I'm thinking Flynn and the patriots are using this to sort the patriots from the deep staters in government once this whole thing blows over. Flynn is not going to give out comms as 'disinfo' is necessary.
It's kind of sad that people aren't protesting the draconian mandates in New York but I've heard a lot of people have left so that's also a form of protest.
I never vaccinated my kids and they are perfectly healthy. Watch for the pro vax pediatricians that visit you in the hospital and make sure you let them know in the forms. Also no covid test, they put nano particles in there.
Sorry you need to leave the house before the situation gets more toxic. Your dad wants to force you to take a poison that could kill, give you blood clots, weaken your immune system, sterilize you. He can't be convinced for now. Stay with friends or find a place. College can wait till things calm down.
Seems like they need a trucker convoy too. Just protesting doesn't seem to do much.