logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name. — Confucius

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. I suspect that the controlled burn is a part of "their need for symbolism" (as Q references.) Although I can only guess if that is intentional, or just a practice that survived the test of time, with few, if any, understanding why it works.

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

This describes their protection. By being evil beyond most people's imagination, people will not consider it, and the few that figure it out are seen as uncredible. Dropping hints is like doing a controlled burn (used to manage fuel in a forest). That way, when something big does come out, the people who would know best are already "discredited" and no one wants to associate their own reputation with those who where ahead of everyone else.

logos_ftw 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wondered where Antifa got their behavior from. Now it makes perfect sense.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

By publicizing his arrest, he made it less likely to happen.

Torpedoes do not arm themselves until they have traveled a certain distance. This feature protects the sub from getting blown up by its own torpedo if it circles back and hits the sub that launched it. When the sub being shot at moved closer to the torpedo, the torpedo stuck the sub before it was armed, and caused no damage.

Trump made everyone think about the consequences of what they were doing by embracing the arrest, and this attention may make the arrest less likely to happen.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not an expert in this, but I heard that silver sometimes goes up after gold does. So if you miss the boat on gold, silver may still be a good choice if it has not gone up yet.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are the same people who went out and protested while everyone else was on lockdown. I suspect that there is another reason:

‘Unattractive individuals’ wear masks more often than others: Study

In a post-COVID-19 world, people who perceive themselves as less attractive than others are more likely to keep wearing masks when they’re highly motivated to make a good impression.

That’s according to a recent study published in Frontiers in Psychology.

“Our results consistently demonstrated that self-perceived unattractive individuals were more willing to wear a mask, as they believed it would benefit their attractiveness,” the authors noted in the report.

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with defining yourself as progressive is that you do not know when it is healthy to stop, because then you are conservative at some point. If gay people have a self preservation instinct, then they would figure out that there is a red line that you do not cross. But I suspect that the issue is that they are steeped in progressive politics. In other words, progressives have no breaks, and will eventually run into a wall.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reciprocity might not be the right word for it, but in general, I never advocate for something when it does not make sense when "putting the shoe on the other foot."

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Supposedly it takes 6 months for gov. agents to prepare for this. If they are there, then that means that this was planned at least 6 months ago.

logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the false dichotomies are removed, both the current left and right directions make less sense. When both the left and right use lies to support their positions, the center appears like a compromise. Something that is not right or just. I am not arguing for a center compromise, I am arguing for a new center based on truth. What is right or just cannot be built on lies.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, lets not give them a Jan. 6 replacement.

It might be harder for them to pull off next time, because Twitter will leave these videos up (not that we should be relying on that to begin with) and we can pick out their agent provocateurs.

logos_ftw 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is because the left started using gay people has their sword and shield against the church and the right, and the church failed to recognize false dichotomies, and so they fell into the left's trap. We still have not corrected this. For example:

The left: People are born gay. The church: People choose to be gay. Truth: Sexual nature, including the gender that you are attracted to, is imprinted on your mind during your first sexual stimulation. Also, only bisexuals can choose which gender to enjoy sex with.

The left: Gay people need marriage so that their spouse can provide consent for their spouse's medical treatment at a hospital. The church: Marriage is for creating a family, also people past their reproductive years can get married, as long as they are straight. Truth: We could have forced hospitals to give consenting adults the ability to consent for each other's medical care without marriage. We do not need government to approve marriages. If your church approves, then you are married.

The left: Gay people should celebrate anal sex in popular culture: The right: We do not approve. Truth: Guys can be with other guys intimately without anal sex, and it should not be anyone's business, gay or straight. Also, stop being crass, regardless of who you are attracted to.

The left: Children need to explore their sexual identity. The right: This has gone way too far, we need to reverse all of this. Every sane person: Children should not be exploring sex. Also, we need to put more people in jail for exposing children to sex related topics.

What you are seeing is a pendulum. The left moved it far too much, and that created the energy for it to swing in the opposite direction. This swing happened before with the Weimar Republic's fall. If you want stability (everyone should), then we need to move it to the center, and that requires addressing the lies on both sides, including the lies in our own political party. Moving the pendulum to the center and keeping it there will require more energy than just allowing it to swing. And letting it swing to the right will hurt the right too, because eventually, it will swing back to the left again. We were divided and conquered, and the great awakening is about undoing that.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

"politics is downstream of culture” -- Andrew Breitbart

It is hard to blame the party when it is the culture that politicians have to represent that has devolved the way that it has. In other words, political parties are followers, not leaders. Also, politicians make terrible role models.

Christian churches really let us down. They had 1 job...

by BQnita
logos_ftw 3 points ago +3 / -0

No problem. That is what we are all here for. I remembered the "precipice" Q post because that would mean that the US would have to go to what appeared to be the brink of destruction because, as Q said, that is the only way for most US citizens to wake up. We are here to make that transition possible. And I hope that if we do too good of a job, that we would not need to go as close to the precipice. I said "appeared" because Q said "Patriots in control" 6 times now. I sure hope so.

I try to not be too specific in my Q post interpretation because these posts have a way of not being obvious until certain events happen. I think another reason why some of these Q posts exist is to document that there was a plan all along (without giving it away ahead of time) after the plan is done. I can see that being useful for some reasons, but I can only speculate.

by BQnita
logos_ftw 5 points ago +5 / -0

Many choose the path of least resistance. For many you cannot tell them the truth. You must show them. Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].


logos_ftw 9 points ago +9 / -0

Kind of like being dumb enough to hold political prisoners into an election season after everyone learned that it was a setup.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good satire is as powerful as memes. That said, there may be other reasons.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am guessing that he is there to improve their laundering so that they do not get noticed this time.

logos_ftw 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is just death. I suspect that if you count injuries and deaths, the rate is closer for normies to notice.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Limited hangouts (not sure if this is one of them) can be useful if recognized as such and supplemented with other data points. I am all for exercising our discernment, regardless of what this is.

logos_ftw 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I see it as multiple attacks, all evil.

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