mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

People like JP should keep quiet regarding issues he knows nothing about. China has been on the downsilde for years - even before the plandemic. Smart money was making moves to divest in 2018. I will admit that the downsilde started with Trump. He knew exactly which Jinga blocks he had to target being a developer himself. He knew the Chinese economy and local governments were heavily leveraged in real estate. All that was needed was the right shove in the right place to bring it all down. Funny that the current administration has actually doubled down on what Trump started. Now we are witnessing the results. In a couple of years China will be different. It may look more like North Korea - if Xi lives that long or is not taken down by the second generation reds, the princelings.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your reply wannabe and I have no doubt you have done your homework. I have seen your posts before. Because of the events that occurred in the last 4 years, many like yourself found themselves searching for answers. The road to arriving at conclusions took time, effort, and much contemplation. The information was not always easily obtainable - especially in the beginning. Good for you persevering in your pursuits and not taking the bull they were trying to sling at us.

You are correct on the false narrative created to pull their plandemic off for many of the reasons you stated. My point however, was that there was something circulating in the summer of 2019 that was making my patients really sick. Unless a person, or a member of their family, became ill with this flu, no one even noticed beyond the medical front line community. As I stated, the symptomology was very similar to what later came to be known as Covid. What exactly it was and where it came from, we can only speculate. But I do have my suspicions.

This "flu" was on my radar long before it made the mainstream because of the international infectious disease reports that I received on a regular basis. These reports basically only circulate within the medical community. I always looked for trends to see what was brewing around the world because long time ago I knew they were going to attempt to do something like this. At one time I had been involved in writing community Influenza pandemic action plans. What was written in those plans was exactly what took place in communities worldwide but they were written back in 2008. The groundwork for everything the "authorities" implemented during Covid had already been laid out in detail over a decade ago.

When I saw the direction things were headed from inside the medical community back in Feb 2020, that is when I decided to pack it in and leave clinical practice. Medicine had been going in a bad direction for some time, especially with the implementation of the ACA. Some of my colleagues, the ones that also could see what was happening to medicine, retired with the passage of the ACA or shortly there after. I still had a few more years to go. With the scamdemic, the handwriting was on the wall and what I saw taking place was something I could not be involved with. I already knew what was coming down. What I heard during online hospital grand round collaborations at the beginning of the plandemic horrified me. Anyone that tried to offer logical suggestions with regards to treatment was immediately shut down. I knew then that there was a narrative and plan in place. It sickened me to know that patients were going to be hurt and killed because of the profession I had been a part of for so many years. That was the part I had not seen coming and the extent to how far it would go beyond just public health restrictions and mitigations. I also knew that there was very little I would be able to do to change what was coming other than to try and warn as many as I could - as I had already been doing for some years after seeing first hand where they were headed.

In addition to what I was seeing in clinical practice, a bizarre respiratory illness was being reported among the medical community in China in the summer of 2019. These reports were coming from medical professionals in China before the CCP clamped down on the information. China is a concern because their air pollution is already off the charts and many have COPD. The Wu flu has never gone away in China and only the Almighty knows how many have died during the lockdowns. They are also dying and being injured from their own jibby jab - which China quietly removed from the market a few months ago. They also destroyed all the vaxxination records. Quite convenient when trying to seek vaxxine injury compensation.

The China jab, Sinovac, as far as I know, was not a mRNA lipid nanoparticle platform. I am not sure of the jab that has taken its place. The vaxxines have destroyed their immune systems and that is why there is currently an explosion of respiratory illness - and this time it is making children and young people very sick and some have died. That part is not fake and the CCP is trying to cover it up. Even with all the censorship and propaganda the citizens are starting to realize that the vaxxine is causing problems - especially with otherwise healthy young people dropping dead from heart attacks or strokes. The same stuff we are seeing in the West. Their citizens are highly vaxxinated and they recently made another max vaxxination push due to the rise in current respiratory illnesses. The CCP has been in mass coverup mode with all the deaths. IMHO millions of people have died and I would venture a guess that their population is nowhere near what they claim. I am not a casual consumer of events taking place in China. The culture and history of China has always been a fascination for me. So I am not uninformed of what is taking place there.

