Seems pretty obviously for a movie.
Edit: Historical dramatic performance.
I force myself to listen to npr and other such outlets.
The propaganda is at super mega crazy levels right now. They try to fit their narrative points into everything now.
Before they would have a few "normal" pieces unrelated to blmtransqanonrussiaresistance, but now they have to fit it in everywhere.
To me, this is a good sign of their recognition they are losing.
As annoying as it is, it cheers me up.
Clapton has been vocal about the dangers from the shot.
I think I remember at least one other from that era speaking out.
Same with punk. You'd think they'd be all about fighting the system, but nah.
But a group of people holding up their fists is cool.
Dont worry.. Dairy Queen protects Burger King.
9//22 is the autumn equinox this year.
Wait, you actually think this happened as described?
Right? What a team of writers.
I like the bald nuclear Matt Damon character.
Sign of Osiris. Also represents masonic iniate degree. 17th I think.
He claims they didn't specifically tell him to censor that story, just that he was led to look out for things related to Russian disinformation.
Of course, I think we all know how involved he has been with all the corruption in many areas.
Not for reading from boats, but from shore with people looking down?
How to trust a person or group when you don't even know who they are?
Dangers exist. How much authority do you give them? Do they know and have the literal truth about everything? Is that even possible?
If you feel in danger, and believe that person/group to be helping save you, there is going to be an even stronger tendency to hope they have more answers.
Could they truly be on our side, and truly believe something to be accurate, but actually be mistaken?
Add into this being part of a multiparty conversation wherein disinformation has been acknowledged to be a tool.
All I'm saying is come to your own conclusions.
And the skirt was plaid.
How about no tax. How about we get the money back that was stolen from us by criminals.
Or they want to reinforce the narrative of violent extremists posing a real threat.
Favorite as in what I enjoy studying is hidden history.
Favorite as in most consequential, is the nature and purpose of this realm we find ourselves in.
Spoiler alert, it appears to be all smoke and mirrors.
I am completely comfortable with disinformation making bad dudes stress and screw up.
At some point the date claimed will pan out. Maybe.
Maybe we'll all be surprised and not expecting it. Maybe they get things so wrapped up the claims are genuine.
Until then, just doing my best to be the best me I can figure out.
Weird that this video is everywhere now. This was at least 6 months ago. This article says it was Thursday.
It's a mod someone is making. Not an official game release.
In this case Kat Von D.
A family member had been feeling progressively blackpilled, but on seeing this post was popped back to the positive.
They said that she was even covering up tattoos that no longer resonated with her new perspective.
Love to see it.
Unless her job is to hurt her "side."
Then, A+ well done.
In the higher quality video, watch his collar right before the report of the second shot. He is either hit with something, or there was a lot of effort put into details.
They say those are galaxies, not stars.
If real/or not, in addition to other reasons could this be a very big distraction from something?
I hold out hope he is top tier trolling. Something about stirring up problems with the school board the year before for "toxic masculinity."