magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

So is this basically just saying "Democrats would never do this, because it's against the rules."? I could def see this happening if they retained power, clearances can and do get revoked. But I also think they already lost so this would never happen.

magaphraust 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was abundantly clear what he said and what he meant. Altering transcripts is so ridiculous. It's on video! If this flub is really causing them that much grief why not just finally throw Ol' Joe under the bus for his cognitive decline? He's out of there soon anyways, and it would actually be the truth 🤣

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm def no fan of machines, but this just looks like user error to me. First of all you don't need to press that tiny little check box, that's a visual thing to show what you have selected. You just click in the middle of the entire box that says Trump. It seems to be someone not very familiar with touch screens or how those UIs works, like how old people double click everything on websites when you don't need to do that. If this was some kind of scheme you'd do it in a much less obvious way. But I still think we should be going to paper ballots, hand counting, with machine count verification.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

(Excluding the covid vax that isn't a vax)

Are the vaccines safe? Not enough data. But we do have major conflicts of interests and financial incentives to say they are.

Are the vaccines unsafe? Not enough data. But we do have thousands of anecdotes and circumstantial evidence to say they aren't.

No liability with these products is huge in warping incentives from safety and efficacy to profit and profit. My guess is that they are not safe, and at best have low to mild efficacy. When you look at the data of these diseases and compare dates to when sanitation drastically improved vs when the vaccine came out, it seems clear that it was the sanitation doing the heavy lifting. But I'd also love to see data, data free from corruption and conflicts of interest.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

His comments, delivered with a chuckle, set off a reported wave of fear and panic among Democrats who speculated that Trump could have been referring to attempts to steal the election.

It's funny that their first thoughts go to stealing the election, because that's what they would do! (or have done)

magaphraust 10 points ago +10 / -0

To summarize, this is talking about the collision of two Federal Laws, the 1993 Motor Voter Law and 18USC611 Voting by Aliens (ripped from the article).

  • 1993 Motor Voter Law - mandates the option to register to vote when applying for a Driver’s License in 44 states including Virginia.
  • 18USC611 Voting by Aliens - makes it unequivocal and non-debatable that one must be a lawful U.S. Citizen to vote in a U.S. Federal Election.
magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would seem that anyone who actually wanted this, already obsesses about it, and wouldn't actually need it. Not to mention it would be out of date in a couple days as new genders and politically correct words are invented.

magaphraust 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it'd be a whole lot easier to just have President Trump say not to use drop boxes. Why break the law to send that message when you don't need to?

magaphraust 9 points ago +9 / -0

Calling some land somewhere garbage = immoral

Calling over half the US population garbage = moral

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Things like this sound good in theory, but I don't know. Lessons like this are usually paid for in blood, if the US pays that price for them, will they learn? Will anything change?

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even ignoring the $$$, what's the cost to our standard of living, to social cohesion, to safety, to your ability to get a job, to traditions and legacies handed down to us, to our very way of life?

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

U.S. Foreign Assistance By Country (since 2001 source):

  • Nicaragua - $23,813,565
  • Cuba - $6,808,674
  • Honduras - $204,735,841
  • Haiti - $309,172,923
  • Guatemala - $245,195,356
  • El Salvador - $157,461,795
  • Venezuela - $209,459,489
  • Ecuador - $244,052,414
  • Mexico - $234,607,842
  • Colombia - $677,593,007
  • Peru - $252,343,627

The politicians give away all our money, and these countries invade. They don't send their best. We shouldn't be giving away any of our money, but even if you could argue that, what is the money doing? Certainly nothing good when you have these kinds of numbers.

magaphraust 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's funny because he said Harris was not chosen democratically, and to rebut that the black lady says "that's not true, the political parties can chose their nominee however they want". He never said she was chosen illegally, he said she was chosen undemocratically!

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

.. okay yeah YOU personally using ID does not do anything. But when the bad actors try to vote, it's what prevents them from committing fraud. You can't possibly know ahead of time who the bad actors are, so you weed them out by having the same requirements for everyone.

(And don't get me wrong, voter ID does not just solve voting, it only solves certain aspects of it). I guess you are saying if "John Jones" shows up to vote and they are dead, then the voting location should already know that. So that was probably a bad example. But if no ID is required what exactly stops me from showing up at your voting location and saying I'm you? If you don't show up to vote, you would never even know I did that.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

ID isn't just about illegal aliens.. it also stops dead people voting, identity thieves voting, and people voting more than once.

I'd agree that we shouldn't need it, but criminals exist, so we need it anyways. Why would you leave something as important as voting up to "trust me bro"?

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would find it pretty surprising that not a one, of these people would divulge just this (if it was true). Considering how deranged so many of them are.

magaphraust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just a question if anyone knows, how many times has President Trump actually said this? I see Trump is going hard on early voting everywhere, but I've only seen one, maybe two, clips of him saying something like that.

Not asking for some compilation of every time he mentioned this (I mean unless, you actually have that), but more just in general how many times has the average person here heard that from him?

magaphraust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems like damage control and/or gaslighting.

  • You think our elections are insecure and votes are being flipped?
  • Well just look at this piece of paper, it says what you wanted it to say.
  • [Normie thought ends here]
  • Now let's shove that into the machine to count it, because it's physically impossible for that machine to flip votes.
magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spike Lee said on Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that if former President Donald Trump wins the election, it will be a “doomsday.”


Only it's doomsday for you, not the people.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really wish the people involved with these things would figure it out themselves (and/or with law enforcement) before the report about it. These giant stories with the singular most important detail having not been confirmed and could go either way, are just annoying.

(Not saying anything about you OP)

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a striking difference how much the left wants to censor speech vs the right. If magically the majority of the country was MAGA, and held all the same views I do, I would never want or condone censorship of leftards. I would simple ridicule and present better ideas... to the point I would turn against my own party if that's the direction they were going.

There's a reason the left avoids debate. It's because their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny. If they were even slightly confident in their own views, none of this would be happening.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dems are so very generous with other people's money. I wish I was as morally superior as they are! /s

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy is the quintessential woke general. I seem to remember him saying he wanted to understand "white rage"..

He's a total joke, and most likely should hang for treason. (He's not just woke, he has betrayed our county fundamentally). I fully agree he should have his day in court!

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lies like this make no sense to me. Do you honestly think the average person does not buy groceries? Like 99% of people can fact check this via personal experience

magaphraust 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know, all this does is put that money into the pockets of banks. I'd rather they just add up all the $'s this tax deduction would be worth across all people, and just reduce everyone's taxes by that amount.

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