As far as I am concerned, this Wu flu was just that - a flu. However, I also have no doubt that it was/is a bioweapon - and they continue to tweak it. The symptomology that I saw in practice back in the summer of 2019 did not fit what I considered a normal flu presentation. With a curious mind and almost 25 years of clinical experience, something about this presentation was off. It was different in some ways and that is why I was concerned. As I also had previously stated, flu vaxxines, especially in the elderly, were going to make matters worse. This is another area where I was at loggerheads with my colleagues and I have no doubt it contributed to deaths among elderly patients along with inadequate treatment and deadly hospital protocols.

There were no excess deaths in 2020 as you stated and they had to make regular flu go away in order to make it work. In the West, whatever this bioweapon was did not pan out the way they planned and they had no choice but to massage the data and try to increase the death toll by other means. Evil bastards. The excess mortality and morbidity did not come about until after the jabs. The narrative they created around the Wu flu has allowed them to cover up excess mortality from the jabs. I am just thankful that more people are now awake then before because they are far from finished. We have another election coming up.

Thank you for your time and your response. Take care of yourself and God bless.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have to respectfully disagree. As a practitioner, I had people showing up at the office as early as June and July 2019 with severe flu like symptoms. My colleagues noticed the same thing but they blew it off as just an early start to a bad flu season. Some of my colleagues started pushing flu jabs earlier than usual - which in reality made patients even more susceptible to the Wu flu and with worse outcomes. This was buried in the research that none of them bothered to read. These clinicians in reality were setting up their patients to get even sicker - especially the elderly. During my entire career I never promoted vaxxines. I was vaxxine injured myself from jabs I was required to take to pursue my career. Never again.

Whatever the hell this was, it was making people really sick. There was something that struck me as odd with this summer outbreak. Patients' comments to me were that this flu made them the sickest they had ever been in their lives and in some cases it took months to recover. The symptomology read just like what became known as Covid. One of the major complaints was intense fatigue and brain fog that would not resolve. Some of them also complained about altered taste and smell. A couple of my older patients were hospitalized with pneumonia. Fortunately for them, there was no such thing as the Rona and they were able to be appropriately treated. No one died. The worst of it seemed to affect primarily people over 65. Younger people suffered from more generic cold and flu like symptoms and were able to bounce back in a reasonable amount of time. It did not seem like run of the mill cold and flu. Something about this was different.

So whatever this was, it was making the rounds long before anything was being called a pandemic. In addition, medical reports had been circulating that there was something going on in China apart from all the bogus propaganda to gin up the plandemic that came later when the news officially broke. It had already been on my radar long before it became a significant story. Later when the so called sequence was uploaded to the data base, I called BS then on this recipe in-silico sequencing when I got a look at it. I noticed early on there were odd things in the sequencing. So much about the entire story was not right - not the least of which is that it was coming out of China - but no one seemed to want to listen. I knew gain of function research had been taking place at the Wuhan biolab through international backing and the Chinese military. Nothing good was going to come out of it and I could smell the fraud then. I had no doubt they were creating bioweapons.

Whatever had been making people ill was constructed and manufactured. First, with the illness and then later with the kill shots - all based on this Frankenstein sequencing that none can show where it came from besides their computer modeling. I do believe however, that the initial illness did not have the desired effect they were looking for and fell far short - but that did not stop them from creating the hysteria like massive data manipulation along with non treatment and lethal hospital protocols to help push the narrative. Their goal all along was to rig an election and get to the jabs which were on the drawing board long before any of this nightmare started.

