A few additional clues of quackery:
- Natural infection, which the vax mimics, did not count towards immunization.
- They knew that antivirals needed to be taken early when money could be made (Paxlovid), but when cheap antivirals put the profitability of drug companies at risk (HCQ+zinc and Ivermectin), they had trials designed to fail by taking them late.
I guess they are worried about the internal division within the left regarding that subject. I remember years ago, at one political rally by someone on the left, the support for Israel got some boo's. The politician was confused and tried again. They got the same response. Finally, they continued as if the boo's were not there. Leftest voters tend to heavily prefer victim narratives, and Palestine qualifies for that.
If abortion in the US was about what it seems to be, then we would be more like Europe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Europe So I have to assume that there are hidden motives behind the abortion topic in the US. I know that politicians like to exploit it to get people to the polls on election day, and avoid addressing economic and corruption issues (the "common enemy" distraction), but I suspect that there is more to it than that.
White hats will do whatever is needed for the plan. It is obvious to me now that having Biden in office helped create conflict that is necessary for long term objectives. For example, courts do not act without cases. Also, a republican majority was not enough. It must be a MAGA majority. Cleaning out the house and senate before Trump's second term is necessary to do what needs to be done. We can help with that by voting in the primaries. I do not know what the plan calls for, but I imagine that regardless of what it is, our vote is needed.
Sounds like "r" strategy in r vs K selection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIq1QvJkpM8
The daily recommended amount of D3 can take 6 months to bring it to where it needs to be for reducing covid severity.
Use something like https://www.walkinlab.com/ or https://requestatest.com/, or if you and your doctor has time, to check your 25-hydroxyvitamin D. The less sun that you get, and further from the equator that you are, the lower you can assume it will be. K2, or fermented foods like sauerkraut and natto, should be added with D3 to avoid sending calcium to the wrong place.
See page 4 of https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-care-early-covid-treatment/ to reduce the time that it takes to increase D to an appropriate level from months to days.
I just came across something that suggested that the gender confusion is actually due to birth control pills taken by the grandmother. Apparently, the abnormal hormones affect something in the epigenetics of the baby, which changes something about the children that this baby will have later in life.
Ivermectin needs a loading dose. If you take it every week to prevent or reduce infection, you start off with an extra dose. Since you did not start with ivermectin already in your body, it will take a little more time to become effective.
The sooner that you start taking it, the less time that it takes before you start feeling better. I would take the drugs a little longer after feeling better to avoid rebound. Also, multiple antivirals should be used. It will speed up the process, and eliminate the risk of creating an ivermectin resistant strain of covid. Fluvoxamine is nice because it also treats long covid. Personally, I have combined ivermectin, fluvoxamine, and nitazoxanide. There might be a risk with mixing those 3, but I would rather get the potential bioweapon out of my system sooner. How long you take these drugs depends on how many of them you combine. If you take all 3, then you should not need more than 5 days if you started taking them within the first 2 days of symptoms.
If you have had symptoms for more than 3 days before taking these, then you are technically outside of early treatment. So you should have these drugs before you need them.
Having a working immune system helps, so be sure that your vitamin levels are good. D was found to reduce severity of hospitalization, and C (but not too much) seems to help in general.
Because I was prepared, and had a tiny amount of ivermectin in my body from a dose 2.5 weeks before, and already had good vitamin levels (confirmed with labs), I took the drugs within 12 hours of the symptoms, and woke up without any symptoms the following morning.
The early treatment protocol that I recommend is here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-care-early-covid-treatment/
When you have time, use your own doctor, or something like https://www.walkinlab.com/ or https://requestatest.com/ to check your vitamin levels, and anything else that might help you. I think that you want to get your 25-hydroxyvitamin D to 55-60 ng/mL. It takes months to get it that high (unless you take a few huge doses), and the less sun that you get, and further from the equator you are, the longer it will take to get up to that level. K2, or fermented foods like sauerkraut and natto, should be added with D3 to avoid sending calcium to the wrong place.
Yes, births are down by 4% between 2019 and 2020. The numbers go with the "Deaths per 100,000 Live Births" chart. So this adjusts for birthrate, but there may be other factors to consider, like are the people giving birth in 2020 as willing to vaccinate. My guess is that health authorities, mainstream media, administrators, and policymakers pushed vaccination harder due to the increased attention on the issue.
2020 shows a slight uptick in SIDS when compared to 2019, but there is also a slight decrease in "unknown": https://files.catbox.moe/r00jum.png
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/sids/data.htm
I am not sure if 2020 would have a reporting bias, but that is something to consider.
The book is exceptionally boring. I do not know who the audience is supposed to be, but I would be surprised if anyone takes him seriously. If someone has a habit of reading books, there is hardly any new information presented there.