logos_ftw 7 points ago +7 / -0

It appears that they used a 3rd party to create plausible deniability for themselves. But if that were the case, how did they know that releasing more footage would be bad for them?

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