Many on these forums were also calling out the BS besides myself. It was sad that so few possessed the critical thinking skills to see through what they were trying to do. But I am grateful that I was not alone. Kudos to you all.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

We could take a few lessons from Taiwan. All voting is in person on the day of election - no mail-in and no absentee ballots. A voter must be over age 20 because they do not believe anyone younger is capable of understanding the importance of their vote and what they are voting for. You must vote in the precinct where you are registered and must show valid ID. Despite people out of the country having to fly back to Taiwan to vote, they have approximately 70 percent or greater voter turnout. All voting is done using paper ballots. They are counted, as far as I know, at the place of polling. The ballots do not leave the polling place. Each ballot is shown publicly with many citizen observers and citizens do all the counting. The vote is read out loud and it is then tallied on a board for everyone to see. The transparency is incredible and they have the results within hours. This is what the democratic process should look like. The only way that this type of system can be gamed is to keep people from the polls - which I have no doubt Taiwanese living on the mainland in some cases were coercively prevented from returning to Taiwan - but this was not enough to affect the outcome of Taiwan's election. It just shows what a sad state of affairs our electoral (selection) process has become - if we can even call it an election.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

Besides the fact that a move like that would be unconstitutional, what I have not heard anyone mention is the fact that even if someone was stupid enough to voluntarily move these unvetted illegals into their home, most of these liberal states also have generous tenants rights laws - meaning - a homeowner could find themselves removed from their own home while the squatters get to stay. I personally know someone with a big heart that tried to help someone and ended up removed from her own home by a protective order and could not get the squatter out for almost two years. She was an older lady on Social Security and had to stay with family while the legal system took its sweet time getting her home back. In the mean time, she could not even access her home because of the TPO. Illegals have access to NGO backed legal services. A homeowner, not so much.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please accept my condolences. May God comfort and strengthen you going forward. We are here anytime you need us. You are not alone. Sometime when you are up to it, please let us know about him.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Possibility: Grift project Ukraine is failing for the Biden Admin and the rest of the neocons. They have been looking for an offramp to shift blame. They cannot keep the disaster propped up till after the election and they cannot afford another Afghanistan. House refusal to provide funding for Ukraine may give them the offramp they have been seeking by blaming the Republicans, specifically MAGA, for the failure in Ukraine. Therefore, the Trump camp and MAGA needs to get ahead of this story. Don Jr is posting about the links between project Ukraine and the Bidens keeping the story in the forefront. It is important for American First to also keep these links trending.

The administration's narrative is already to starting to shift by telling Ukraine "as long as we can," instead of the previous, "as long as it takes." I found it curious that recently the war monger establishment, especially Republicans like Lindsey, all of a sudden shifted to complaining about the border. I smell a possible set up.

mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not in China. It may be cheaper, but it sure as hell is not cleaner. Then again, the Chinese don't care if you can't breathe or drink the water as long as they can make a buck.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you say VAIDS. There is such a thing as lymphocyte exhaustion that leads to immune suppression - not to mention that the innate immune response is dampened. These people double down on stupid.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have had several dogs over the years and all died from old age. They were never vaxxinated and they ate what I did. Since I eat clean organic food, so did they. What is commercially sold dog food and is it necessary? Dogs have survived for thousands of years eating from the master's table until the twentieth century. Now we are seeing our pets suffering from the same diseases as their masters - why? Pharmaceuticals and diet.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. The powers that should not be understand that when push comes to shove the majority of Americans will not turn against other Americans in that way - no matter how much we may squabble amongst ourselves. That is why they will need foreigners to do their dirty work. UN forces are worse than animals.

They have never had to confront Americans. We are not the simple minded vulnerable people they are used to abusing. I have no doubt that they have grossly underestimated us by thinking we will just roll over. We have always risen to the challenge when pressed.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

They can knock on my door all they want - I won't answer. If I don't know who you are, I don't open my door. If they have a warrant, nothing I can do is going to stop them from executing that warrant. So, if they are not kicking in my front door, I can assume there is no warrant, and if there is no warrant, I don't engage.

Never answer questions when approached by law enforcement - any questions. Do not engage them by answering even what seems like the most simple of questions - like your name, etc. This is how they trap people - especially the Feds. Anything you say can and will be twisted to use against you. Don't play their game. Opt out. Even with a warrant, do not answer questions - that is your right. When asked a question, simply reply, "I do not answer questions." Ask any defense lawyer and they will tell you that their client's worst enemy is the client themselves because of what they say to law enforcement. We have a Constitutional right to remain silent - exercise it.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

The answer is, they do not fight for the interests of the countries where they have been sent. They have no national interest skin in the game and no incentive other than a paycheck, or worse yet, their own sick agendas. Ask anyone that has had to deal with UN forces brought into their countries - especially women and children. Any foreign forces deployed in a country is never a good thing for private citizens.

mac1221 10 points ago +10 / -0

Why would foreign soldiers fight for American interests? Not likely.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for your input. Retired from GP myself. Worked in medical research before going into clinical practice.

I can attest to the seriousness of dental infections that people blow off. I got pretty good at just telling by how someone looked that they had a serious dental problem brewing. Impacted 3rd molars were not uncommon and people walk around with that time bomb for years. I had one guy with bad MD molar that he was putting off treating despite his wife and myself insisting he get get it taken care of. Over a weekend his wife said he didn't look well and wanted to take him to the ER. Never ignore the wife's instincts. He wanted to ignore her and go to the dentist the following week but she wasn't having it. He developed a rapid onset severe cellulitis. If he had not gone to the ER when he did, the doc at the ER said he would not have made it through the night. By the time the wife got him to the ER he could barely breath. He spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital.

Spent a short rotation with a OMS/MD at the hospital. Learned a lot from that guy. Like you, a lot of trauma and reconstructive cases. It is amazing how you guys put shattered faces and lives back together. Our training really lacks study on dental issues and the havoc they can cause - got to keep the domains separated you know.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

The city's answer... start a task force to study an obvious problem with a simple solution.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are several articles on the topic - this is just one. These illegals can be flown anywhere they want.

NYC's 'reticketing center' gives migrants free one-way airfares to anywhere else but here

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are correct. Any antibiotic can cause problems and people need to be aware of those problems. Self medicating is a double edged sword.

In my years of clinical practice, azithromycin was more likely to cause fungal problems from a single treatment course. It came onto my radar when, according to many colleagues that were alternative practitioners whose brains I frequency picked and applied their knowledge, saw a huge rise in people seeking their help after being prescribed Z-paks for sinus infections. People suffering with downstream gut symptoms sought their help with these problems - some had become chronic. I found it interesting how the alternative practitioners were dealing with the consequences of more traditional mainstream therapy. The whole gut biome connection was just gaining traction and it gave me pause - this was not part of my training. This was several decades ago and our knowledge base on this topic has increased tremendously. At the time however, most of my more mainstream colleagues dismissed the idea. Many unfortunately, still do not consider it as important.

Any scripts for antibiotics I gave were judicious, always came with warnings, and mitigation strategies to prevent gut flora upset. Z-paks I found were very effective at dealing with sinus infections - which I could always expect a rise in cases during the fall and winter months when the heaters started getting cranked up. I live in a low humidity climate and the heaters dry the air out even more. A simple xylitol nasal spray works wonders at preventing the problem. I cannot speak for others, but this was my experience.

The rise in C-diff complications was an attention getter for me as it relates to antibiotic use. Up to that point, the condition had been very rare. What was happening in these patients and why the sudden increase? I attributed it to the fact that Americans already had altered gut flora and the antibiotic simply broke the camel's back. Thankfully, I personally did not have a patient that suffered with the problem after coming to see me. I did however, have a few patients that did have prior experience with C-diff and the stories of their experiences were horrendous. Surprisingly, some were hospitalized after being treated for dental infections. Dentistry writes a great deal of prescriptions for antibiotics - with little or no counsel to deal with the gut issues. But, dental infections can be very serious and must be dealt with. Altered gut flora due to poor diet, medications, and toxic overload, makes the likelihood of C-diff and other opportunistic infections much greater. People need to be aware of these risks when they decide to treat themselves or seek professional treatment. Consumer beware.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are welcome. Cipro has a nasty side effect profile. Avoid it if you can.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Be aware of possible fungal infections that can come after a course of azithromycin. Make sure you mitigate that risk.

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